I Am A Victim Thinking Will Not Bring The Desired Results

Expanded Success Formula
Expanded Success Formula
If you believe there are shortages of opportunities and wealth, then that is what you are going to experience. Do you think Google or Facebook thinks there are limits on building wealth? What about Apple and the turnaround story of Starbucks? Have you looked at what Koty Batemen has done with Send Out Cards? The people behind these success stories were not born into those successes.

I don’t know about you but nearly every week I see some story about people criticizing the Top 1%, promoting much higher minimum wage is the answer or how government should be doing more. All of that is the thinking of victims. There is nothing stopping nearly any of us from experiencing all of what we want.

I a previous article I presented my expanded success formula. In a nutshell we are well served by setting much bigger goals and taking massive action to achieve them. Click Here for that article that also includes my five steps to success formula.

Results-GuaranteedSpecial Offer: 1 complimentary coaching call plus one call a week for 6 weeks -7 calls total. I have priced this to be affordable for nearly everyone and if money is your issue I am open to a JV. Start now and in one month or less you will see results guaranteed!

Call me now 727-587-7871

It does not matter if you have studied the Law of Attraction, believe in it or not. Look at your own life and evaluate what you have experienced. Look at those times you were “on your game” and not. How did you feel? Now take those experiences and decide do you want to create success in your life once and for all or not. That is what I am doing and a growing number of people I am connected with. Call me and let’s discuss how we might be able to help each other.

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Trump My Formula For Success Has Expanded

Steve Pohlit 727-587-7871

#businesscoach #profits #business consulting #realestatecoach #success #lawofattraction #victim



My Formula For Success Has Expanded

Success Mastery - Setting GoalsIn my last article I detailed 5 Actions That Will Improve Your Business and Your Life Starting Now. That article is posted below for your convenience.  This past weekend I studied Grant Carbone’s book 10x

Grant expanded my thinking and added fuel to the tank so to speak.  One example will illustrate: Let’s say you have a goal to make $8,000 per month. You take action but fall short by 50%.  So your results are $4,000.

What if you had set your goal at $80,000 and fell short by 50%? I think you see the point.  The related message is with a 10x goal you would be more focused and aggressive with your actions.  Of course there is a lot more to it and I am really happy my coach gave me the assignment to read this book and do all the exercises.


Results-GuaranteedSpecial Offer: 1 complimentary coaching call plus one call a week for 6 weeks -7 calls total. I have priced this to be affordable for nearly everyone and if money is your issue I am open to a JV. Start now and in one month or less you will see results guaranteed!

Call me now 727-587-7871


Here is a refresher on the 5 Actions I mentioned:

5 Actions That Will Improve Your Business and Your Life Today 

Step 1 Clearly define the outcome in measurable terms.

Step 2 Develop a plan of action to achieve the outcome

Step 3 Define milestones for achievement. Often in business those are quarterly and monthly. Quarterly and monthly milestones are not enough. What milestones need to be achieved today to bring you closer to your goal. These milestones or targets need to be measurable.

Step 4 The Gold Formula tm is my simple measurement of monitoring the variances from your actual plan. Actual minus Plan = Variance. The variance is gold because it tells you what to do. You cannot have a variance unless you have a plan and measure actual results against the plan. Today we are graphing key statistics. The graphs tell us the condition and then we are able to apply the formula for success based on the condition. Management by Statistics is the single biggest enhancement for performance in business and life that I have learned.

Step 5 Enjoy the process and continually refine your targets

These five steps are the foundation for how I work and how I coach. They are the reason I can offer my Results Guaranteed Coaching Program By the way I have a coach that holds me accountable and I am very grateful for him.

Special Offer: 1 complimentary coaching call plus one call a week for 6 weeks -7 calls total. I have priced this to be affordable for nearly everyone and if money is your issue I am open to a JV. Start now and in one month or less you will see results guaranteed!

Call me now

Steve Pohlit, Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant, Real Estate Investor. Published Author, Professional Speaker
Steve Pohlit, Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant, Real Estate Investor. Published Author, Professional Speaker

Steve Pohlit 727-587-7871

#businesscoach #profits #business consulting #realestatecoach

5 Actions That Will Improve Your Business and Your Life Today

Build Business ProfitsThe measurement of success that counts is results. A related measurement is how you feel about the results. A marathon runner does not start running 26.6 miles. Once that runner is able to complete the distance, they may set a new goal for doing it in less time or they may decide to never do that again. Choices …we all have them.

Step 1 Clearly define the outcome in measurable terms.

Step 2 Develop a plan of action to achieve the outcome

Step 3 Define milestones for achievement. Often in business those are quarterly and monthly. Quarterly and monthly milestones are not enough. What milestones need to be achieved today to bring you closer to your goal. These milestones or targets need to be measurable.

Step 4 The Gold Formula tm is my simple measurement of monitoring the variances from your actual plan. Actual minus Plan = Variance. The variance is gold because it tells you what to do. You cannot have a variance unless you have a plan and measure actual results against the plan. Today we are graphing key statistics. The graphs tell us the condition and then we are able to apply the formula for success based on the condition. Management by Statistics is the single biggest enhancement for performance in business and life that I have learned.

Step 5 Enjoy the process and continually refine your targets

These five steps are the foundation for how I work and how I coach. They are the reason I can offer my Results Guaranteed Coaching Program By the way I have a coach that holds me accountable and I am very grateful for him.

Special Offer: 1 complimentary coaching call plus one call a week for 6 weeks -7 calls total. I have priced this to be affordable for nearly everyone and if money is your issue I am open to a JV. Start now and by Thanksgiving in the US you will see results guaranteed!

Call me now

Steve Pohlit, Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant, Real Estate Investor. Published Author, Professional Speaker
Steve Pohlit, Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant, Real Estate Investor. Published Author, Professional Speaker
Steve Pohlit 727-587-7871

#businesscoach #profits #business consulting #realestatecoach