Install Google Friend Connect Bar On Your Site – How and Why!

Look at the bottom of  the screen and you will see the Google Friend Connect bar.  The value of this bar is being able to leave comments on the site or the article on the blog you are reading. You can leave comments for this site.  

Comments are also easy to leave for people in your network as shown in the Google Friend Connect bar and the Gadget.  The bar facilitates text comments and video links.  Commenting is the social thing to do for those sites and blogs that catch your attention.  This is the law of reciprcation.  When you strart leaving your footprint on others sites that you like the same will begin to happen for you.

A related site is The Social Media Souce . Visit there and notice the rapidly growing number of friends and notice when you click on an article the Google Friend Connect Bar follows you to the article.   Really cool!

How To Install the Google Friend Connect Bar

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less 


Marketing Is All About Traffic and Conversion

If you are in a for profit business you must have a continual stream of customers that buy what you offer. If you don’t have that working nothing else matters. Given that, what is your priority?  Correct…Marketing!!

There are only three ways to increase revenue:

1. Sell more products or services to an existing customer

2. Sell the same amount of products or services to a customer at a higher price

3. Add more customers

When anyone visits your business that is traffic.  When anyone who visits buys your offer that is conversion.

Recently, article posted here have been highlighting social media marketing for business. That arena is increasingly being used to generate traffic. I have helped many companies implement marketing programs that use a combination of tools including: a blog, a website, pay per click advertising, email marketing and more. These are all tools that work when used properly.

The landscape is changing with droves of people pouring into sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and more.  There are many people who claim to know why social media sites have become so popular but the reasons don’t matter. The facts are that there are huge numbers of people entering these sites and others like them for the first time each week.

Open up a Twitter account at and use the search feature at the bottom of the page and type in the keyword phrase social media.  Then begin to click on profiles and discover how many people are referring to themselves as a social media expert.

Key Point: If your primary intent is to do business, having a growing network of connected people on Twitter or anywhere else for that matter means nothing if they are not buying your offer. You have traffic but they are moving on by and the conversion piece of the formula is missing. So when someone calls themselves an expert ask them to show you the profitable business they have developed using social media. Don’t be surprised at the lack of response.

We started from scratch and developed two businesses that are profitable and cash flow positive using only social media. Social media we used  includes a blog for each business, and  a network we grew on several of the larger social media sites.

There was a lot of work involved in doing this. I know because I did a lot of it and so did my business partner.  Brian Campbell is the strategist on the detailed steps needed for this to work. Does this mean we are experts?  It means we really have a lot of skills, and now systems, for building meaningful market share in important niche markets.

My Top Two Recommendations for Businesses Wanting To Improve The Effectiveness of Their Marketing

1. Building a contact data base is key. Effectively communicate with that list. This is not new and remains a foundation principle. It is still an alien concept for most companies.

2. Have a find tuned marketing plan, budget and return on investment monitoring in place and reviewed weekly and for some actions, daily. All activity must be focused on building traffic and converting that traffic.

Closing Comments:

The social media landscape is hot and getting hotter. But there are also other proven business development tools including pay per click, email marketing, print media, electronic advertising, trade shows  and more. Each must be evaluated and tested in terms of benefit to your business. You can invest your time and that of your employees or outsource a lot of this. If you want fast results, outsource.  If you do, again migrate based on priorities and test.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less 

Why Social Media Is Important

Let’s look at what people think about most of the time.

We think about doing our work so we make money or in increasing numbers we think about finding work so we make money.

We think about our relationships. Our thoughts may be how loving that relationship is or possibly how troubled we are.

We think about taking care of basic tasks like, eating and taking care of things related to how we live.

In summary, whatever you dominant thoughts, dreams, goals, including your business goals…you are able to connect with others using the powerful tools of social media. Most of the social media sites are free to use. However, your most precious commodity is your time.  Start or continue your adventure in social media  with a clear definition of what you want to accomplish.

Manifest Mastermind, the business I started in 2008 was marketed entirely using social media marketing.  You can attract more people to your business or area of interest using social media.

Your Next Steps:

Register at The Social Media Source for Social Media Marketing Tips

Follow me on Twitter and I will follow you

Sending you energy of peace, happiness, prosperity

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit

Steve is the Founder of Manifest Mastermind which now includes training on using social media. The Social Media Source is a resource site for growing your network on line to help you achieve your goals in the areas of financial prosperity, health and relationships. Friend Connect Central is you social media hub…the place for connecting your blog or website to the world.

