Building Business Profits Fast Chapter 4 Track Down and Kill the Number One Thing Blocking You from Hitting Your Goals with Ease

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’” — Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Are you worried about paying your bills?
  • Have your vendors put you on a cash-on-demand basis?
  • Are more of your personal and professional relationships strained? 
  • Is the state of your health, slipping?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping?

If any of these questions or problems plague your thoughts and energy, or if you have any similar concerns, you need to get them under control fast. They’ll constantly pull you off-track in your quest to steadily grow toward your goal and prosperity beyond your goal. My Manifest Mastermind course will help you when it comes to handling these problems. You can find out more about this valuable free course at

Let’s look at some of the best things you can do right now, to get yourself on-track:

Getting Unstuck

I recently listened to a presentation where the speaker listed four of the major reasons companies become stuck. They are:

  • Lack of marketing
  • Lack of talent
  • Lack of systems
  • Lack of capital

None of these, collectively or individually, are the major reason most companies fail. The major reason most companies and people fail is fear. This isn’t the same fear as when, for example, someone breaks into your home. It’s the fear of failure, rejection and disapproval.

The fear that blocks business success is pervasive. It prevents the new distributor in a network marketing company from talking with anyone about the products and business opportunity. Fear prevents the real estate investor from announcing to a small group that she’s an investor and describing the deals that work for her. Fear is the reason for most people spending a lot of time on e-mails and on non-directed social media, when none of those activities make any real difference in their businesses.

Knowing All the Required Action Steps, Here Are Some of the Biggest Fears or Excuses That Can Still Block You From Taking Action:

  • What will others think?
  • What if the answer is “no?”
  • I can’t compare to other experts/gurus doing the same thing
  • I’m not attractive or good-looking enough
  • I don’t have a college degree
  • I’m too young or too old
  • Money is the root of all evil. Success equals evil
  • None of my family and friends will want to be around me
  • Everyone will want my money
  • People will only want to be my friend because of my success
  • I will lose all my money
  • I will be attacked for all my money
  • My family will feel bad because of the attacks on me

I’m sure you could add to this list. These are real fears that have often held far too many people back, until their influence is eliminated. Your specific fears may vary, but remember that fears are often subconscious and not always clearly evident to you. You have to be willing to seriously drill down on your fears and identify them all – even when it’s a bit uncomfortable doing so.

In fact, this is important enough for you to warrant creating a list of all of your fears.

Immediate Action Step 1:

List all of your fears. If you have less than 20 – keep working. There honestly are a lot of fears you’ll have to dig even deeper to get at and identify. If you don’t identify your fears, you can’t do anything to stop them from driving you off the path to your goals.

Immediate Action Step2:

Use your daily journal and begin focusing on all the reasons there is nothing to fear. Begin to train your thinking by realizing fear is a product of how you think. Once you change how you think, you change how you feel. Once you change how you feel, you change how you act and, if you intend to Build Business Profits Fast, you will.

When you clearly see your fear as a creation of your mind, it’s time to concentrate on the action steps that will result in you Building Business Profits Fast by successfully marketing, getting systems in place and, finally, by gaining control of and aligning your capital.

Fear is a negative emotion. Negative emotions tear down essential building blocks in your mind and clog your path of success in life and in your business. If you find it difficult to identify all your fears and get them under control, they will definitely slow your progress and can often bring everything to a screeching halt. Your personal mindset work, when combined with coaching, will provide you with exactly the push past those fears you need, so you can easily climb higher and build faster than you ever imagined.

Be sure to register now to get on my email lists. You’ll get tons of valuable free information from me that will further help you eliminate fear and fuel your success here:

Remove the Emotional Roadblocks

Becoming unstuck from fear takes commitment and perseverance. Don’t go into this lightly. The action steps needed to overcome these hurdles must come from within you, so you must allow plenty of time for this process so you properly identify all your fears!

This step is vital to one of the other ingredients for rapid success I’ve mentioned earlier – your confidence. Once you get a handle on your fear, you find it’s always easier to decide and to act. All the other pieces you’ll learn and the execution of the custom plan you’re building will then fall easily into place. Be accountable and steadfast in getting over these bumps. Most people struggle with them, but they most certainly aren’t insurmountable.

