Likely The Most Secured and Valuable Business Model On The Planet

Time To Be Great, LLC (TTBG)

Time To Be Great LLC is the  name of our company or TTBG.  The time is now as many businesses operating  in the traditional fashion are not working very well.  Just today a report was published stating that in major metro markets more businesses are closing than opening for the first time ever. On the same day I sent the first draft of our business summary to my partner for review before it is sent to those interested who have  signed an NDA or non disclosure agreement. This article offers the main features of our business as our goal is to attract more who are interested.

TTBG Defined and Our  Foundation Principles 

TTBG is an innovative business development platform that solves the problem of people and companies that have assets with substantial  value and inadequate liquidity (cash)  This uniquely  valuable  business model operates with very few absolutes. The few include:

  • TTBG controls the asset and the deal
  • We only do business with people we know and want to work with or who come highly referred and pass our vetting.
  • Before an asset is assigned to our control, there is a notarized memorandum of understanding that includes the terms and conditions a preferred member in our company first. Once done the asset is assigned and we proceed to the capital raise phase.
  • Sources of funds for our assets already assigned to TTBG or to be controlled in the future are highly  secured by our assets and by the shares of the  preferred members assigning the assets to our company. There is another additional benefit:  a person participating in the funding that is liquidity for our assets is also a preferred member. They in essence have preferred stock. All are  defined with a notarized memorandum of understanding prior to the funding.  The value of that funding  position is determined by the value of our company  which already  is increasing rapidly and the time the funds are deployed.
  • We honor all referrals for assets and funding.

Near Term Priorities 

We are  in the next phase of connecting with potential preferred members interested in funding liquidity for the assets already controlled by TTBY Our interest in valuable assets including real estate, manufacturing, retail, more that need liquidity is ongoing.

Contact For More Information 

Steve Pohlit . Managing Partner
Time To Be Great, LLC
Text 727-224-4743

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