Steve is also the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate.

FREE Reports:

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

How To Add Google Friend Connect To Your WordPress Blog

The following tutorial demonstrates how to add this widget to your WordPress blog. Similar steps can be used to add this widget to a website or other blog platform.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit

Steve is the Founder of Manifest Mastermind and  President of International Business Consulting Resources. His consulting firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate.

FREE Reports:

How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Build Business Profits With Social Media: First Steps

The principles listed below should be studied, memorized and used as guidelines for all the social networking you do.  These are the basics.  More advanced topics will be covered in future blog posts. This will help you to attract a highly targetedhighly responsive social following.

Principle #1: Know your Niche.  Know exactly what type of person it is that you want to attract to you.  You should be able to define your niche(s) in a simple sentence.

Read More Click Here

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance  

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert 

Steve is the Co-Founder of Manifest Mastermind and  President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. FREE Reports: 

How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter


25 People Will Dominate Their Niche With Social Media

I am in a position to witness the development of very cool offer that is being announced in about an hour.  All I can say at this point is that If you have a business and if you want to dominate your niche then you must pay attention to the information at

There are many people shouting coaching, consulting, mastermind groups that will take you business to a much higher level of profitablity.  I know there are actually very few people who do the work and also teach. Very few who get the results and teach. 

This is the real deal and I will be posting this case study as it unfolds. For now I know there is a limit of 25 people. They will be guided on how to make a lot of money with their business. 

Click Here Now:

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit


How To Use Social Media Site Twitter To Find A Job

This is a great article on How To Find A Job Using Twitter. With the current environment I wanted my list to be aware of it: The complete article is published at:

It’s All About the Hashtags

There are three hashtags that can come in handy to someone on a search for a new job. Keeping an eye on #rtjobs#jobangels and #jobs can give you a look at who’s looking to actively recruit on Twitter. Even recruiters from companies like AT&T have started postingjob listings, often labeling them with #jobs. While #jobs may be the most obvious tag, there’s a reason behind both #jobangels and #rtjobs tag.

JobAngels is a Twitter account dedicated to helping individuals get back to work. Through retweets and reply messages, a number of Twitter users direct JobAngels’ attention to mentions of job listings on Twitter. Those listings are then broadcast to JobAngels’ 700+ followers on Twitter. Using the #jobangels tag provides another layer of tracking, for both individuals passing jobs along to JobAngels, as well as letting them listen in on another layer of the discussion about jobs that are available.

For the most part, #rtjobs seems quite similar to #jobangels. But rather than having one central Twitter account bringing job opportunities together, #rtjobs relies more on Twitter users including the appropriate hashtag in their messages. One Twitter user, Aaron Brazell, has created a site to help organize all the information labeled with #rtjobs. The site is based on the Twitter API, the #rtjobs site brings all #rtjobs tweets together in one place and makes them searchable. It makes using all the information flowing through Twitter that much easier to use — and it can be a much faster way to search through tweets to find a job opportunity than any other approach. You can even follow it through an RSS feeder if you aren’t so inclined to rely on Twitter.

Running a Search or Two

Click Here

Ask Your Network

Click Here:

Twitter is a Tool

Click Here :


Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert 

Steve is the Co-Founder of Manifest Mastermind and  President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. FREE Reports: 

How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter

Social Media Blueprint

A panel discussion of Social Media experts formed at a recent JV Alert conference addressed a question on the business of Social Media. A key point  made is that Social Media is a tool.

That excellent reminder serves as the starting point for this summary on How To Use Social Media to Start and Grow a Business. Social Media is a general term for community based Internet sites with the biggest ones being Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and very fast growing ones like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Generally, my first response with a question like “how should I use Social Media?” is “what is it that you want”.  My business Manifest Mastermind guides everyone in our free course as well as paying members to begin with a clear definition of what it is that you want and  then they are asked why. 

Applying this to Social Media and using my own experience as an example, my initial goal was to understand the primary options for Social Media sites. My conclusion was that I could spend my time for entertainment or for developing business.  Very soon I further clarified Social Media for me which was that I wanted to know if Social Media was a valid tool for building a profitable business.

