Scandals , US Deficit, Foreclosures….What Is The Solution?

George Ross and Victor Menasce
George Ross and Victor Menasce

Stop reading the newspapers, watching TV and engaging in conversations with others about negative news headlines. George Ross, Donald Trump’s key attorney and deal closure reminds us that most news is not accurate and at the very least not the complete picture. As importantly, the most immediate item that affects us individually is what we do for ourselves.

Wayne’s Allyn Root coaches his clients on implementing a success plan that is not dependent on an employer. More specifically start your own business. He uses the opportunities for learning marketing and developing a network that is taught by direct sales companies or network marketing companies as a great opportunity to be your own boss, work with other successful people and not have to worry about what an employer will do.

One of the areas of my own business interests is being with an organization that coaches business owners and other interested in successful real estate investing how to move forward and achieve continually increasing performance goals. The theme here is individual responsibility for what happens in your life. Most of us have the resources to move forward and do a lot better than we are doing today. I like the example I heard once where the question was asked “if you had the opportunity to buy a new $100,000 car for $5000 would you be able to figure out how to come up with the $5000? Most everyone said yes. Then why would you ever resist the opportunity to start your own business because you didn’t have a couple thousand dollars you need for basic infrastructure and expenses during the start up period?

Are you unemployed? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you unhappy with the work you do? Don’t look outside of yourself for someone to solve these or any other issue. Do you feel you don’t have enough knowledge or education? I just finished a couple days of coaching a person who has three businesses, lives in a million dollar home with a quarter million dollar boat outside. He is a high school graduate. He figured it out. You may know of others like that or read about them.

If you want some ideas, take advantage of my complimentary coaching call. Click Here to begin. Also be sure to register on this page for my messages by email. Each one is packed with valuable information to help you.

Bottom line: you are responsible and the only way to solve any situation you don’t prefer in your life is to develop an action plan and then take action.

Intellectual Understanding Does Not Mean You Will Implement 

One of my clients this morning told me the number one benefit of the coaching program was keeping them focused on what is important.

In my experience people make a lot of progress during coaching and lose momentum if they interrupt the coaching process. For a Free Coaching Consultation Click Here  

May Your Success Exceed All Your Dreams and Desires

Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International, LLC Email Ph 727-587-7871
Connect on

Trump e1345082132859 Success Mastery: The Basic Structure For Business Success

Success Mastery: The Basic Structure For Business Success

Success Mastery This Basis Structure Applies To Every Business

Clear Definition of Your Business – I use the phrase Executive Summary. Elevator Pitch is also very common. What is not taught very well is how to structure this for maximum retention by the listener and optimum value for your business. This area is supported by your business name and your domain name. Note: I do not focus on legal structure at this point unless you already have a level of experience with your business.

Why – So you have structured and are able to present your Executive Summary. Great now what is your Why for doing it? If your why is not big and bold enough you are will lose interest and focus. If you Why is because that is how you want to make money and your Why then is all about the money, your focus on what is required will wane and you will not achieve your business goals.

Results-GuaranteedNote: Each of these points for the foundation of my Results Guaranteed Coaching Program

Clearly Defined Outcome – This is always stated in measurable terms meaning revenue and profit if you are marketing products or services. If you are a real estate investor this is defined as business income – what you deposit in the bank from your deals that you can spend. The time line for this measurement varies depending on the business. However is almost always at least a year.

Define The Organization Structure Required When Your Business Is Fully Operational – Yes this is done in the early stages of the coaching program because business owners and entrepreneurs need to have a vision of what they are building plus the “Org Board” serves as a goal for building the team of people including outside resources that will help the owner or CEO achieve the intended results. This step in terms of the scope and detail that I know teach is actually new in the last 18 months.

Are you on my email list? If not – see the subscribe box on the upper right corner of this page. Do it now and start receiving very valuable Build Business Profits information.

Time Phased Income Goals – What this means is we take defined outcome goal which we previously said is normally defined as an annual goal and roll that back until we have agreed upon monthly targets and in many cases weekly and daily targets. We set this up on a proprietary program so you see the numbers and a graph of the numbers. This is the start of the process where you cannot fail if you follow it.

