
Your Invitation:

A  FREE Tele-Seminar With Best Selling Author, The Capitalist Evangelist,  Mr. Wayne Allyn Root. Register Now Below. The Call Will Be Recorded and All Who Register Will Receive the Recording.

We Will Discuss  His Newest Book The Power of Relentless.   You Will  Get Information That is Absolutely Essential for Your Professional and Personal Success. 

BOOK COVER- Power of Relentless-page-001

Wayne is unstoppable and learn from him the importance of developing this knowing within yourself .


You will be shocked to learn the rate of what most call failures among some of the most recognized successful people today.


Wayne will share inside information that is in the book that will not be released until August. Be the first to know.


I have a challenge question for Wayne that he does not know in advance.  Will he take it? What will be his answer. You don’t want to miss this interview!


Wednesday  July 22, 2015  7 pm Eastern 4 pm Pacific


Your phone Register Below  to get the dial in information and the recording if you cannot make it.

There is additional information below the registration box.  Note please share this link with your friends, post to your social media accounts,  Facebook  LinkedIn Twitter Google Plus and more. Share the wealth of this upcoming totally valuable

More ….

Very few know that I interviewed Wayne for an hour every month for almost two years. I remember the first call like it was yesterday. Wayne called me right after that call and said Steve I really like working with you and I feel you and I will become best friends….and we have.

Most people that know of Wayne know of him for his love of America and is very pointed conservative commentary. What I know about Wayne is that once he makes his mind up to achieve a goal nothing will stop him. In fact the more people say no the stronger he gets. We have a presidential candidate worth more than $10 billion net who is running on the same fuel as Wayne.

This call is about the business side of Wayne. We are not talking politics except to relate the current state of our country and world to the importance of being relentless on being independent of not having to count on anyone for your prosperity and the prosperity of your family.

You will love this call.

Steve Pohlit
Ph 727-587-7871 (land line)

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