How Successful Retailers Earn Customer Loyalty

Mark Albright, staff writer for the St. Petersburg Times published an article in the Sunday paper a while back on retailers struggling to win back customers. He does an excellent job at identifying the key issues customers face when shopping in many stores. In summary, customers know what they want from their shopping experience and they don’t get what they want most of the time.

Two charts were provided in the article. One showed that 68.4% of those responding to a recent poll said knowledgeable, helpful, friendly staff was the most important criteria for a positive shopping experience. The other chart reported that 50% of the people surveyed reported retail service has gotten worse.

Shoppers have always wanted a friendly environment with knowledgeable staff. What is most alarming is how poorly retailers continue to meet the expectations of their customers. With almost 70% of the customers ranking knowledgeable, friendly staff as most important, why is it that so many retailers continue to be obsessed with having compelling price? Studies have consistently shown and Mark points this out in his article as well, that less than 10% of the shoppers name price as the most important reason they shop a store.

Let’s examine pricing and promotion a bit deeper. The paper that Mark Albright writes for has a daily circulation of about 1 million. On Sunday, like all large metropolitan areas, the paper is thick. Most of it is advertising circulars. Most have between 4 – 20 or more color glossy pages and this format is used by most of the major retail chains. Stores attempt to show items attractive to the largest number of people and offer special buys or sale pricing. The goal is to drive traffic to the stores.

Normally on a store by store basis, retailers are able to tell how effective a particular circular was by measuring customer count (customers that actually buy), average sale and items sold. Most retailers have these statistics, but there is one critical piece of information they do not have. They do not know who it was that purchased something. They do not know their physical address, they do not know their email address and do not know their customer’s phone number. There are exceptions and I will address those shortly. However, in general, large and small retailers spend huge amounts of money on print advertising to drive customers into their stores and they don’t even know who their customer is. Consequently, they are unable to thank the buyers, hear their comments and suggestions and they are not able to personally invite them back.

Even more serious: with the development of preferred buying programs, membership programs like those used by Sam’s Club and Costco and even those retailers that have captured customer information, the way that data is used is pathetic.

Here is a brief summary of the issues so far: consumers want knowledgeable and friendly sales staff and over 90% of them place importance on knowledge and friendliness over price. On the other hand, retailers spend a lot of resources developing promotions based on price to drive traffic to their stores. When the customer gets there, not just the price shopper but the loyal customers as well, the retailer is not properly staffed and the staff that is working is not properly trained and managed. I call this a mismatch in expectations and delivery. The result of that formula is a high rate of retail business failure with stores that fail being replaced by new ones that operate the same way. You know what you get when you keep doing things the same way. What is the solution? Keep reading.

When the subject of price in retailing is mentioned, Wal-Mart’s name always comes up. Here are just a couple of things I noticed about Wal-Mart recently. First they are increasing the number of more upscale items offered. Why are they doing this? It is because they understand that appealing just to the low price crowd long term is a risky business model. No retail chain founded on the low price model has ever survived long term. None. What else have I noticed? The other day I noticed a Wal-Mart banner on the front page of This particular ad was what is known in the Internet Marketing circles and Direct Response Marketing circles as a lead generation ad. I followed it through and noticed interesting “bribes” to get you to register for on line information. You could even categorize the information you were interested in receiving. Wal-Mart promised to give you advance notice of their best deals for the store closest to you. Notice I said store closest to you. When you entered your information they asked for your zip code so they could match you with relevant regional promotion.

Wal-Mart is taking the lead again in building their customer data base. I don’t think they have taken this to the store level, which where it really needs to be implemented. But they are headed in the right direction.

Do you need to have Wal-Mart’s system to implement a similar program? Last September I was testing the implementation of program with a small retailer in a small market. We used incentives as a motivator to provide their contact information. This program was hugely successful in a short period of time and confirmed the value of capturing the contact information of your customers and communicating with them. That is the first step in bridging the gap between what customers want and what retailers deliver. Note: if you are a grocery store, restaurant, nightclub, shoe repair store, dry cleaner or any business that has customers, this applies to you.

If you are a local or regional chain of stores, outsourcing this customer contact program is the most cost effective approach. If you are not sure that is a true statement Email Me and I will prove it to you. National Chains should outsource this program in the test phase and then it is likely that in-house technology will be needed long term. Regardless, it is easy to build your customer list, easy to communicate with them and this communication builds loyalty and value. This communication process is the critical link that breaks down when this process is managed internally. In summary, outsource this entire program initially; bring the technology piece in house if and when that makes sense but keep the communication program outsourced. Does this sound like Direct Response Marketing 101? Yes ..well that is because it is and you know what…basic blocking and tackling work all the time.

Does all of this solve the problem of bridging the gap of what the customer wants and what the retailer delivers? Absolutely not! All of the fundamentals successful retailers are paying attention to today must continue. Having the right product in the right place at the right time is a good goal. Having staff properly trained and managed is a great goal.

But this is the planet earth folks. When all the best logistical systems and human resource development processes fail .. and they will from time to time, a strong binding relationship with your customer will overcome any isolated execution failures.

Are there any examples of anyone doing this more right than wrong? I remember in 1996 when I was in my second year of operating an Internet Service Provider company that I founded. I was focusing on industries likely to benefit a lot quickly from using the tools of the Internet. One of them was mail order. I knew there would be huge benefits to catalog retailers from using the internet. Of course when I contacted many of them and they had no idea in 1996 what I was talking about. So I let it slide instead of pursuing that idea along with a number of other billion dollar ideas I had in the early days of the commercial Internet.