You are invited to connect with my Facebook Page

Gold FormulaTime Phased Action Plans – Similar in principle to time phased income goals, I am sure you understand that income is an effect, action is the cause. However not every action results in income. So I spend a lot of time with clients on prioritizing actions and measuring the effect of those actions.  We use the same program where we set targets, measure actual statistics against the targets, graph both and use what the graphs are telling us as to the adjustments the actions that need to be made.  This is the implementation of The Gold Formula tm

This is the basic infrastructure of Building Business Profits Fast   the title of my first book. My next book is taking this foundation and going deeper into Building Real Estate Investment Business Profits Fast.  Again if your are on my email list you will be receiving excerpts from my books and more.

Intellectual Understanding Does Not Mean You Will Implement 

One of my clients this morning told me the number one benefit of the coaching program was keeping them focused on what is important.  In my experience people make a lot of progress during coaching and lose momentum if they interrupt the coaching process.

For a Free Coaching Consultation Click Here  

May Your Success Exceed All Your Dreams and Desires

Steve Pohlit, International Business  Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach, Real Estate Investor
Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach, Real Estate Investor

Steve Pohlit


Success Mastery: The 5 Pillars of Business Success

Success MasteryWhat happens when you apply the 80:20 rule to the actions that must be completed to achieve stellar revenue and profit growth?

These Results:

Extraordinary profits

Harmonious work environment

Continual positive growth in revenue and profits that far surpasses your competition.

How do you achieve these goals?

Take a look at how most companies are run and don’t do what they do. People in most companies spend the majority of their time on activities that have little or no impact on building revenue and profits.

Your Focus!

First there are only five (5) areas of business that need your attention. Hold out your hand and look at your fingers and thumb – 5. Now follow with me on this because I am not in a room with you to reinforce the point. Hold out your hand and assign each of the (5) pillars as follows:

1.Sales – thumb
2.Gross Margin – index finger
3.Expenses – your “flip em” finger
4.Working Capital – next finger
5.Employees – pinky

80% of your time as an owner or CEO should be spent on these 5 pillars and 80% of the 80% should be spent on Sales (includes PR, marketing) and Gross Margin – the first two.  I will add that it is not just the current day’s or week’s performance. As founder you are the leader of these organizational divisions and most of all you are responsible for the strategic expansion of the business.

Normally there are minimal issues with managing liquidity and if any area of expense begins to be out of balance, it doesn’t hurt much while you are bringing it back in line.

When you are achieving extraordinary sales and gross margin, everyone wants to work for you. Of course there is a very precise technology in hiring the right people and having them become successful.

Again there is a precise technology to be used in each of the five pillars that is outside the scope of this article. However, if you focus on marketing, PR, sales and margin you will likely be doing very well while you fine tune the entire organizational structure toward your perfect business model. 

Nearly every article published at expanded upon the management of components of the five pillars. In most cases, the information contains practical advice that you can implement beginning today.

I have found that if the concepts are not actionable quickly and do not yield positive results quickly, people lose interest. It is no different than an exercise program.

If physical exercise is too rigorous, too demanding or takes too much time, it will not be sustained over time. Running a company is no different. The process must result in continual positive feedback as to progress toward achieving measurable goals.

Right now list the top 3 issues that are holding you back from making breakthrough profits in your business. Then start devoting at least 80% of your time solving those three issues. Once solved, do it again and keep doing it. Simple stuff.

For Your Success!
Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC
Results Guaranteed Coaching and Consulting

Ph 727-587-7871

Trump e1345082132859 Success Mastery   Simple Actions To Jump Start The Profit Performance of Your Business

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach




Success Mastery – Simple Actions To Jump Start The Profit Performance of Your Business

Build Business ProfitsOne of the simplest and most valuable things to do is look at your business from the perspective of your customer. If you have a retail store, shop it or hire a mystery shopper. If you have a customer service center, call them. If you develop information products that you sell on line, ask your customers 90 days later how they have benefited from the product and what else they would like to have seen included. If you have a membership program, and someone drops out, stay in touch to find out what it takes to get them back.

