Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author
If you follow me on Facebook you know I am very energetically opposite the liberal agenda. You also know I recently wrote the formulas used historically to resolve differences do not work. America more divided than possibly at any other time in history including the Civil War. With all the resources available to us we continue to kill each other, violate each other and be at war. The historical formulas for resolving problems do not work. We can keep doing the same or choose to create a model that does.
…This Is The Beginning of Exploring The Options For A Solution
First Question – What Is Your Definition of Freedom?
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
“Success Is An Inside Job” – I coach on this point and it is the core of every presentation I give to audiences in the US and Canada. There are three tools that are the foundation for my business ventures and for everyone I coach regardless of their industry specialization. These industries include: real estate investment, retail, mlm, wholesale, construction, professional services and more.
2 and 3 are in my classic Gold Formula format which is Plan-Actual = Variance.
There are additional tools that are used as I work forward with clients and help them stay on the path of achieving success in the three pillars of their life: health, relationships and money. However, we always start with the Three Foundation Tools.
Deliberately Create Your Success
Branding is one of the sections of the Vision Board. In this section we develop a very clear definition of the business model. Using the AAW we focus on those actions that will result in the transactions that will achieve the Financial Plan Targets. All of this is linked to the picture of what the student is intending to experience. In the following video Abraham through Ester Hicks explains the Universal Law of creating the outcome in your vision which then drives you to the actions that will get you the results you are intending. Notice the emphasis on the sequence – thought then action. This is very important.
Do What You Love
If you are passionate about what you do, you are very likely to achieve the success you desire. The primary reason is The Law of Opposites. All of us have varying degrees of opposite experiences. An easy to understand example is our knowing the difference between hot and cold. If we didn’t know cold there could be no hot. The same is true for those life and business experiences we categorize as exciting and positive. We know what that feels like because we know the opposite. When life delivers the hits we will get back up if we love what we do.
Here is one great example of a person completely focused …. “by day I tell all my friends my dream is to spend my life doing what I feel I was born to do…”
Continue To Develop Your Skills and Confidence Without Any Comparisons or Attention To What Others Think
Of course I am not suggesting ignoring the guidance and wisdom of others. As a coach I have a major responsibility to guide people and no the difference between what I see as absolutely working and that which may be opinion based. To conclude this blueprint, I share with you what may be the most inspirational video ever. No one thought this person ever could get up and do what she did. Think about her presence and how seemingly opposite it is from her unshakable confidence. What did she say when asked why she was not yet a star? “I have not been given the chance before!” …and the rest is history.
Concluding Advice
Pay close attention to the blueprint here and apply the principles to the three pillars of your life: health, relationships and money—-now go out and create your wildest dreams.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is managing partner of a successful real estate investment firm, the founder of Manifest Mastermind and an expert international business and real estate investment coach focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
I do not know who JR is. This article was posted on my Facebook status feed. It is very compelling
——————————————– I am a student of history. Professionally. I have written 15 books in six languages, and have studied it all my life. I think there is something monumentally large afoot, and I do not believe it is just a banking crisis, or a mortgage crisis, or a credit crisis. Yes these exist, but they are merely single facets on a very large gemstone that is only now coming into a sharper focus.
Something of historic proportions is happening. I can sense it because I know how it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to it. Yes, a perfect storm may be brewing, but there is something happening within our country that has been evolving for about ten – fifteen years. The pace has dramatically quickened in the past two.
We demand and then codify into law the requirement that our banks make massive loans to people we know they can never pay back? Why?We learn just days ago that the Federal Reserve, which has little or no real oversight by anyone, has “loaned” two trillion dollars (that is $2,000,000,000,000) over the past few months, but will not tell us to whom or why or disclose the terms. That is our money. Yours and mine. And that is three times the 700B we all argued about so strenuously just this past September. Who has this money? Why do they have it? Why are the terms unavailable to us? Who asked for it? Who authorized it? I thought this was a government of “we the people,” who loaned our powers to our elected leaders. Apparently not.
We have spent two or more decades intentionally de-industrializing our economy. Why?
We have intentionally dumbed down our schools, ignored our history, and no longer teach our founding documents, why we are exceptional, and why we are worth preserving. Students by and large cannot write, think critically, read, or articulate. Parents are not revolting, teachers are not picketing, school boards continue to back mediocrity. Why?
We have now established the precedent of protesting every close election (now violently in California over a proposition that is so controversial that it wants marriage to remain between one man and one woman. Did you ever think such a thing possible just a decade ago?). We have corrupted our sacred political process by allowing unelected judges to write laws that radically change our way of life, and then mainstream Marxist groups like ACORN and others to turn our voting system into a banana republic. To what purpose?