Practice Will Make Perfect

Practice repeatedly. You can’t excel in any endeavor without constantly going through the motions until it becomes instinctive. Learn from the things you do that fail. Go back to  before the times when things were not going as planned, or when you were not achieving your goal, and look between the lines. I guarantee you’ll find the source of the problem.

“The answer to the problem always lies in the action or situation that preceded the problem.” Meir Ezra

This means, when you experience a problem, you must look at the events leading up to that problem now declaring itself. This is how you’ll find the cause of the problem that created the situations preceding the problem.

For example: in the situation where a couple has a relationship problem, we can examine the situation and see a point in the relationship where communication changed – where the connection first became more distant. At that point, we can examine what brought about this change.

If the two people are authentic, the truth will come out. Once the truth is there – and this means the truth on both sides – then the couple is in a position to move forward or to realize there isn’t a point to it.

In every situation, it’s not about one person being right and another being wrong. In fact, it is important to never make the person wrong because the person is not. Their actions may not be ethical but each person is perfect. Those studying the essence of who we are will understand this. If you do not understand, then I highly recommend a course of study that examines the essence of who we are. The free course at Manifest Mastermind is a good start. Visit

In every situation, it’s about each side being authentic in their approach to conflict or negative energy resolution. This is very important to understand. In business and in life, the degree of success you experience in your business and personal life will be in direct proportion to the authenticity of the people and of the relationship.

Making it Simple

After you’ve identified the source of the problem, all you have to do is re-create the missing element. What was different then from where you were when you last hit the mark, when you achieved a successful outcome? When you know this, you can learn from every mistake and miscalculation and achieve a lot more in your professional and personal life. When you apply this consistently, you’ll always have the confidence to make the decisions necessary to keep moving forward, because you’ll realize there is never a need to fear “missing the mark.”

Understand that you’re not alone, even in the low spots. You’re gaining the knowledge to climb out of them, where others may remain stuck or even hit bottom and stay. This won’t happen to you if you stay focused on what I’m teaching you.

Fail Forward

These lessons are solid. Following these steps can indeed be the key to reaching your goal. However, even these steps can fail if they’re not executed correctly. This is where I again urge you to consider coaching, not only because that’s what I do, but because that’s what’s needed, to help you see and to help you fill in the low spots in your potential so you reach your ultimate success.

Remember you really can do it all and do it successfully all the time, as overwhelming as that might sound at this time. The reality we experience is defined by the mindset of our limitations. If you tell yourself you have weaknesses, redefine this view immediately. Define and implement the structure that turns any and all views of weakness into opportunities for a huge surge of personal strength and organization so you’ll move consistently toward the huge gains in revenue and profits you seek.

 When you understand the simple fact that all limitations are created in your mind, you’ll easily accelerate the achievement of your profit and lifestyle goals. The steps in this book, teaching you how to achieve a 30% increase in profits in 90 days or less, will become just like a “walk in the park.”

I’ve taken huge risks in my life. Not all of them have been successful. Some have been devastating disasters. Yet, even in the gloomy times, having the courage to get back up and learn from those mistakes gives you more tools you can then use to become even more successful than ever.

Learn from my personal trials and errors, but also learn from the others who will help build your weaknesses into successes. Don’t be afraid to work with more than one coach. I’m working with a coach who holds me accountable for executing my near-term action plan that fuels a bigger strategy. I’m working with another coach who advises me on how to structure deals with those who fund acquisitions of properties and businesses. My special coach is my spiritual coach who helps me focus on what’s really important – the inner game. I have another coach who critiques all my moves and offers guidance on how to think much bigger and progress much faster.

Every company has issues. When your company has issues, this doesn’t mean your team isn’t capable of handling problems. It often just means the issues have changed and the team hasn’t been structured to deal with a continually changing environment yet. Creating the right dynamics in your business can result in power-boosting the company to maximum efficiency and profits.

How do you create the right dynamics? While a subject of another entire book, I can tell you it’s a process of clearly defining the outcome of every process and function in your business. Having a structure where there is no overlapping of accountabilities and a culture where responsibility for decisions rests at the level best suited for the intended outcome. This sets up the perfect dynamics in your business for hitting your targets every time.