Recently I discontinued a membership program where I was paying a lot of money each month – much more than $100. I have not received one call or even one email asking me why. This is really amazing considering how much money it takes to get a person to sign up for the basic plan yet alone the plan I was in.

Here is another very valuable suggestion.   Follow Your Instincts! I have said this before and will be saying it in many articles in the future. Every client I have worked with knew the fundamental solutions to the issues they asked me to help them with. For a whole host of reasons they didn’t act and accepted inertia. In nearly every case the solutions were obvious and intellectually simple.

Right now list the top 3 issues that are holding you back from making breakthrough profits in your business. Then start devoting at least 80% of your time solving those three issues. Once solved, do it again and keep doing it. Simple stuff.

For Your Success!
Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC

Ph 727-587-7871

Trump e1345082132859 A Very Surprising Outcome To A 2 Minute Presentation

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

PS Be sure to check my Results Guaranteed Coaching program.

A Very Surprising Outcome To A 2 Minute Presentation

My 2 Minute Presentation

I advise all coaching clients and through forums like this to be very clear about what will help you. I implement what I advise so last night at a real estate investment association meeting in the Tampa Florida area I made two very short announcements

1. I acknowledged the coaches in the room then said the fastest way to grow a successful business is by working with right coach. I referenced my Results Guaranteed Coaching Program where most of the coaching fees for a real estate investment client are paid from the profits of real estate transactions that I coach them on finding.

2. I was somewhat hesitant to talk about the real estate deals in the pipeline since all of them for me are in other states. However I proceeded with emphasis on a  turnkey bulk buy opportunity plus a single family turnkey opportunity with cash on cash returns of between 14.5% and 17% .I love this model because your money is working  well for you with really great returns secured by the home.  The link for more information on the Turnkey Residential Property Opportunities Click Here 

Finally I asked the following:

Looking for a 3/2/2 with an in- ground pool for a lease option deal in the Sarasota market

Does anyone know of a good source of money – below 10% interest rate.

All the above was done in about 2 minutes and here are the results:

One person said he wanted me to coach him.

One person said he had $100,000 to put to work on the turnkey properties and wanted more information

I have lead on the Sarasota lease option request

I have a lead on the money request

Nothing Happens Until You Move! What Do You Think Would Have Happened Had I Not Gone To That Meeting or Attended The Meeting and Didn’t Say Anything?

Thank you,
Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC

Ph 727-587-7871

Trump e1345082132859 The First Quarter Ends Soon   Are You On Track Track To Achieving Your Goals?

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

– See more at:

How Your Book Helps Build Your Business – Google Hangout with Steve Pohlit and Alan Bechtold

During this Google Hangout you will learn 22 ways your book helps you make a lot of money without even selling one copy. This presentation addresses all major barriers to book writing and publishing. Alan Bechtold is an expert publisher, editor and marketer. This was a great wake up call for me to implement more of his 22 points and publish my second book. Get your paper and pens ready you are about to experience some very valuable information.

Steve Pohlit

The First Quarter Ends Soon – Are You On Track Track To Achieving Your Goals?

Achieve Your Goals With A Proven Process for Success
Achieve Your Goals With A Proven Process for Success

As soon as I post a headline like the one above along with this chart most people are thinking money.

Goal Achievement Is Not About The Money

If it is not about the money, then why is there so much focus on the money? Because income is the one objective statistic of results achievement. Everyone I work with tracks more than 5 statistics on a daily weekly basis intended on moving them toward their income goal. These statistics are measured and graphed. The graph tells us the condition of that statistic and we can then apply an action based on the condition. For example if the action is to communicate with relevant groups on social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn a target is set for how often this will be done. The target is set along with all other action steps based on the persons time availability considering other goals.

What Other Goals?