Social proof that Social Media is an effective tool for building a business is Manifest Mastermind. The time line from business idea to business launch was four months. This actually could have been shorter if we would have been able to allocate more financial resources to it.  We spent a lot of professional time and very little cash in developing this business.

When possible I would advise others to outsource more but we proved that a business could be successfuly launced with very little money.

Social Media Blueprint:

This is a top level summary of the  Social Media Blueprint I recommend. This is  based on my actual experience with Manifest Mastermind:

1. Have a clear definition of what you want and why.  Are you using Social Media for business or pleasure?  If you intend to use Social Media sites for developing  business there will and should be pleasure because Social Media is about developing relationships with people interested in who you are and what you are doing. 

2. Identify what Social Media sites are best for your business. Actually this is fairly easy with the top three sites for business being Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  There are an ever increasing list of social media sites. Start with the ones that have the market. LinkedIn is growing fast and can be another one that is important for you going forward. 

3. Form relationships with those most likely interested in that what you are doing.  I am sure you have heard the advice to define your target market. This is no different. How do you find your market on Social Media sites? There are several ways. A primary one is doing research on: who is talking about your business topic (Twitter); who is joining groups related to your business (Facebook); and, who is adding video content related to your business (YouTube).  I advise a filtering approach. Invite people into your world and then invite them into a network focused on your niche business. 

4. Ultimately you must capture those with an interest into your own list. We use traditional Internet Marketing guidance on bringing people to our list and then offering value to demonstate why they benefit from spending money with us. 

Next Steps:

Manifest Mastermind’s business purpose is to help others create their own success stories. Success stories happen in the areas where people are clearly focused on a prioritized list of their own dreams. Dreams fall into three main categories: financial, health and relationships.  They are never mutually exclusive. Our guidance is based on The Law of Attraction and the Mastermind Principle.  Guidance is developed with experts advising us on particular topics.

We are expanding our reach in Social Media and we are soon launching our small group mastermind program. Every business model on line and off is based on one foundation principle: traffic and conversion.  We are extending our traffic building model beyond Social Media. However, Social Media remains an integral part of our business development strategy.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert 

Steve is the Co-Founder of Manifest Mastermind and  President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. FREE Reports: 

How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter



Job Loss, 7-Eleven Layoffs, Incentive Compensation

Today another announcement regarding layoffs. This one in particular caught my attention for several reasons. First 7-Eleven’s press release disclosed it was cutting 10% of it’s non-store staff.  It also disclosed it was suspending certain benefit contributions and it’s incentive compensation program. 

Before continuing, please note I am not in any way associated with 7-Eleven. If I were the content would have been different. 

In general, anytime I read about infrastructure layoffs, the ones at the support level, or enterprise level as it it sometimes called, I question, how these positions were justified in the first place. Every support position should be essential for the business and in retail there is trememdous leverage. Consequently I wonder what management was thinking when they allowed staff to grow by 200 extra people.  

I wonder what percentage of the annual payroll cost was cut. That number is not necessarily and most likely not 10%. The operative question is what is 7-Eleven’s, or any company’s support structure cost target, as a percentage of projected related revenue?  The related question is how is that going to be calibrated given revenues that could very well be lower than projected?  At what point are support structure costs fixed given the size of the customer base? What is the strategy for increasing customer loyalty and revenue?

These and other related questions don’t seem to be answered in press releases or related public disclosures very well. They should be for public companies and any private companies where they are benefiting from community tax incentives while such insanity continues.

Now that I am warmed up, let’s look at the point on incentive compensation.  I don’t know how a company can take away a properly structured incentive compensation program. In fact, the reverse of this decision should be implemented. Nearly everyone in the business should be on a pay for perfomance program. Incentive compensaton should be the catalyst for …well profitable performance.  

In summary, the principle is you are in business to make a profit and and people who work in the business should be rewarded for their contribution to that profit performance. With some exceptions, everyone’s compensation can be tied to performance.  In my experience with hundreds of companies, this is a hot topic that gets nods of approval and gets dropped like a hot potato as soon as possible. Why is that? Everyone feels they want the guaranteed income. As we have seen… there are no guranatees.  

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit 

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter

Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit


Business and Economic Mastermind Offers Solutions

I have been intently studying Mastermind Power as it is a major component of a business I launched recently. The following story seems to be about how a mastermind generated the ideas that brought the US out of the Depression in the 1930’s. It is far more than that story. See if you don’t agree.