Today there are numerous examples of catalog retailers doing a great job of communicating with their customer base. Now the big gains are coming from the “brick and mortar” companies who are communicating like catalog retailers. Who are they? Circuit City gets a vote. Circuit City sends me wonderful emails in addition to their weekly print advertising circulars. Wal-Mart used to do a good job now that I am on their list but not any longer. In the catalog retail business, one of the best is Fredericks of Hollywood. There are other catalog retailers that have an effective communication program in place. In fact if you order on line from any catalog company and give them your email address, I would bet you start getting information from them. Even if you don’t order, sign up for some of these lists to see what they send you.

The biggest mistake made by companies that have you in their data base, is dropping your contact information when you have not purchased for awhile. I know of one very popular retailer with a huge mail order division that sends me tons of catalogs but not one email. When asked about this I was told I no longer receive emails because I am not a current buyer. But they continue sending me expensive to print and mail catalogs. Go figure! Recently.

In summary, study the companies that are doing this well. Look at your own business. If you are not sure what I am advising you to do will work, call or email me and let’s “kick it around”.  All contact information is at the end of the article.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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About: Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies.  Steve is business owner and an expert business consultant, direct response and social media marketing  and social networking security expert . Steve is  focused on helping companies improve their business performance. All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

If Your Twitter Account Has Been Suspended – Read This Now

Sunday, July 5th, 2009: A lot of people with legitimate Twitter accounts are currently suffering from having their accounts suspended (late Sunday afternoon).

It is not TweetLater’s doing or fault. So, please do not submit a TweetLater support request about it.

We just heard back from Twitter via email, and they said : “Spamcloud hit. We’re working on restoring accounts.

We just need to be patient. The suspended accounts will be restored.

Update: We have no idea exactly what a “spam cloud” means. It is probably Twitter staff lingo for a massive spam attack.

Update: We have seen during previous spam attacks that Twitter tends to shoot first and ask questions later and indiscriminately lay down carpet bombing when their system comes under a spam attack. A lot of innocent-bystander accounts get massacred in the process, which they then have to restore afterwards. This is most likely what has happened again.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Connect with me on Facebook Click Here

About: Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies.  Steve is business owner and an expert business consultant, direct response and social media marketing  and social networking security expert . Steve is  focused on helping companies improve their business performance. All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Gangster Government

I hope you understand this is not an Republican vs. Democrat issue. This is our government playing a role where it doesn’t belong and when it does the consequences we experience.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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Did you watch the entire video?

You didn’t ?  I honor your love for accepting all in this country as is and the direction it is moving.

You did? How cool is that? Did you notice the song at the end of the video. Here is a video of that song. Click Here


Did you notice the information on the organziation who published this video?  It is from The Kick Them All Out initiative and I am now a card carrying member. Decide how you feel about it and Listen To Your Heart. There are 761 people who have paid attention and pledged to vote so all incumbants are fired.

Independence, Freedom and Peace..This Fourth of July It Is Time To Stand Up

Michael McDonald paused between songs  and shared a few things of  importance to him. Peace was clearly the energy he was sending  during a pause before  continuing  singing with his powerful  voice songs like  “What A Fool Believes”   and more.

Michael talked about something that I don’t normally think a lot about. That is the VA or Veterans Administration.  He expressed his support for the one agency that is established to help those who have given all or a part of their life to protect the freedom of this country. He was specifically talking about the men and women who serve on our front lines.  Michael McDonald was also asking all of us to consider  what conflicts make sense for us to support and those that don’t.  With the next breath he said in effect .. once we  as a nation choose to enter a conflict, we are responsible for taking care of those that serve.

Thank you Michael for that reminder. On the Fourth of July and every other day we   honor those who  serve to preserve our independence, liberty and freedom.

I had not considered the Veterans quite in the context of the purpose of the Veterans Administration.  Michael is right and it our responsibility to take care of those who serve in the military.  I am talking about the people who serve to protect our country whether we agree with the specific conflict or not. The point is they have left their homes and their lives to protect our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

My view is most people working at a desk job being paid by the working  people of this country, through the bureaucracy of the government, are not serving our country by this definition. In fact most are leeching off this country. Yes you read that correctly.  Most people working in a  government job are leeching off this country. In all fairness they are not waking up in the morning thinking that. Most are intending to do a good job.  I am not in any way blaming the workers. We have permitted a system to develop where their job in most cases  has nothing to do with foundation principles of the declaration of independence and constitution.  Yes most jobs created to protect our right to independence, freedom and peace are unnecessary because we have allowed laws and programs to start and grow that have nothing to do with the role of government.

As a country we have developed a “you take care of it” attitude and elect people who say they will solve those situations in this country we define as problems.  But the problems have become worse. The national debt is incomprehensible and just one program, health care,  recently  proposed by Obama will add an estimated $10 Trillion dollars to the national debt over the next 10 years and not make a dent in the number of uninsured. Obama has led the parade to stimulate the economy with bailout money saying the stimulus package will contain unemployment to 8%. Now after disbursing hundreds of billions, Obama says unemployment will be 10% this year or higher.

There are other forums that examine what this man who is our president is doing and the impact of his leadership in much greater detail.  However, this is actually not intended to bash him since every administration particularly since the 1930’s is accountable for implementing policies and programs that have nothing to do with the role of government as defined by the constitution.  Most of what we have allowed to evolve under the umbrella of programs, rules, regulations is simply not necessary and stifle freedom and liberty.