For example, in customer service, you know the company’s structured correctly when you make one call and the issue is handled without having any additional people involved on the other side.

Dare to be Different

I want to inspire you to dare to be different. Even during the shakiest of times, you have to be willing to risk much to gain much. The power of this prosperous thinking, shoving away those nagging negative thoughts, dramatically increases the potential of where you can go.

Discard relationships with anyone who is scattered and disoriented. Surround yourself with positive, organized people and thoughts.

Practice these principles daily as you would when you practice playing a musical instrument or getting into better physical condition. The more you practice, the more it becomes instinctive and part of who you are. Hold on to the rod of forward movement. Stepping back when times get hard makes it twice as difficult to gain your momentum once again. Only staying on the pre-designed path toward an attainable goal can set your vision forward in a positive way and keep you on your 90-day goal.

As in the gold miner example – background, analytical work, market trend analysis and technological goals play a huge part in understanding your business’ potential failure or success.

All Things Are Possible Through the Power of Thought. Find the Right Guidance System for You!

Find your guidance in the Universe. I found mine with God. Find what you need to constantly keep you in check of your core values and forever continue to increase that focus. Always continue improving personal skill, health, energy and efficiency.

Use the journals I recommended earlier. Journals help you focus on where you want to direct your thinking. I want to direct my thinking on positive personal and professional results. I want to focus my attention on all the things that I take for granted and that life would be more difficult without. I have a gratitude journal. In it, I write a growing list of what I’m grateful for. Here, you’ll also find things I’m repeatedly grateful for like running water.

“I’m so grateful for running water,” is how it reads. There are many more. Nothing is too small or seemingly inconsequential to include.

I’ve found that writing these things down cements your internal gratitude for everything you’ve been blessed with and creates a situation where you’ll find yourself constantly receiving more. If you want to smile the next time things don’t seem to be going your way, just make a list of those things you’re grateful for that you otherwise take for granted. This includes simple things that are huge conveniences such as electricity, cell phones or toothpaste.

Try it. Don’t let obstacles overwhelm you. When harder times bring you down, remember there’s no other way to move up from your current economic status that’s more certain to do so than owning your own successful business. In order to succeed in your own business fast, there’s no better way than to be led systematically by someone who has the experience and knowledge to help you rapidly increase your steps in the right direction.

Positive Demonstrated

A friend of mine has demonstrated being positive beyond what most people would ever be forced to endure. She is a positive thinker to the maximum. She surrounds herself with fun and positive people. She will  dismiss any person or situation that’s negative or who tries to bring her down.

Knowing this, you can’t imagine how much personal loss and heartache she’s personally endured. When most other people would have given up and hung their heads, joining the ranks of the downtrodden and broken, she has risen even higher and held her chin higher and stronger than anyone I’ve ever met.

After the death of her husband and another committed long time-love, a string of other devastating events followed for this friend of mine. These include the death of her mom, who lived with her and was a big part of the person she is. Then there was the suicide of a nephew.

This woman is very close to her family. With all of this going on, she goes to work smiling and dancing. She’s a successful entrepreneur, a dedicated mother and a living demonstration of the power of character and principles in action, in spite of tremendous personal and emotional strains and tests.

She describes her principles this way: “Discipline yourself more; conserve your time and energy. Place the small voice of progress within your own heart. Laugh and dance all the time.”

I have the utmost respect and love for this woman. She serves as the best example I’ve ever met for the right way to enjoy life, even when it includes all the sorrows most of us might experience.

I’ve thought a lot about how I would summarize this great example of fun, happiness and success. She says it best: “Every day, I decide to be happy.”

Once you get the importance of this and consistently practice what you’re learning here, you’ll find it’s easy, any time you need to, to decide to be happy, too. This is a central element required for climbing to rapid-fire success despite any setbacks or trouble encountered along the way.

Action Steps

  1. Using your personal journal develop a list of all your fears.
  • Develop a list of resources that you like that will guide you in dismissing your fears and help you focus on painting a clear picture of the dreams you wish to experience. My article Getting Unstuck may help you.  See
  • Use your resources and journal everyday to dismiss negative energy within and move forward with confidence to experience your dream lifestyle.
  • Register for the resources at:

Author: Steve Pohlit

Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author

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