As an example at the start of the this year I renewed my commitment to achieving my ideal weight. A month into this year I really had not made much progress. Then I noticed a group formed to achieve healthy weight management and lifestyle goals. I joined. Now one month later I have made great progress to achieving my goal. It looks to me like I will hit my goal in 2-2.5 months. Like in business there are key statistics I am tracking and not just my weight. So the logic we use in business is applied to other goals that we define as being important. I coach people on related goals if they want that help along with achieving their business goals. Normally goals in the areas of health, family, spirituality become increasingly important topics when income goals are not being achieved.

Great Steve But What About You – How Are You Progressing Toward Achieving Your Goals?

This is a fair question as I should be a demonstration of my coaching process working. I already addressed the progress of one major goal. In the area of my own business performance, I have not been on track in January and February. Toward the beginning of February, I took action intended to move my results close to or ahead of plan. I am happy to say there has been significant progress in the past three weeks and I can see the statistics I track showing me I am moving in the right direction now. There is more to do. However the stats I track tell me actions needed.

The Secret Sauce

1. Why – your why statement for each goal is very important. My Why Statement was the first document I developed before starting on my plan to achieve my ideal weight. This was supported by like minded people. Being in the group I am in is very valuable. In business having a clear why and having a coach makes all the difference. I know you think I am just saying that because part of my business is being a coach. If that is your view nothing I write here is going to change that. I do suggest you take a poll of successful people and ask them if they have worked with a coach and did it help them.

2. Statistics – tracking and graphing stats is so important. The graph tells you what to do. This is at the foundation of my coaching and is the biggest advancement I have made in my career. I learned this in the Stats Seminar led by Meir Ezra

Now It Is Your Turn

If you are not on track – what are you going to do about it and when?

No Hype – No BS – Just The Facts

Results-Guaranteed“I stand behind everything I present and say related to business. If I guarantee the results – I guarantee the results. What I write and say is totally authentic and accurate. If I discover something that was written or said is incomplete or inaccurate, you will hear the correction from me.”

Steve Pohlit
“Results Guaranteed”
“Your Success Is My Business”

Three Business Services and Product Where The Results or Products Are Guaranteed
(click on each one for an exciting presentation)

Coaching and Consulting For Those Wanting To Jump Start Revenue and Profit Growth. New Entrepreneurs Accepted for Our Real Estate Investing Program

Organo Gold Healthy Coffee and Tea Products – Product Users Become Healthier, Business Builders Build Residual Income (The Product is Guaranteed not The Income)

US Turnkey Homes – Buyer’s Money Earn Up To 20% Annually With Their Money Secured

Nothing Happens Until You Move!

For Coaching See My Front Page at

For Organo Gold and Turnkey Homes visit the links above

Questions ? – Be sure to visit the links first –Then you are welcome to

Email me 
Call Me 727-587-7871

Thank you,
Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC

Steve Pohlit, International Business  Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Results Guaranteed – Check These Out

No Hype – No BS – Just The Facts

Results-Guaranteed“I stand behind everything I present and say related to business. If I guarantee the results – I guarantee the results. What I write and say is totally authentic and accurate. If I discover something that was written or said is incomplete or inaccurate, you will hear the correction from me.”

Steve Pohlit February 9, 2014
“Results Guaranteed”
“Your Success Is My Business”

Three Business Services and Product Where The Results or Products Are Guaranteed
(click on each one for an exciting presentation)

Coaching and Consulting For Those Wanting To Jump Start Revenue and Profit Growth. New Entrepreneurs Accepted for Our Real Estate Investing Program

Organo Gold Healthy Coffee and Tea Products – Product Users Become Healthier, Business Builders Build Residual Income (The Product is Guaranteed not The Income)

US Turnkey Homes – Buyer’s Money Earn Up To 20% Annually With Their Money Secured

Nothing Happens Until You Move!

For Coaching See My Front Page at

For Organo Gold and Turnkey Homes visit the links above

Questions ? – Be sure to visit the links first –Then you are welcome to

Email me 
Call Me 727-587-7871

Thank you,
Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC

Steve Pohlit, International Business  Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach




The Exact Steps To Building Sales and Gross Margin

Like My Facebook Page 

The Exact Steps To Building Sales and Gross Margin

You must first know the customers and products that account for 80% of your sales and profit. Please note that this required in-depth analysis of product sales and gross margin by customer. For some companies they may have a select number of customers that account for a large percentage of the revenue but do not account for the same percentage of profits.