I have read Think and Grow Rich and I am still reading it. I am paying more attention to it than ever. I didn’t know that Napoleon Hill was asked by the President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt to help the country in crisis.

Is the United States and world economy in a crisis? I think the mood is negative and that is my concern. Notice Napoleon Hill says that he wrote Think and Grow Rich to keep is mind positive with chaos all around him.

History can have great lessons if we pay attention.  Key lesson, form you mastermind group. If you need a place to start you are welcome at Manifest Mastermind.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter

Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term

This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit

Building Business Profits Linking To A Major Event

Major events offer an opportunity to capture traffic searching on the keywords for the event.  Caution: there needs to be  credible link to the event or you could develop negative goodwill with the campaign.

In this example the business is Manifest Mastermind which teaches the principles of focused intent, imaging results, using a mastermind group and in general all the principles of The Law of Attraction. 

The Law of Attraction’s popularity increased significantly with the release of the movie The Secret and the book by the same name.  

In this example, we were testing the idea of drawing the parallels to President Obama’s successful campaign and inauguration. We knew the inauguration would be a very popular search term. We choose YouTube video as the network for a short video clip. Our goal was to measure our opt ins during the two day test. The two days included the day of the inauguration and the day before. 

Our results exceeded our expectations with opt in rates more than double our projections for the test period. 

Manifest Mastermind is using video throughout the sales cycle and I highly recommend your business adopt this business building technique.

You are invited to experience Manifest Mastermind’s  free course 7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams. Click Here 

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit,
The Profit Expert

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter

Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term I am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871

This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit

PS. My doors are open for new clients and referrals are well compensated.

Your Level of Business Success Is Directly Linked To One Thing

When asked: what is the number one key success factor for business success?  The responses often are:

  • A hungrey market with money
  • Cash
  • An effective business plan
  • Management control system
  • Experienced leadership
  • etc.

There are many factors that contribute to a thriving business over time. I have led business consulting clients through all the primary steps necessary to operate a successful business.  Even after sometimes many months of work with very clear guidance, I have observed intelligent, experienced business people miss the profit mark and in some cases destroy what should be a successful business.

Personally, I have experienced successes and failures. Successes were not always sustained and failures were swift. In evaluating my own experiences and those of many other companies where I have had direct contact as an auditor with Arthur Andersen, CFO of several very large companies, business consultant  to companies ranging from small to large or as an entrepreneur, I discovered the key.

This key is present in every success story and absent in most failures. This key is the part of the reason for the idea of Manifest Mastermind  . Together with my business partner Manifest Mastermind was launched a week ago.  The first step we guide members to completing in the Manifest Mastermind process is having a clear definintion of what you want. I know a lot of life coaches and consultants start with that. Keep reading.

Most people when asked what they want start with a list that includes, more money, a new car, better home, financial freedom, improved relationships, vibrant health and so on.  But when challenged as to why they want the things they describe, the list sometimes changes.  On the topic of money, business people think in terms of revenue and profit milestones.  I have started nearly every consulting engagement with establishing a clear definition of the revenue and profit goals for the next year. But there is more to it.

While I am certainly not ignoring monetary and other metrics, I have expanded my  focus on what it is the business leadership really wants. Here is the key that I feel is most important:

Are you in alignment with the purpose of your business?

If your goal is money, you may realize your goal and not be happy.  So what is the point of the money? Or maybe your goal is money but the demands weakens your health. So what’s the point of the money? It is very clear that money, relationships and health are all interrelated.  If one is out of balance the other suffers. Alignment is the key.

Do you know anyone who really does not like their job? They are making money but how is their life and what effect does this have on their health and those around them?  What effect does this have on their spouse, partner, children? 

Do you  know anyone who is not making money and struggling financially?  That is a tough situation and most people in that situation have a single minded purpose which is to make money without regard to how happy they will be when the money is flowing. If they pursue just the money then often end up in the same pattern.

If you are in a less than successful pattern, it is wise to move out of that pattern. It starts with awareness, definition of purpose and associating with like minded people and masterminding for goal achievement.  That is what I have found to be true for me and others joining the Manifest Mastermind process.

You are invited to our free course and most welcome. Click Here 

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit,
The Profit Expert

Network with me on Facebook: LinkedIn: Follow me on Twitter

Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term I am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871

This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit

PS. My doors are open for new clients and referrals are well compensated.