Now our mortgage industry is collapsing, housing prices are in free fall, major industries are failing, our banking system is on the verge of collapse, social security is nearly bankrupt, as is medicare and our entire government, our education system is worse than a joke (I teach college and know precisely what I am talking about)–the list is staggering in its length, breadth, and depth. It is potentially 1929 x ten. And we are at war with an enemy we cannot name for fear of offending people of the same religion, who cannot wait to slit the throats of your children if they have the opportunity to do so.
And now we have elected a man no one knows anything about, who has never run so much as a Dairy Queen, let alone a town as big as Wasilla, Alaska. All of his associations and alliances are with real radicals in their chosen fields of employment, and everything we learn about him, drip by drip, is unsettling if not downright scary (Surely you have heard him speak about his idea to create and fund a mandatory civilian defense force stronger than our military for use inside our borders? No? Oh of course. The media would never play that for you over and over and then demand he answer it. Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter and $150,000 wardrobe is more imporant.)Mr. Obama’s winning platform can be boiled down to one word: change.
I have never been so afraid for my country and for my children as I am now.
This man campaigned on bringing people together, something he has never, ever done in his professional life. In my assessment, Obama will divide us along philosophical lines, push us apart, and then try to realign the pieces into a new and different power structure. Change is indeed coming. And when it comes, you will never see the same nation again.
And that is only the beginning.
And I thought I would never be able to experience what the ordinary, moral German felt in the mid-1930s. In those times, the savior was a former smooth-talking rabble-rouser from the streets, about whom the average German knew next to nothing. What they did know was that he was associated with groups that shouted, shoved, and pushed around people with whom they disagreed; he edged his way onto the political stage through great oratory and promises. Economic times were tough, people were losing jobs, and he was a great speaker. And he smiled and waved a lot. And people, even newspapers, were afraid to speak out for fear that his “brown shirts” would bully them into submission. And then, he was duly elected to office, a full-throttled economic crisis at hand [the Great Depression]. Slowly but surely he seized the controls of government power, department by department, person by person, bureaucracy by bureaucracy. The kids joined a Youth Movement in his name, where they were taught what to think. How did he get the people on his side? He did it promising jobs to the jobless, money to the moneyless, and goodies for the military-industrial complex. He did it by indoctrinating the children, advocating gun control, health care for all, better wages, better jobs, and promising to re-instill pride once again in the country, across Europe, and across the world.He did it with a compliant media–did you know that? And he did this all in the name of justice and . . . change. And the people surely got what they voted for.
(Look it up if you think I am exaggerating.)
Read your history books. Many people objected in 1933 and were shouted down, called names, laughed at, and made fun of. When Winston Churchill pointed out the obvious in the late 1930s while seated in the House of Lords in England (he was not yet Prime Minister), he was booed into his seat and called a crazy troublemaker. He was right, though.
Don’t forget that Germany was the most educated, cultured country in Europe. It was full of music, art, museums, hospitals, laboratories, and universities. And in less than six years–a shorter time span than just two terms of the U. S. presidency–it was rounding up its own citizens, killing others, abrogating its laws, turning children against parents, and neighbors against neighbors. All with the best of intentions, of course. The road to Hell is paved with them.
As a practical thinker, one not overly prone to emotional decisions, I have a choice: I can either believe what the objective pieces of evidence tell me (even if they make me cringe with disgust); I can believe what history is shouting to me from across the chasm of seven decades; or I can hope I am wrong by closing my eyes, having another latte, and ignoring what is transpiring around me.
Some people scoff at me, others laugh, or think I am foolish, naive, or both. Perhaps I am. But I have never been afraid to look people in the eye and tell them exactly what I believe–and why I believe it.
I pray I am wrong. I do not think I am.
Best regards, JR
Thank you JR and this is courtesy of:
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Google Peggy and discover how experienced and respected she is. Today she published an editorial in the Wall Street Journal She writes : the winning politicians of the future will not be all about I.” This message is marketing 101 in the business world where we learn that sustainable success is achieved by those companies focused on the features and benefits for their clients.
Peggy really gets going and is right on when she discusses just what happened to a president who had everything going for him in 2009, wining by a wide margin, democratic control of the congress and now he is fighting for his political career ( or he seems to be). This president has devoted most of the last 6 months to getting re-elected. What happened to running the country being his job. Was that the reason he ignored what was really happening in Benghazi and is that the reason he is virtually ignoring the true jobless rate, the massive increase in debt and growth in entitlements. Is that why he seems oblivious to the disconnect between him and the congress and much of the nation. Obama is not just an opponent of those opposite his views, he is an enemy of everything we stand for and an enemy of our constitution.
Peggy is a much better thought leader than me. She may not say that a vote for Obama is a vote against America but I will and I just did. But what Peggy does point out is consistent with other resources. She says Obama failed in the past four years because he had so much confidence in his abilities even though there was a lot of evidence to the contrary. “He had confidence without full capacity”
Her conclusion is compelling “…whatever happens Mr. Obama will not own the room as once he did. If he wins…..we will not see a different president.” —-and that my friends is what scares me the most—-we will not see a different president.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.