Once you have this data then it is a matter of implementing programs to increase sales (see bonus below). Do not ignore gross margin. You cost of delivering a product or service to a customer could possibly be reduced with a resultant increase in profits, pricing may need to be adjusted or both.

Bonus Note: There are only three ways to increase sales:

1) sell more to existing customers
2) increase the transaction size of sales to existing customers and,
3) acquire new customers.

Also please note that increasing sales does not mean that profits will increase at the same rate or at all. For example, it can cost you more in the first year to acquire a new customer than that customer brings in first year profits. If that is the case you might be asking why would you do that. You might do that if the lifetime value of the customer exceeded the cost of acquiring that customer by enough of a margin to make it worth you time, money and energy.

Recently I completed this exercise with a client and directed the sales manager to schedule a meeting with the largest customer. The purpose of the meeting was to negotiate higher prices. The meeting was successful and the client realized an immediate benefit to profits as a result of this work. The effort was then extended to remaining customers and this client went from a break even profit model to earning 7-9% net income before tax on sales volume of approximately $12 million. Does the process work? It works every time.

Steve’s Law of Growing Market Share Part 1:

If You Use Half The Tools Available For Growing Sales and Gross Margin You Will Be In The Top 20% of Companies In Your Industry As Measured by Annual Sales Growth. 

Steve’s Law of Growing Market Share Part 2:

If you use 90% of the tools available to you for growing market share and profits, you will achieve elite status. If you consistently use those tools each day, week and month, you will maintain elite status and be healthier and happier along the way.

May You Achieve Success Beyond Your Most Amazing Dreams

Steve Pohlit,
Business Development and Real Estate Investment Coach
Managing Partner,
Steve Pohlit International LLC


How To Double, Triple or Even Quadruple Your Business Profits

How To Double, Triple or Even Quadruple Your Business Profits 

Toward the end of November I began positioning our clients for a fast start to increased results in the next year. Each person was assigned the task of preparing the detailed business plan for 2014. Of course I am guiding them on how to do this and I am being guided by my coach and mentor Meir Ezra.

There is a lot of foundational material behind the following outline that includes seminars, courses and more. As you read this understand there is an exact process to follow and that leads me to the one statement that when I heard Meir first say it in November 2012 started a whole new journey for me. That is: “if you follow the process, you cannot fail!”

Step 1: Write The Plan

With every client we move along a gradient scale. What that means is every person has different levels of experience and their plan will mirror their ability to implement. Regardless of experience, every client needs to have a very clear starting point backed by data. The data for established companies will include the history of sales, gross profit, expenses profit, cash and more. The data tells us the condition of the business. With that definition we will apply the right formula.

Clients just starting their business are in a non-existent condition for that business so the first step is for to make themselves known in the market place. Clients with weakening performance are in a danger condition and the first step for that condition is for the owner to by- pass key people and routines. There are six primary conditions and related formulas. The conditions apply to the company and to positions in the company. Graphing the data gives us the condition. Once know we know what to do – apply the right formula.

Know your condition as you move into 2014 so when you define your performance targets you are already implementing the right actions to achieve the targets. The performance targets include all major statistics: sales, profit, cash, debt, owner’s reserve as an example. The plan needs to address scope of business. For example we have real estate investors now expanding from doing their first residential deal to looking at multi-family buy and hold, being a referring funding partner, new construction and more. They are moving along the gradient scale. We have a client with a retail business now looking to expand the product offer, add an online store and open new locations. Candidly with any of these people if I would have begun to paint the expanded picture when I first started working with them they would not have believed it and they likely would have become stuck.

At this point clients are at the stage of the plan being an operating plan. We are currently looking at a near term horizon which for most is the year. For most a more strategic view is still emerging . Right now what is most important is for each to achieve their income goals as that will fuel strategic development.

