Christine Comaford – Featured Expert

Christine is awesome. She has an amazing background which I learned when I met her at a seminar a few years ago in Orlando.  For now let’s get right into the topic. This article is very focused on two elements that I totally support. Those are the A priority key success factors which she describes as Needle Movers and the management system she describes for defining and implementing the action steps in alignment with the A items.  So ignore me and pay attention to her. Regardless do this and your business will soar with the Eagles.  

One more thing.. I noticed her post on Facebook and I am republishing this because it is valuable.  She has not asked me to do this and I am not an affiliate…I am looking into it though 🙂

Here is Christine……

Okay, in case you’re new to this, your needle movers are the 2 or 3 tangible results that, when achieved, will change everything for your business, allowing you to move forward FAST! I’ll cover this topic extensively at my Results Now Summit in San Francisco on June 5 and 6, but here’s an overview to get you started. 

Many people struggle with a lack of focus simply because they aren’t defining their needle movers and working only on those. It’s vital that we identify the 3 activities to focus on RIGHT NOW that “move the needle” – meaning, they move your business forward from zero to 10 miles per hour, or from 10 to 40 mph, or 40 to 90 mph. You get the picture. Distilling your business to its essence is key here. Needle movers keep you focused on the actions that drive RESULTS. 

For instance, maybe to move your business forward you need to: generate more sales leads, close more sales, train up your team to be self-managed. These would become your three needle movers. Further, everyone on your team should have needle movers that they are focusing on and reporting on. It’s important to distill your needle movers to only 3 is because each of these will have plenty of sub-activities surrounding them, and this is a tool to keep you focused and rockin’ toward REAL success.. So stick to three and GET YOUR NEEDLE MOVING!

A Monthly Planning Template to Support Your Needle Movers: Let’s create a Monthly Planning Template to help you stay focused on your own needle movers. Grab a piece of paper and place it lengthwise or open up a new document in Word in “landscape” mode. Now make 4 columns. The first column is labeled RESULT (this is one of your needle movers), the second column is labeled ACTIONS (these are the actions to take to achieve the specific needle moving RESULT), the third column is labeled OWNER (this is the person who is accountable for a given ACTION) and the fourth column is RESOURCES (these are the resources such as web sites, software and other tools or people to help an OWNER complete a given ACTION.)

So, left to right the columns are: RESULT, ACTIONS, OWNER, RESOURCES.

A given RESULT will have usually 3-10 ACTIONS, which may have different OWNERs for each ACTION. There may or may not be RESOURCES for a given ACTION.

I also like to include a TARGET, MINIMUM and MIND BLOWER for each Needle Moving RESULT. You won’t always achieve the exact result you want. This doesn’t mean you have failed! Heck, a result is a result, and it will move your business forward. The TARGET is what you want, the MINIMUM is what you are willing to accept, the MIND BLOWER is what would absolutely ROCK your world. 

One huge benefit of needle movers? Anticipation = Power! Anticipating achieving your needle movers keeps you going!)

Need help identifying YOUR needle movers? Join me on June 5 and 6 at my Results Now Summit in San Francisco. Besides a million-dollar education in business acceleration, there will financing opportunities, networking opportunities and enough strategies for success to launch your business into the stratosphere! 

To your continued success! 

Christine Comaford, Business Accelerator
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author 



Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

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