Have you thought about the foundation principles that are intended to guide what our government does?  Have you evaluated your point of view as to what freedoms you feel you have relinquished by what we have allowed others to do and implement in the spirit of the so called common good?  Have you asked yourself what is really necessary to be done by the government? I will be honest in saying I am not totally sure as to what is all necessary so one way of getting to that answer is by asking the question what is not necessary. The following is part of my list based on the foundation principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My list is also based on the foundation principle of individual responsibility.

Programs and Spending That Are Beyond The Scope of The US Government As Defined by The Intention of The United Stated Constitution.
If you are in another country consider how your freedom is affected by the programs implemented by your government.

Social Security:  Eliminate it.  For most of this country’s history it didn’t exist and it never should have been enacted. There is no basis in the land of freedom that says because I am working I must pay into a fund to fuel  the retirement of some else which is what has evolved because my government has taken this money and used it to fund wars and debt. The money deposited into social security is not there.   I don’t want anyone to tell me what to do with my money. Why is it that we stand for other people to dictate what we do with our money? We intend to fund  a few basic common interest services the first being the protection of  independence, freedom and liberty. Along with a few other services for the common good our constitution intended for government to have a limited role in our lives.

Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare and all social welfare programs: The same as social security. Cut them right now. Yes right now. Our government was not formed for the purpose of creating and administering these programs. Am I insensitive to the needs of others. Not at all. As a brief story, I was in an accident with my father when I was very young. He made very little money and it was about 2 months before he could return to work. We were both in the hospital for weeks.  There were no government programs, there was no health care. Me, my dad and my family made it through this.   Was that period a challenge?  Of course but I developed  the appreciation for the neighbors and strangers who knew we needed help. Does this mean there should be no system to help those who clearly cannot be helped by friends, family and community. No it does not but as soon as we say there is an exception, politicians take it and expand it.

Rules and regulations: Since when does the constitution of the United States have anything to do with rules on smoking, seat belts, prescription medication, infant seats in cars on airplanes, handicapped friendly bathrooms everywhere,  and more. Get rid of the rules. If I choose to not wear a seat belt and I am hurt in an accident let my insurance company say we are not paying your medical bills since you were not wearing a seat belt. If a restaurant chooses to allow smoking, I can go to it or go to one that is non- smoking.   Do you see the importance of this? It is not about the seat belts or the smoking or the drugs. It is about freedom of choice and I don’t need anyone to make my mind up for me.

Non-Citizens In the US – open the boarders but don’t ask me to fund your schooling or guarantee your children the right to be admitted to the schools I have paid to be built and staffed. I don’t have to support you,although that may be my choice.  I don’t expect from you any special considerations and don’t expect any from me. You can become part of the community and the school system when you are a citizen.  No I am not agreeing  to make everything multi-lingual. We didn’t print everything in German, Polish, Russian and more during the period when people from many nations came to this country and there is no reason to do it  now. See the above comments on social welfare and do you think that some of the incentive for coming to this country would be removed when you remove the social programs?

Legalize drugs ... all of them.  I have no  interest in taking  any drug currently classified as illegal. If you want them, that is your business and as long as you harm no one else do what you want.   Laws do not change a person’s actions and we are spending billions in an effort to control a situation that is not controllable.

Gun control… none. End of discussion. We have a right to have arms as spelled out in the Constitution. This is not about how you feel about guns. This is about life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There are 18 proposed bills being circulated in Congress right now intended to compromise our Second Amendment right. I say anyone associated with any bill intended to compromise the rights under our constitution be required to move out of this country to another place more in alignment with their values. I choose to live in the country because I align with the rights of our constitution.

Other Country Situations: There are brilliant people all over the world.  I support a very strong national defense and then keep our nose out of other people’s  business. At those times it is clear other people’s agenda is to compromise our freedom and peace we do whatever is necessary. Stop funding other people’s agenda. Did you know that Nigeria is first on the happiness index and the US is 46th out of 50 countries studied. Now what makes you think anyone else is seriously interested in our agenda for them.

Taxes: simplify simplify simplify….a national sales tax to fund defense, our interstate commerce system and our Judicial system is about it.  Regarding the judicial system at the Federal level,  that  process needs to be held accountable for upholding the values of our constitution and if individual justices do not do that in the opinion of the clear majority of the population they will be removed. Yes we need a system that allows for the people to determine the composition of the Supreme Court and not the bureaucratic process intended to accomplish the agenda for what someone else  believes is the common good. Yes we need a system that does not guarantee a job for life when appointed to the Supreme Court.

Airport security- Do you have any idea how ridiculous this is?  I am totally in favor of profiling. I am totally in favor intelligent security. Watch the first Dirty Harry movie ” if you see a guy running down the alley with a  ______ and a butcher knife you know he was not out collecting for the Salvation Army.”  Enough said. If you don’t prefer that example, do you remember Flight 93?  People are capable of being responsible for their own protection.  The violations of individual rights here are off the charts. Teach the passengers to pay attention and do whatever it takes. Will there be mistakes?  There are huge mistakes now and the system is stupid.

Department of Justice – totally out of control. Look at how stupid it is to lock up brilliant minds who have perpetrated millions and billions of dollars from people. Here is the deal: Have an apartment complex in the most economically challenged section of the country and make them pay $50,000 a month for a room. Then mandate they use their  mind and talent to legitimately make and pay back double or triple  what was lost. Michael Millikan was convicted, went to prison. He now is paying major taxes based on the value he is creating since being free. Look at what could have been paid had he been simply told …go to work pay it back and by the way, if you don’t work it the right way we will put you in the place where we send people who kill, rape and more.  Your choice.