Company targets are measurements behind the company plan. The company plan and targets are supported by sub-plans or mini plans. The mini plans have scope of business and targets. For example the retailer has a plan and targets for his main location and a plan for the online business and new locations. The real estate investor has a plan and target for the total business and mini plans for the residential buy fix and resale segment, the multi-family buy and hold segment and so on. Another client has plans for providing tech services to different market segments like home based businesses, businesses with employees, professional service firms, restaurants and more. The key is to have a specific mini plan for each segment or niche where you are developing business. Like your company operating plan the min-plan has specific performance targets.

This outline is very similar to the detailed material presented in my book Building Business Profits Fast The difference now is the additional information on defining conditions of the business and positions and apply the right formula for the condition. Since many reading this may not understand completely the condition part of this outline I recommend defining your company and mini plan targets with a huge emphasis on programs to nurture existing customers and massively expand through effective marketing and PR for new customers or deals.

Step 2

Program your annual company and mini plan into monthly and weekly plans. For our tech services client we have daily income targets. We are moving in that direction with our retail products store client and professional services client.

Step 3 Define Daily Targets for Each Task

Define the daily tasks that must be done to achieve the weekly and monthly targets. For example a number of daily tasks for every client are in the category of marketing. Real estate investors are calling realtors and other people connected with properties. A professional services person is calling prospective clients or people who may be connected to prospective clients.

Normally email marketing and social media marketing is part of the tasks that are performed. The key is a clear definition of the number of calls, the number of emails, the number of postings to groups on Facebook or LinkedIn as an example and the number is targeted by day. We have an excel spreadsheet set up for this that we call Target and Statistics.

Once set up for the week, there is one more action that is the key to achieving the targeted tasks and that action is scheduling the time on the calendar for getting the tasks done. This one action usually improves productivity by 50% or more.

Your Gift : A Complementary Coaching Session Click Here

May your success exceed all your dreams and desires

Steve Pohlit, Business Coach and Consultant
Steve Pohlit, Business Coach and Consultant

Steve Pohlit

Christmas 2013

ChristmasDuring  this particularly special and holy week, I express heartfelt gratitude for all including those whose views are completely opposite of mine. Those opposite me challenge my thinking and I like that.

I am especially grateful for those family and friends close to me. We may not be around the corner but you are right here with me and I love you.

As we move into Christmas Eve and Christmas my intention for all is to focus on all your dreams coming true because they can. Let go of all that is in the past except as the past serves as part of your learning. Release the emotion connected to that learning.

Our greatest opportunity is to be as excited about what we view as negative as that which experience as positive. All of it is simply part of this process we label life and it is our choice as to view it.

Edison’s success is based on his incredible curiosity. Be curious and grateful about all in you life.

Phil Robertson, regardless of your views of the recent publicity writes in effect that fame and money come and go while the Laws of the Universe are the Rock.

I love you and Merry Christmas.


PS Look to the right and register for my gifts

Guaranteed Results

Take This For A Test Drive – FREE Coaching Session Click Here

Guaranteed Results Is A Bold Statement.

Let me be even more clear. We will agree on a financial performance target in the next 3- 12 months and you will hit it. If you don’t then we keep working until you do or you say stop and I will refund your money.

For Example:

  • You have a business with many employees and while you are working night and day your personal income is shrinking. No Problem
  • You are an entrepreneur and you want to get off to a fast start – maybe (I know God forbid) you are excited about MLM No Problem
  • You are an international company with many complex issues. No Problem
  • You are a real estate investor who has been taught by all of the Gurus and you are having difficulty finding or getting a deal done. I can offer a special program for you in Tampa Bay and Chicago where we guarantee you will do a deal and make money.
  • You are looking to buy a business or thinking of selling one. You will be well served by talking with me. I have a lot of experience in both sides of the transaction.
  • Send me an example of your situation and I will confirm I can help you or not.

