Risk Running Out of Cash Unless You Follow These Principles

Risk Running Out of Cash Unless You Follow These Principles:
This week I was working with a rather large company with multiple locations. Strengthening the controls over cash deposits and available cash was the goal. The timing of actual cash deposits varied since the company accepts cash, credit cards, third party financing and sales on credit. Reports were developed to clearly account for all sales daily and the deposit of cash daily. We then refined our controls.

The key objective was to measure and report available cash. This is cash in the bank that is available for disbursement. Many companies do not measure this number daily and if they do it is often measured incorrectly. The number one mistake is to ignore some or all of the disbursements that have been made that have not cleared the bank. Another mistake is to assume all cash is deposited when due. For example, deposits from credit card sales generally take approximately three days to be recorded in the bank. Deposits made from a remote location are often made using night depository, Those deposits are physically in the bank but often are not visible using on – line banking until the second day after the night deposit. All of these timing differences must be taken into account in calculating available cash.
My business (www.stevepohlit.com  ) teaches clients how to improve the controls over physical cash and reporting cash availability. Of course that is the first step in the process of forecasting cash positions and strengthening cash.
I apply these principles to my own business. My expertise spans numerous industries. Most of this experience is with retailers, manufacturers, distribution and trucking companies.
Discover “How To Increase Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less” by registering for my FREE course at www.stevepohlit.com
All the best,
Steve Pohlit, Business Consultant
“Helping Business Make Extraordinary Profits Now…No Reports…Just Results”

Author: Steve Pohlit

Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author

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