The Fourth of July: God Bless America The Land of the Free

All I am talking about is freedom as I see it. I certainly have just touched on the surface of my views as to some of the structural issues. Don’t define my freedom and I surely will not define yours.  Don’t interfere with my life and I won’t be interfering with yours. Obama, as for you and  all the other people in office with the intention of sucking  freedom and liberty out of us, I intend for you to have another   job having nothing to do with my life and and the lives of anyone else.

Obama, I don’t like your misrepresentations about authenticity and transparency. I don’t like your socialistic agenda.  A free market economy has built in checks and balances.  Respectfully, you or any other government office holder has no business being involved with General Motor. AIG , or any other business that is failing. If that means the country enters a recession or a depression, those are the cycles of life. The structural solution is a  consistent adherence to foundational principles.  Those principles without any doubt are clearly spelled out in our Declaration of Independence.

I pay attention to the conditions that our founding leaders experienced that led to the Declaration of Independence and the formation of the United States Constitution. I stand up and say to you I am for the principles of  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It is time for a new structure that is in alignment with those principles.

What am I going to do? First I am beginning to challenge people’s complacency. Second I am going to start paying much closer attention to how elected officials are voting.  I will participate in every election and vote no for anyone proposing solutions that are outside the scope of government.

My name is Steve Pohlit and I stand for Independence, Freedom and Peace.   Now what do you stand for?

The Three Billionaire Attitudes of Bill Bartmann: First: Be Able To Recognize Opportunities

This is about an amazing opportunity and it is not about Bill Bartmann’s buy bad loan portfolio strategy detailed in Buyout Riches.  That is the topic of separate articles.

Of course I know this is an amazing opportunity because I have been working with this situation for over three months. I know the markets, the business, the customers, the key people who will implement the solution that I crafted.

Personally, I would write the check for this entire deal like yesterday. I know there one or more resources who will recognize this a jump on it.  What is it?

This is a family owned business that is 107 years old.  The company has developed a product line in a specialty niche of a much larger market. However the market segment for this niche is estimated to be about a billion dollars in the US alone. Now I know this word …billion… is used a lot and soon we won’t pay attention unless the headline has trillion in it.  Think I am kidding.

Today the WSJ released a report that Michael Jackson has sold 2.3 million albums in four days since his death. The reaction is!  We are conditioned by so many numbers many have no meaning.   Back to the 107 year old company:

They contacted me in March and said they needed help. I don’t have much time to tell all the details right now  so let’s “cut to the chase”  I quickly determined that this business had experienced a series of  unique events that drained them of cash. But unlike nearly every other business I had seen, this company has what every business would die for. This company has a large hungrey crowd for their product and the revenue and gross margins from this business are very very strong.

So most people cannot understand how this picture can turn to where a receiver is appointed by the courts and the company is targeted to be liquidated. With the help of Bill Bartmann I have a fairly good understanding.  More importantly, using my radar and following Bill’s advice of being able to recognize opportunities, I see the upside here and it is very significant. Let me repeat this …the upside is very significant and I see minimal downside.

If you want to know more and if you are able to act fast and if writing a check for $50k or $1.5 mil. does not cause your heart to skip a beat, contact me for all the details. Don’t email me, call me at 727-587-7871. That is my direct line but you most likely will need to leave a message and I will get back to you fast.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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FREE Report:
How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Connect with me on Facebook Click Here

About: Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies.  Steve is business owner and an expert business consultant, direct response and social media marketing  and social networking security expert . Steve is  focused on helping companies improve their business performance. All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Bill Bartmann Is The Billionaire Business Coach

JUNE 29th at 8PM Eastern

The Billionaire Business Coach
Win big in a down economy

Bill is the MASTER at creating wealth in a down economy (or any economical situation for that matter). He knows how to win big even when the economy is screaming you can’t. You may have seen Bill on the cover of Inc. Magazine as the “Billionaire Nobody Knows”, or watched him recently on major network TV. Bill’s in the news daily because his book, “Bailout Riches”, is creating a real stir. It’s about how you can benefit–directly and fast–from the government bailout.

Click Here To Register This FREE Teleseminar.

Note: Bill’s new book offers great insight on how our financial system is operating today. I purposely avoided using the word working. Part of what Bill has taught me was used in writing the article Financial Crisis, Turnaround Consulting which is in direct response to a person experiencing a financial crisis.

Bill Bartmann is the “Billionaire Business Coach”.  He is the only self-made billionaire who has devoted his life exclusively to teaching others. Bill is the leading authority on entrepreneurship in America. He has created seven successful businesses in seven different industries. Including a $3.5 billion, 3900 employee international company that he started from his kitchen table with a $13,000 loan. He has been named National Entrepreneur Of the Year by NASDAQ, USA Today, Merrill Lynch and the Kauffman Foundation. His companies have been named by Inc. Magazine as one of the 500 Fastest Growing Companies In America – four years in a row. He has been awarded a permanent place in the Smithsonian Institutes Museum of American History and awarded the American Academy of Achievement’s Golden Plate Award as one of the Outstanding Achievers of the 21st Century.

Millions of people have seen Bill on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN and CNBC. Bill’s expertise has been featured on Sheppard Smith, Neil Cavuto and Donny Deutsch. He has been profiled in Forbes, Fortune, Inc., Bloomberg, Business Week, New Yorker, People, Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report and USA Today.

Click Here To Register This FREE Teleseminar.

Did you know that Bill issues a FREE newsletter frequently and conducts on line training through his Billionaire University? Want to know more about Bill Bartman and see him on video explaining more about his background and keys to success?  If you don’t know his story, this is well worth a few minutes of your time.

Visit Bill Bartman’s Billionaire University …Just Click Here.


BTW my social network is now large. If you have a product or service you would like to market, you are welcome to contact me.

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Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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USA Today Reports on How Businesses Use Twitter To Communicate With Cusotomers Plus My Published Comments

USA Today published an accurate article today based on my experience. This article is on how an increasing number of companies are using Twitter to communicate with customers.  I am connected with a number of the companies referenced in the article and have seen how they are using Twitter and other social media sites.  Like the USA today I think they have it more right than wrong. I also know the vast majority of businesses have no idea what social media is or how to use it.

I think it is important to establish some credibility when publishing a point of view on social media. I have included here my comments that you will find connected with the USA today article.

Click Here For The Full Article.  My comments that are published there also follow:


My experience with social media started about 14 months ago with Facebook and extended to Twitter and others about 6 months later. My sole purpose was to understand how to use social media for effective marketing. Effective marketing is building trust, authenticity and transparency.

This article is right on siting a number of companies effectively using Twitter and other social media services. Twitter is a very effective service for me as it is an integral part of building several businesses. Manifest Mastermind, has been build entirely using social media. A recent large business consulting project is a direct result of using social media. My consulting practice is presented on a blog and includes YouTube video at

There is work involved in all of this and the work needs to support a strategy. I feel the people who question the usefulness of the tools don’t understand them and don’t do the work.


BTW my social network is now large. If you have a product or service you would like to market, you are welcome to contact me.

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Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Financial Crisis, Turnaround Consulting

An independent business owner contacted me after reading several of my articles on business turnaround consulting and business process improvement consulting. She asked if I could help her. I asked if she would write me note about her situation. The following is her message:


I decided to get in touch with you because I am very close to running out of cash. I don’t know how I will pay on my loan payments next month because at the moment I don’t have any funds for that.

I feel like I am really close to generating positive cash flow with my business but I am still stressed about how I will pay on all accounts/loans that I am responsible for. I feel like I just need to buy myself more time.

I am doing my best to maintain my positive attitude, faith, and belief but I am scared. I’ve applied for additional credit cards but have been denied. As a result, I’ve started to search for a job, which I know is taking my focus off of where it is I want to go.

Financially, I’ve never been where I am at the moment.

If you can help, I am grateful. Even if you are unable to,  I am still grateful.

Thank you,


I asked her permission to publish this on my blog as I have actually been planning to write an article about what many people are experiencing for a variety of reasons. Full disclosure: I am a business turnaround and business process improvement expert. I am not a personal financial planner, personal bankruptcy lawyer, personal financial counselor. My experience in this area are very direct and from the streets. If you would like additional support for what I about to tell you, read Bill Bartman’s book “Bailout Riches”.

Notice some very important words in this lady’s description of her situation: faith, belief, scared, “I am responsible”.  So my response is written for those who have similar feelings.

About Being Scared:

This is natural particularly since this is the first time she has found herself in this situation. The key is to acknowledge that and just move outside of yourself and observe it. This takes some practice but it can be done. Realistically, we become scared of losing our life, our “stuff”, a place to live and starving. In the worst case scenarios a woman will be not homeless. Nobody will starve to death and stuff can be replaced when the economic situation turns around. In my belief system I have learned how not to fear death. Once you no longer fear death then there is really nothing else to fear. On that topic “Home With God” by Neale Donald Walsch is a great read.

Now I know writing about fear and being scared does not make it go away. You can release these emotions. In fact you must release these emotions or you will have difficulty moving forward which is really what your intending to do. Now for the art of the practical of why you can expect:

I am going to assume she is fairly current on her payments and realizes that will change next month. My advice is to stay focused on immediate needs only while continuing to solidify cash flow from her business. Immediate needs are food, utilities and those service needed for her business. These generally include Internet service and phone service. TV service is not an essential. Car insurance is. The key is to evaluate true essential spending.

For now paying credit card debt and mortgage payments are also not essential. If you are a renter, you may have less time in your place than if you have a mortgage.

Going Forward

This lady mentioned feeling like her business is close to cash flowing. I recommend anyone who has a business ask someone else with business experience for a realistic evaluation of that feeling.  This is the number one item I work on in a business turnaround after addressing immediate cash management issues. With the confidence of how a liquidity crisis turns around you can navigate any obstacles. Now if you don’t have that confidence then you should begin pursuing plan B. She mentions looking for a job. That may not be her first choice but it may be a realistic stepping stone until she can turn her business cash flow positive. That is for her to decide.

What To Expect From Credit Card Companies and Banks

The reality is you will get a lot of phone calls. Most of these calls will be made by a computer. So it is a great idea to have a caller id phone that you can put on silence or vibrate.  You don’t want to answer a call unless you know the caller and you want to talk to them. The natural inclination is to want to talk to the representative on the phone. I don’t recommend wasting your time doing that until you can tell them you have restored your ability to pay.

Credit card companies will threaten to file suit. They won’t. Read Bartman’s book. You can become delinquent more than 90 days if it takes that long to restore cash flow. Close to the 90 day mark they will be willing to cut all kinds of deals with you. If you take one of them know that they will not reactivate your card. I know the credit card companies will accept settlement at 50% of the amount due and take that over 3-5 monthly payments. They do not want you to know that. And as soon as I write that I am sure someone will say there are even better deals than that.

I am not advocating not paying what you owe. However, the credit card companies have no problems charging very high default rates and late fees. Your responsibility is to position yourself to go forward.

Get used to the phone ringing and don’t take it personal. First a computer is dialing and then at some point when you decide to talk with someone because you have a proposed solution then recognize they are not your enemy or your friend. They are simply doing their job.

You can expect the calls to start at 8AM and end at 9PM Monday through Saturday and noon until about 8PM on Sunday.

Mortgage or Rent

Because mortgages go through a foreclosure process it can take quite some time from start to finish. Rent on the other hand is a bit more dicey depending on the market you live in. The meltdown leading to the high foreclosure rate has driven up demand for rental units. So you could be facing a situation of eviction 60 days or so past the due date.

Generally if you are able to pay a portion of what is due that will buy some time. Mortgages move from the normal mortgage service department to a foreclosure processing department. Expect notice of intent to foreclose and calls. Don’t panic you have time. But keep moving on you go forward plan. Foreclosures and evictions do happen.

Brief Summary

What I have tried to do is paint the picture of what you can expect. There are variations of course and timing can vary depending on the credit card company and bank. Ultimately you have a lot of room to negotiate just about everything related to debt. Utilities no since they will just cut you off. But debt yes. However, in order to negotiate you must have something to negotiate with. You ultimately have to have a source of cash flow to negotiate.

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Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

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Busting Loose From The Business Game

In 2006, author Bob Scheinfeld published a book titled: Busting Loose From The Money Game.  I purchased the book based on the recommendation from another admired author and read it once  over the course of about a week.  I then went back and read it more closely, made notes, highlighted sections in yellow. In short I really studied this book.

I had not been exposed to most of the information in that book to that point.  I was very skeptical even after studying it in-depth. This was because the concepts were so different from anything I had imagined.  However, I found a part of me saying it made a lot of sense.

Over the subsequent three years,  I have learned that Busting Loose From The Money Game was based on what is known by scientists as the discipline of Quantum Physics.  During this time the movie The Secret was released. There has been a growing awareness of The Law of Attraction.  Quantum Physics  supports The Law of Attraction.

Here is a real life example from personal experience. If you have followed the articles published in this blog you know I have a lot of very valuable business experience.  I use this experience to  help companies improve their business performance and in some cases help them if they find themselves in a difficult situation (business turnaround consulting).

When I was near graduating from college I decided that I wanted to be a CPA and work with one of the Big 8 (at the time) firms. I visualized that experience as best I could, I interviewed with a few firms and I was not hired…then.  I ultimately relaxed that idea, but I did become a CPA and also went on to earn my MBA. Both were credentials I decided I wanted to have because one day I wanted an executive position and be in the board room running a large business. I felt those credential would help.

I was relentless on that idea. I felt certain it would happen.  Nine years after I was not offered a job with one of the Big 8, the number one firm in the world hired me . I went on to have a marvelous experience there for 10 years.  I left and went right to being a senior executive of a $360 million company.  I was in the board room with several other senior people running that company.  There is a lot more to this story including some of the near total disasters I experienced but the point is I attracted that which I was focused on consciously or otherwise.  That is The Law of Attraction.  “Like attracts like”.

Today in business and in all areas of my life I am continually creating the picture that I want to have appear.  Now if you asked my most recent client how that turned out they would say not very well.  I would say one chapter is closed and another is beginning.  Soon I will prepare another article on change and surprises. For now I say to you,  The Law of Attraction works perfectly all the time.  The problem comes in when the outcome isn’t like we thought it would be. Sometimes the outcome is much better and sometimes it isn’t.

In the situation I just finished, the bank decided it was in their best interest to liquidate the company.  There is no way on this planet in my lifetime I thought I would  understand the bank’s position given the alternative solutions presented to them. However, Bill Bartman’s latest book “Bailout Riches” offers answers.  Do you see I was asking questions and I attracted answers.  Not only that,  but I attracted  an opportunity to profit from the current conditions should I pursue what Bill suggests. I don’t think I will but you can.

I love understanding and increasing my connections with that which I intend to attract.  I love sharing what my experiences and insight on these topics.  Nearly a year ago I had an idea of how I could blend my passion for The Law of Attraction with my experience and skill set in business and particularly the consulting arena.  Shortly thereafter, a number of things began to fall in place and today I have along with my business partner have growing business based on The Law of Attraction. That business is Manifest Mastermind.  What is most important I work on what I love and some people like it enough to stay as paying members.  How cool is that?

My purpose has been to give you a glimpse as to why I immediately purchased Bob Scheinfeld’s latest book: “Busting Loose From The Business Game”  I have not read it as I just order it today.  I encourage you to order it and for transparency purposes I am not an affiliate and Bob hasn’t asked me to write this and certainly hasn’t paid me any money to do so.  For the record I am not opposed to being paid :).

I know this  book will have  as much influence on me as the first one I read and I am excited about all the possibilities.

Here is the link and if you decide to order, please tell Bob that you heard about it from Steve Pohlit.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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Freedom, Liberty

I have been experiencing accelerated energy toward the  foundation principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – the original value system of the United States. I also feel, more and more people are refocusing on these values as our government continues grow and spend money irresponsibly.

Michael Israel is one person who energizes the feelings of compassion, care and patriotism. Michael is awesome as this video shows.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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The Value Chain or Optimizing Profitable Revenue

Andrew Chen published an article titled Creating Value vs. Optimizing Revenue.  Here is the link to his article.

First I want to draw attention to his conclusion: “No matter what your product is, the only way to make money long-term is to make a lot of people happy, and then getting some % of the value you created back, in return. The right strategy to build a long-term sustainable business is to build long-term sustainable value. No amount of viral tricks or optimization will allow you to escape that truth!”

Here are my thoughts resulting from my own experience.  Long term sustainable value is an academic dream.  Value right now is what is important and if you provide value right now and you continually do that day after day, guess what?  Your business ends up providing long term value.  When developing the revenue model of your business strategy you must focus on the profit formula that works right now!

The “right now” profit formula delivers value to your target audience at a price that makes you money. If it doesn’t deliver them value and you profit right now you will lose the customer and lose your business. It is that simple.

Andrew goes a bit esoteric for me in his presentation on landing pages, optimization and more.  I like to keep things a bit more straight forward.  If you are using on line traffic conversion techniques (and I am sure you are) the ultimate optimization is where what you say catches the attention of your target audience and that interest is converted to an action. That acton is simply “I want what you are offering”  This applies to the sale of socks or business development consulting services which is one of my offers. There are no exceptions.  Ladies and gentlemen business is all about building traffic to your business or landing page and converting that traffic to profitable customers.  That’s it.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits. Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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Newt Gingrich Writes: Once, We Would Have Called It A Scandal

In my business development consulting practice I encounter situations where filing for reorganization with protection of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (Federal Law) seems to be an option. Consequently I follow with interest some of the more high profile cases. I am amazed at the application of this Federal Law. I was thinking it seems the rules are at times re-written for the convenience of special interests.

This email from Newt is a great report on the recent bankruptcies of Chrysler and GM. This is well worth paying attention to since the issues are not about Chrysler and GM, it is about the breakdown in our political and judicial system.
Newt’s entire email follows. Thank you Newt Gingrich.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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Once, We Would Have Called It a Scandal
by Newt Gingrich

There was a time when we would have called it a scandal.

In 1921, oil tycoon Harry Sinclair gave several prize head of cattle and around $269,000 to President Harding’s Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall.

In return, Sinclair got the exclusive rights to drill in an oil field in Wyoming. Sinclair’s no-bid contract became the Teapot Dome scandal, the most notorious example of political corruption in America prior to Watergate.

Between 2000 and 2008, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union gave $23,675,562 to the Democratic Party and its candidates.

In 2008 alone, the UAW gave $4,161,567 to the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama.

In return, the UAW received 55 percent of Chrysler and 17.5 percent of GM, plus billions of dollars.

But nobody’s calling this a scandal. It’s time we start.

2000-2008 UAW Giving: $23.7 million to Democrats. $193,540 to Republicans

The almost $24,000,000 the UAW has given to Democrats since 2000 compares with the $193,540 the union has given to Republicans.

In the 2008 presidential election, President Obama was by far the biggest recipient of UAW contributions, raking in $27,340 compared to the $10,600 given to Hillary Clinton, the No. 2 recipient of UAW money.

And so it was no surprise to the cynical Washington political class when the payback began with the Chrysler bankruptcy.

In a rigged proceeding in which the federal government disregarded bankruptcy law in favor of the political outcome it desired, the Chrysler bankruptcy laid the predicate for the much larger General Motors bankruptcy to come. Against law and precedent, the unions were moved to the front of the line when it came to who would benefit from the bankruptcy.

The Obama Treasury Department strong-armed Chrysler’s creditors into a deal in which the UAW was given 55 percent ownership of the company while Chrysler’s secured creditors – investors who would have received priority in a non-political bankruptcy proceeding – were left with just 29 cents on the dollar.

On Monday, the Supreme Court Delayed the
Completion of the Chrysler Bankruptcy

Some of these secured creditors, led by a group of Indiana retirement funds, are fighting back. They’ve charged in court that the Chrysler bankruptcy violated the bankruptcy laws and violated their rights as senior lenders.

On Monday, the Supreme Court put a hold on the Chrysler bankruptcy to hear their case.

We don’t yet know which way the high court will rule, or if it will rule at all. But we do know what’s at stake. Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock put it well:

“The issue of secured creditors’ rights is bigger than Chrysler. It’s an essential foundation of our capital markets. And fundamentally, this is about the law.”

“Never Has an American Union Done So Well At
the Expense of Shareholders and Creditors”

But the Chrysler bankruptcy was just prelude to the Obama-Administration-brokered General Motors bankruptcy deal announced last week.

The GM deal is yet another example of rank, taxpayer-financed political favoritism.

Once again, the big losers are GM’s bondholders, who include substitute teachers in Florida and retired tool and dye supervisors in Michigan. They hold $27 billion in GM debt but are receiving a 10 percent stake in the new company.

In contrast, the UAW, which is owed about $20 billion from GM, is walking away with 17.5 percent of the company and a cool $9 billion in cash.

According to one analysis, while the bondholders will be lucky if they recover 15 cents on the dollar, the UAW can expect to recover up to 60 to 70 cents on the dollar – four to five times what the bondholders will receive.

As Barron’s Magazine wrote, “Never has an American union done so well at the expense of shareholders and creditors”.

“At a Time When Some American Workers are Facing Stiff Pay Cuts, UAW Workers Gave Up Their Customary Paid Holiday on Easter Monday”

Of course, the Obama Administration has assured us that the United Auto Workers has made “substantial concessions” as part of the bankruptcies that have literally saved the union from extinction.

But as no less than the Washington Post put it, the “union concessions were ‘painful’ only by the peculiar standards of Big Three labor relations: At a time when some American workers are facing stiff pay cuts, UAW workers gave up their customary paid holiday on Easter Monday and their right to overtime pay after less than 40 hours per week. They still get health benefits that are far better than those received by many American families upon whose tax money GM jobs now depend.”

Union members also preserved their right to have six unexcused absences from work before they can even be considered to be fired.

Can you feel the pain?

The Unions Have Been Rewarded With
Ongoing Subsidization by the Taxpayers

It is a sign of the degree to which raw politics has dominated its handling of Chrysler and General Motors that the Obama Administration has a 31-year-old who has not yet graduated from law school determining the fate of two multi-billion dollar companies.

For their political support of the Democratic Party, the auto unions have been rewarded, not just with ownership stakes in two giant companies, but with ongoing protection and subsidization by the U.S. taxpayers.

The President has said repeatedly that he wants to get out of the auto business as soon as possible. But does anyone seriously believe that he would accept an arrangement in which GM becomes profitable at the expense of the union and its gold-plated benefits?

Having spent $50 billion to “save” GM and the UAW, does anyone really believe that the Obama Administration will now allow economics and not politics to dictate its future decisions?

In the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies, the Obama Administration has trampled on the rule of law.

It is using the taxpayers’ money to pay back a political group for its political contributions.

There was a time when we would have called that a scandal.

Your friend,
Newt Gingrich
Newt Gingrich

The US Govt. Agrees To Accept $68 Billion Pay Down of TARP Money.

The Treasury should be standing there with “arms wide open” to accept any of the TARP money a bank wants to pay back.  Our government charter does not extend to the bailout of private enterprise entities, bank, automotive company or any other.  However, we have allowed it and now that the funds have been disbursed, every effort should be made to get them back.  That may be the intent of our Treasury but it doesn’t feel that way based on the way it is reported.  (link to WSJ article below)

Related point: I am working a business turnaround situation with a client whose bank is a TARP bank. You would never know the bank has accepted money intended on helping business move forward.  We have a valid business moving forward plan where the bank does not even have to advance any more funds. However the cooperation of the bank is required.  They have chosen not to cooperate. I am told by other professionals  working with  companies and with TARP money banks that the attitude from the banks of not really helping is pervasive.

So the we allow the government to bail out these banks and the money is not being used to really help the economy.  Amazing.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis

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Here is today’s Wall Street Journal Article.

News Alert
from The Wall Street Journal
Sponsored by NASDAQ OMX

The Treasury Department said it will allow 10 of the nation’s largest banks to repay $68 billion in government bailout money.

The Treasury says the banks will be allowed to repay the money they received from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program funds. The banks have been eager to get out of the TARP program to escape government restrictions such as caps on executive compensation.

The Treasury Department did not name the banks involved, but Morgan Stanley said it is repaying $10 billion in TARP capital.

This Week’s Most Popular Re Tweets RT

It is helpful for me to know what tweets people enjoy the most. The best way I know is to monitor what my followers are re-Tweeting. Here is what I noticed this week. You are encouraged to Tweet this article and follow me on Twitter

Also – if you have a favorite Tweet from me or anyone add it to the comment section here along with your @twittername  and I am likely to Tweet it to my network of over 23,000 people.

Top re-Tweets for the week ending June 7th

Most Popular re-Tweet Is This Quote:

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Maya Angelou

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How to backup your WordPress blog

“You are amazing. Expand by connecting with those even more amazing than you. How do you do that? Allow yourself to attract them.” Steve Pohlit

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Is your business in a crisis and what to do if it is

Lots of detailed work connected with social media marketing. Understand it and leverage it. Start here

Twitter Tip 1: if you want your message to be RT then keep it under 120 char

Twitter Is Hot, Avoid The 7 Deadly Sins

Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work. Earl Nightingale

Your life’s work is a statement of who you are. If not, why are you doing it? CWG

More About Social Media Marketing

Learn how to use social media for marketing.  Click Here and register at Social Media Source for the free course or Email Brian for information on the Social Media Marketing course he is offering.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis 

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This Week's Most Popular Re Tweets RT

It is helpful for me to know what tweets people enjoy the most. The best way I know is to monitor what my followers are re-Tweeting. Here is what I noticed this week. You are encouraged to Tweet this article and follow me on Twitter

Also – if you have a favorite Tweet from me or anyone add it to the comment section here along with your @twittername  and I am likely to Tweet it to my network of over 23,000 people.

Top re-Tweets for the week ending June 7th

Most Popular re-Tweet Is This Quote:

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Maya Angelou

Next Most Popular

How to backup your WordPress blog

“You are amazing. Expand by connecting with those even more amazing than you. How do you do that? Allow yourself to attract them.” Steve Pohlit

Other Popular Tweets

Is your business in a crisis and what to do if it is

Lots of detailed work connected with social media marketing. Understand it and leverage it. Start here

Twitter Tip 1: if you want your message to be RT then keep it under 120 char

Twitter Is Hot, Avoid The 7 Deadly Sins

Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work. Earl Nightingale

Your life’s work is a statement of who you are. If not, why are you doing it? CWG

More About Social Media Marketing

Learn how to use social media for marketing.  Click Here and register at Social Media Source for the free course or Email Brian for information on the Social Media Marketing course he is offering.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, Expert Business Consulting

IR Consulting, Inc.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis 

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