I Understand The Weak Promises and Guarantees In The Market

They are offered with so many conditions that there is very little chance of you receiving your money back WHEN you are not happy. I have only two conditions:

1. We jointly agree on the daily weekly targets that will absolutely be measured
2. You complete the agreed upon work.

If you do these two things, you cannot fail. To start I need information from you so I can determine if you qualify. Part of the qualification process is a complimentary coaching session. During that session you will receive 1-3 ideas and tools that will instantly mean a huge difference in results. So if we are not a good match, you will still have my most powerful tool for getting results. Please Click Here to start

The Only Thing That Matters Is Your Success

Contact Steve Pohlit
Click Here To Prepare for Complimentary Coaching Session
Phone 727-587-7871

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach

DAMMIT (lol) – Must Be the Worst Video Ever

Since This Video Apparently Sucks I Am Offering You My Book Free Plus A Free Coaching Session Just Register Here

Hi when I did this video I was so elated. I thought literally thousands of people would want to see to watch and take action on what was presented. Well the results suck. As I republish this 32 people have watched it and that includes me clicking on it nearly 30 times. I don’t know what I did wrong after all I have only been marketing on line for about 18 years.

Do me a favor and watch this – it is pretty short – 2 min and 46 seconds. Please share your comments about the video and this offer.

May your success exceed your most amazing dreams

Steve Pohlit

Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Giving Back On My Birthday – November 8 with My Book for FREE plus More. Value Is Greater Than $2,000

I have been blessed by all those who have taught me through example, personal guidance, in books, lectures and more. In celebration of me being here I want to raise the bar on what I am offering that will help you. Here is my offer
Building Business Profits Fast1. For today only all who register at  will receive a free copy of my book Building Business Profits in PDF form The hard copy is selling on Amazon for $14.97 Tomorrow morning all who have registered will receive the PDF version at no charge. The bonuses alone are worth more than $1,000. You must register today or at least before tomorrow when I send out the book. After that the deal is off the table.

2. I am repeating my complimentary coaching offer only now I am increasing the time – I am doubling it to almost an hour. If you are interested you still must prepare and schedule. Here is the link to begin: Click Here   This double my time offer comes off the table on November 12th. This one session is likely to make a huge difference in your results in 2014.

Please comment if you like this.

Steve Pohlit, International Business  Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Thank you
Steve Pohlit

The Gold Formula tm

I named this The Gold Formula tm because the Gold is in the variance. How is the variance Gold? It tells you the condition. Once you know the condition you can apply the right action formula and accelerate the achievement of your target. What is the formula?


A = Actual
P = Plan
V = Variance

Guaranteed Results

Take This For A Test Drive – FREE Coaching Session Text/WhatsApp 1-727-224-4743

Guaranteed Results Is A Bold Statement.

Let me be even more clear. We will agree on a financial performance target in the next 3- 12 months and you will hit it. If you don’t then we keep working until you do or you say stop and I will refund your money.

For Example:

You have a business with many employees and while you are working night and day your personal income is shrinking. No Problem

You are an entrepreneur and you want to get off to a fast start – maybe (I know God forbid) you are excited about MLM No Problem

You are an international company with many complex issues. No Problem

You are a real estate investor who has been taught by all of the Gurus and you are having difficulty finding or getting a deal done. I can offer a special program for where we guarantee you will do a deal and make money.

You are looking to buy a business or thinking of selling one. You will be well served by talking with me. I have a lot of experience in both sides of the transaction.

Send me an example of your situation and I will confirm I can help you or not.

I Understand The Weak Promises and Guarantees In The Market

They are offered with so many conditions that there is very little chance of you receiving your money back WHEN you are not happy. I have only two conditions:

1. We jointly agree on the daily weekly targets that will absolutely be measured
2. You complete the agreed upon work.

If you do these two things, you cannot fail. To start I need information from you so I can determine if you qualify. Part of the qualification process is a complimentary coaching session. During that session you will receive 1-3 ideas and tools that will instantly mean a huge difference in results. So if we are not a good match, you will still have my most powerful tool for getting results.

The Only Thing That Matters Is Your Success

Contact Steve Pohlit

To Prepare for Complimentary Coaching Session
Text/WhatsApp  727-587-7871

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach