The General Motors Bankruptcy: A Costly Solution

When a company cannot move forward with profitable operations because of accumulated debt  meaning they are not in a positive cash flow position, they must close the business and restructure. Either solution is costly. Restructuring with the protection of Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy code adds to the costs. 

The cost of restructuring is not because of the people working to restructure or the bankruptcy court. The costs are generally a result of mistakes in the past. General Motors has access to many of the best and brightest in the world.  With all this talent, they still managed to steer a company to bankruptcy.  That is sad.  How that happened will be guessed and reported on in many other articles and books. The purpose of this article is to give you a glimpse of what’s next. 

In GM’s case, there has been  an attempt  to negotiate a structure for moving forward prior to the filing.  An agreement was not reached.  It is my personal view from being close to a number of restructuring opportunities that in many instances a rational solution is ignored. When that happens it often is because most everybody negotiating is an employee of somebody. Consequently the number one item on the agenda is  “cover my ass.”

My turnaround and profit improvement work is often with privately held corporations where one or more people running the business are owners. Having held executive  management positions (employee) with large pubic and private companies and having the experience as a business owner, I can assure you there is a huge mindset difference.  The mindset of an owner is solution and action oriented. The mindset of an employee is “how do I get this done and protect my job”.  Of course there are exceptions and most would say my mindset has nearly always been that of an owner whether I was one or not.

If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis 

Most of the restructuring of  GM led by the company’s respective employees and advisers  began prior to the bankruptcy filling p. Part of this included  the company saying to the US Government “bail us out since certainly baseball, apple pie and General Motors is protected by the US Constitution”  Our president (an employee who we hired) says OMG I can’t let the automobile industry crater. He and his subordinate employees throw a Hail Mary pass to fuel  the restructure with a lot of money…our money.  So the employees tell the owners of the money, the US citizens,  how it will be spent and the owners (us) just shrug and say “OK”.  

So the US Government steps in to the newly defined role of bailing out certain large companies and notice that the GM bailout did not avert a bankruptcy filing.  So the brain trusts that run our country decide to send billions of our money to a company that months later files bankruptcy.  Do such investments happen outside of Government bailouts? Of course.  Investment funds make decisions all the time that don’t turn out as planned. The difference is that they are not using taxpayers money.

Taxpayers’ money is not the only money at risk.  There are billions of dollars owed by GM that will never be paid back. The ripple effect of  radically changed business is huge. Thousands of companies linked to the GM supply chain will go out of business or already have, since GM will cram down the money owed these unsecured creditors.  They won’t be paid and they won’t have business fast enough to replace that lost. Of course the direct and indirect job loss is enormous.  Again, don’t blame the restructure plan or the bankruptcy process. This situation is a result of how this company has been managed for decades.

The bankruptcy is necessary since not enough people agree on the latest restructuring  plan promised to move GM to the land of profitability. So GM executives, advisers and others to benefit  we will carve out a deal using the protection of Chapter 11 of  the US Bankruptcy Code.  This is a federal law designed to offer companies the opportunity to restructure and move forward profitably. Great idea except there are a few things you may want to consider:

Who pays for the bankruptcy filing?

Who always get paid during a bankruptcy?

Where is management’s attention during a bankruptcy particularly during the early phases of uncertainty?


The administrative (accounting, lawyer, trustee) fees associated with any bankruptcy are enormous and the people who are owed money prior to the bankruptcy are the main contributors to paying these costs.  For example, if a secured creditor is owed $10 million dollars, when the bankruptcy reorganization is filed, they may be offered 30% of the balance paid out over time  depending on how much money is projected to be available . Think of a home mortgage.  A bank holding the mortgage is secured by the value of the home.  Normally that is good protection but if the bank loaned 110% of appraised value then the value dropped 30% the security does not cover the amount of the loan. It looks as if the bailout money given to GM is at high risk of not being paid back 100%.  Time will tell. Unsecured creditors are  not likely to  get anything in a bankruptcy or pennies on the dollar. 

The company pays for the costs of the bankruptcy process including filing fees, trustee fees, attorney fees and  accounting fees. Of course paying for these costs means that money cannot be used to pay debt or suppliers. These costs are normally much larger than most people imagine.  These fees are always paid. In some cases the court will require a reduction in fees charged but usually not.

A bankruptcy filing is very disruptive to normal business operations. The attention of management and ultimately many others is on what is happening with the case. This is particularly acute in high profile cases that are covered by the press like the GM case.

If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting  Services for Business In Crisis 

Are Their Benefits To This Process?

The company’s regular business operations are protected while the case is active meaning creditors are not able to pursue lawsuits or size secured property.

A creditor’s committee will ultimately approve a reorganization plan. This plan is usually one with fewer assets than were in place before the filing since a lot of money will have been spent on bankruptcy related expenses. Generally the plan is similar to what the company wanted to do prior to the filing but had to file because people could not agree.  Seems like once a company is in bankruptcy, employees who work for creditors are more likely to agree to a reorganization plan since they can always represent “well this is the best we could do as the company is in bankruptcy.” 

Some company’s emerge successfully from this process and go on to restoring profitable growth. In General Motor’s case time will tell.  There seems to be structural costs that will not be resolved in this case which are the labor costs driven by the union. Retirement benefits are being publicized as being a concern. Ultimately the company will determine what it is able to afford and changes will have to be made. 

Ed Koch has been retained as the turnaround expert.  His firm is very reputable and he has a number of notable turnaround successes. The one thing no one can predict with certainty is to what extent customers will want the product the company makes. The public has many choices and there may be too much resistance to this brand long term for any plan to be viable.  

The media is already reporting the estimated impact of the bankruptcy on jobs and the economy. They are missing a key point. The impact is not from the bankruptcy. The impact is from how this company has been run in the past. The consistent implementation of a profit strategy has not been in place. From the outside looking in it seems the focus has been on preserving high paying  jobs and lucrative benefits while placing secondary priority on innovation and a profitable infrastructure. If those priorities remain during and following this bankruptcy, the company will not survive.


Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high. If  your company is not growing revenue and profits,  if your company is not cash flow positive Click Here for more information about Turnaround Consulting Services for Business In Crisis 

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Why Pay Attention To Bill Bartman

Paying attention to billionaires who build their fortune is a good idea if you are interested in making a lot of money.  Bill Bartman is a self made billionaire.  Bill earned his money during an economic situation similar to what we are experiencing now.  

More about Bill and the lesssons I have learned following him in future articles. For now here is an email I received from Bill. I recommend visiting his website (Click Here)  and registering for his newslettters by email including the gifts he mentions in the following


Dear Steve,

You may not know that I have a brand-new book coming out called “Bailout Riches:  How Everyday Investors Can Make A Fortune Buying Bad Loans For Pennies on the Dollar”.  If I were you, I would NOT buy it until June 2.  Let me explain.


bailout riches book coverYou see, whenever I do something, I like to do it BIG.  In past years I’ve rented 27 Boeing Jumbo Jets to fly 6,000 people to Disney World.  I also built the largest–and most ethical–debt collection company on the planet.  This time, I want to drive my book to best-seller status.  


In order to do that, I want to concentrate sales on a particular day, and that day is Tuesday June 2.


What’s in it for you to buy my book on June 2?


First, about the book.  It’s all about how you can not just “survive” this major recession, but how you can truly prosper in it.  I explain an opportunity that is likely to come around only once in your lifetime:


–How regular individuals can buy bank debt for mere pennies on the dollar;
–Why you need no prior experience to be able to get in this business;
–How you can buy it using NONE of your own money;
–Exactly how you can collect on that debt (stress-free), or simply have others do it for you.


As you may know, the last time an opportunity came around like this, I went from being bankrupt to becoming a self-made billionaire.  This time the opportunity is much bigger.  Best of all, in the book I hand YOU the roadmap I never had, so your success can be even faster.Bill Bartmann


=====> Warning <=====


Now don’t get too excited and go out and buy it before June 2!  That’s because I have a special bonus package ONLY for people who buy the book on June 2.  Not a day earlier, not a day later.


I won’t spill the beans just yet.  Let’s just say it will contain more goodies than I put in the book, to give you a real insider’s edge on how to profit from this astonishing opportunity.  You can ONLY get the bonuses when you buy my book on Tuesday, June 2 from Amazon.


With the economy as bad as it is today, this book could not be more relevant.  It’s tailor made for people with day jobs who want or NEED to start making serious money now.


Bill Bartmann

Action Step

Visiting Bill’s website (Click Here)  and register for his  newslettter then you will not miss the bonused he mentions in this email to me.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Christine Comaford – Featured Expert

Christine is awesome. She has an amazing background which I learned when I met her at a seminar a few years ago in Orlando.  For now let’s get right into the topic. This article is very focused on two elements that I totally support. Those are the A priority key success factors which she describes as Needle Movers and the management system she describes for defining and implementing the action steps in alignment with the A items.  So ignore me and pay attention to her. Regardless do this and your business will soar with the Eagles.  

One more thing.. I noticed her post on Facebook and I am republishing this because it is valuable.  She has not asked me to do this and I am not an affiliate…I am looking into it though 🙂

Here is Christine……

Okay, in case you’re new to this, your needle movers are the 2 or 3 tangible results that, when achieved, will change everything for your business, allowing you to move forward FAST! I’ll cover this topic extensively at my Results Now Summit in San Francisco on June 5 and 6, but here’s an overview to get you started. 

Many people struggle with a lack of focus simply because they aren’t defining their needle movers and working only on those. It’s vital that we identify the 3 activities to focus on RIGHT NOW that “move the needle” – meaning, they move your business forward from zero to 10 miles per hour, or from 10 to 40 mph, or 40 to 90 mph. You get the picture. Distilling your business to its essence is key here. Needle movers keep you focused on the actions that drive RESULTS. 

For instance, maybe to move your business forward you need to: generate more sales leads, close more sales, train up your team to be self-managed. These would become your three needle movers. Further, everyone on your team should have needle movers that they are focusing on and reporting on. It’s important to distill your needle movers to only 3 is because each of these will have plenty of sub-activities surrounding them, and this is a tool to keep you focused and rockin’ toward REAL success.. So stick to three and GET YOUR NEEDLE MOVING!

A Monthly Planning Template to Support Your Needle Movers: Let’s create a Monthly Planning Template to help you stay focused on your own needle movers. Grab a piece of paper and place it lengthwise or open up a new document in Word in “landscape” mode. Now make 4 columns. The first column is labeled RESULT (this is one of your needle movers), the second column is labeled ACTIONS (these are the actions to take to achieve the specific needle moving RESULT), the third column is labeled OWNER (this is the person who is accountable for a given ACTION) and the fourth column is RESOURCES (these are the resources such as web sites, software and other tools or people to help an OWNER complete a given ACTION.)

So, left to right the columns are: RESULT, ACTIONS, OWNER, RESOURCES.

A given RESULT will have usually 3-10 ACTIONS, which may have different OWNERs for each ACTION. There may or may not be RESOURCES for a given ACTION.

I also like to include a TARGET, MINIMUM and MIND BLOWER for each Needle Moving RESULT. You won’t always achieve the exact result you want. This doesn’t mean you have failed! Heck, a result is a result, and it will move your business forward. The TARGET is what you want, the MINIMUM is what you are willing to accept, the MIND BLOWER is what would absolutely ROCK your world. 

One huge benefit of needle movers? Anticipation = Power! Anticipating achieving your needle movers keeps you going!)

Need help identifying YOUR needle movers? Join me on June 5 and 6 at my Results Now Summit in San Francisco. Besides a million-dollar education in business acceleration, there will financing opportunities, networking opportunities and enough strategies for success to launch your business into the stratosphere! 

To your continued success! 

Christine Comaford, Business Accelerator
CEO of Mighty Ventures, Inc.
NY Times Best Selling Author 



Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation ConsultationOn Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

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The Business Building Principle At The Core of Local AdLinks

The goal of any business project is increased revenue and profits. If in some way the idea, project, technology is not able to be measured in terms of increased profitability why bother?  A key marketing principle is the best customer is one you already have while you work on programs to bring in more profitable customers.  Profitable business is earned one customer at at time which is why even the largest global companies that are very successful have a laser beam focus on customer satisfaction.

Local AdLink is an emerging business with a tool that is intended to help grow revenue and profits. It is an exciting idea and I became intrigued because their business model aligns with the business purpose of connecting with local customers and  prospects.

A couple years ago I purchased an ebook for I think $17 or something like and it was about a guy implement local business to customer marketing.  I looked at what he was doing and concluded it made sense.  So I set up a program at  Very shortly after that a guy contacted me about a car wash and related services business he had in the Midwest. So  we tested this and in six weeks a credible list of 1400 subscribers was developed. Ultimately his business was sold and one of the assets was this list.

Unless You Are Building An Asset, Marketing Dollars Are Essentially Being Flushed Down The Toilet

When I noticed Local AdLinks I concluded that it fit well with the asset building model I advocate.  I also concluded my skill set was best directed to teaching Business Builder how to do this.  We are just starting. However the people who join Local AdLinks with my my team receive an amazing income earning potential business model and support.

The following letter was sent to a local business today (hand delivered) and demonstrates the basic program I advocate.  Notice the entry fee.  Team members who sell this receive 40 %  of the revenue. Do the math.  If you don’t join my group, you should steal this letter and program because it is the one that will work for any (for profit) company.  That is right – any.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Now Here Is The Letter I Mentioned

I R Consulting, Inc.
Steve Pohlit, President

Dry Cleaners and Car Wash

Executive Summary of Business To Consumer Marketing System and Pricing

Business Goal : Increase revenue and profits using proven on line marketing tools and techniques.

Implementation: Jean Levy will coordinate the detailed implementation plan. Steve Pohlit is accountable for final product and implementation.

Tools and Techniques

Website descriptive and keyword search engine optimized: Ex Largo Florida Dry Cleaner. I understand the business has a domain name. For this program, the dns addresses of the domain should point to my server to allow access for design and edits.

Customer Contact Form on web page: normally we use first name, email address and phone number. The phone number is optional. The contact form is designed using an autoresponder system which essentially is a system that automates messages to people who register.

Autoresponder Sequence: generally a series of messages designed to entice people to the business. We draft these messages and there will be 8 developed delivered at a rate of approximately two per week during the first month. Then 2-4 per month in subsequent months. We rely on the business to help us with the content and promotions for these messages .

Local Adlink 10 Zip code package: this is an innovative system where local companies receive ad placement on 129 search engines and the Local Adlink website. Upon acceptance of this proposal, Jean Levi will meet with you to review all the advantages of Local Adlink which are extensive. This should be tested for a minimum of 3-6 months. All ads we design will include an image and an incentive for tracking purposes. The incentive will be a coupon with an offer defined by Capri. We suggest 20% your next dry cleaning order, Free Car Wash with dry cleaning order receipts totaling $100 and 20% off your next car wash. Note all customers taking advantage of the promotion agree to provide a valid email address for the discount.

Point of Sale Customer Contact Program: Use a 20% off your next order coupon in exchange for name and valid email. Incentive to front desk staff. Offer $.50 for each valid name and email address form submitted.


$1,900 paid up front. For this price:

1-2 page website – you own the site
customer contact form
autoresponder and message sequence
Local AdLink ad
Consultation on implementing Point of Sale Customer Contact Program

Monthly – following the first month of implementation
$100. 00 Maintenance of customer contact program, autoresponder account and messaging
$100.00 Local Ad Link test for 3-6 months

We accept PayPal or a check. If paying by check, we will give the deposit information for the Wachovia Bank next door.


This is a powerful program when worked consistently and normally takes 60-90 days to see meaningful results and return on investment. The key to success is consistent implementation which actually builds the asset base of your business.


Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

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Thank you for the opportunity to provide this information. We are ready to begin when you are.

Is The Law of Attraction The Key To Achieving Business Profit Goals?

Yes! In fact revenue and profit goals are always only achieved with The Law of Attraction.

I can write about my own experiences until I am “blue in the face”…..until “the cows come home”  None of  that matters. What matters is your experience.

What you focus on expands. You can study how to apply The Law of Attraction in your business  or get on the  fast track  with my help.  Actually doing it yourself is more costly when you price  your time and calculate the impact on business revenue and profits.

My experience with using the Law of Attraction is extensive. For example,

  • I continually image and create successful results with my business clients.

With my mastermind partner:

  • We imaged and created a successful membership site Manifest Mastermind which is based on The Law of Attraction.
  • We Imaged and created a successful social media marketing business.

There is more.  For now, Email Me, Steve Pohlit if :

  • Your company with revenues exceeding $5 million need help with profitable growth, business turnaround or crisis management.
  • You would like to discuss how social media marketing can drive targeted traffic to your business. We are very interested in working with companies selling consumer products.

If you are interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction, you are invited to register for our free course at I see increasing evidence of The Law of Attraction working perfectly every minute of every day. I encourage you to consider the information from our free course.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

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The Key To Business Profits In A Difficult Economy

The phrase “cash is king” is widely recognized because it is true.  When you solidify cash flow you solidify your business.

Cash of course can be borrowed. For  many companies, traditional sources of financing are nearly non existent.  Lines of credit are being tightened and there is little or no room for  loan covenants variations.  In this and all situations, the sooner management accepts responsibility for  the state of their business, the sooner they are in a mindset for moving the business forward.  What are the primary options for restructuring a business facing these circumstances?  The primary alternatives are:

1. Secure a lending facility from a source that is not a traditional bank.

2. Negotiate a new note with your existing bank – very unlikely right now.

3. File a restructuring plan under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy code – an action of last resort and very costly.

4. Sell the business: viable if your business is attractive to a strategic buyer. You will need a creative contract if you expect to get much more than having your personal guarantees removed from the debt.

5. Close the business and do something else. You may feel you may want to do that but be careful since if your business assests upon liquidation do not cover the senior debt, your personal assets may be at risk. In this environment institutions are taking homes .

You may be thinking the above is written for a business experiencing losses in market share and profits.  Companies with bright pictures being painted are experiencing the impact of banks not lending. The money channeled to banks from the government is not flowing through to  companies deserving loans.

For this reason, alternative sourcing of funds is often needed.  A lot of time and energy can be spent finding the right deal or you can select a firm with the contacts that will get this done quickly on your behalf.

Last week I was in a meeting discussing options, strategies and pricing for services. It is very common for owners to begin calculation how much money firms make when a deal closes. This money is commonly called success fees. I explained that success fees are in proportion to the solution delivered.  The right professional firms have the experience and the contacts to move quickly and get results. How valuable is that when considering the alternatives?

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

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When Business Sucks, Look In The Mirror

All the solutions are waiting for you to attract them.  That’s right and if you disagree, you are correct.  What you believe is true for you.  For me, I know what I focus on expands. That is The Law of Attraction and it is always working even in business.  If you expect problems you will attract problems. If you look outside for the reasons there are issues in your business, then you will always be finding someone or something to blame.  All this solutions for your business start with your knowing there is a solution. Consider these examples:

Last week I began working with a rather large business that finds itself in a cash crunch.  The first meeting I had with the owners of this business asked the single most important question relative to this situation. “Do you feel this situation can be solved?”  Without a consensus yes answer, there would be no reason to continue.  We continued.

I called a meeting on the second day right at the beginning of the day with these owners. I asked them to begin focusing on the picture of success.  I guided them to shift their thoughts from all the issues that are pressing to the picture of a well coordinated profitable business with plenty of cash.  I said to them we would have this meeting every day that I was on sight and I encouraged them to hold the meeting when I was not there.  This week I will give more clear directions on imaging specific success for their business.

In business there are three situations: First there is the current situation. Second there is a situation that is more negative than the current situation and if that trend continues it could lead to what people describe as a worst case. Third, there is the going forward picture of what it is that the team of people in the company will create.  Of course my work is primarily focused on the third picture. Since I am not able to discern what others are intending, I spend some time on a worse case scenario designed to protect the business should events proceed quickly to the negative. On balance,  I usually spend 90% of my time on designing and implementing the going forward plan.

Solutions to business situations vary depending on the conditions being addressed. The second day into this project calls were received that represented huge opportunities. Day three another call came in that also represented a marvelous opportunity.  None of these seemed to be in motion until the owners began focusing on success.  They are responsible for their business and they are responsible for attracting success. My work is to help them attract success and optimize revenue and profits. I  show them how to continue that process once the project they hired me for  is complete.

Does their business suck?  Well actually it did up until a week ago. The owners are beginning to see they are responsible. They are no longer blaming external people, places and things. Once you accept responsibility that your are the reason for the state of your business, then you can begin to paint a new picture.

I experience more examples of how business sucks  in one week that I could possibly write about in a month. I’ll bet you do to and I’ll bet you have a short list of what they could do to improve the situation fast.

Consider this  example:  in the town of my  most recent client referenced above,  there is a very nice building exterior that is a home of a restaurant.  From all outward appearances, I anticipated a very good dining experience. Inside told a different story.  First the atmosphere was very institutional.  However, it appeared to be clean.  The appearance of the staff was not one where you knew they had much pride in themselves and so they didn’t have pride in servicing customers. I am sure there were exceptions. But I didn’t attract any that evening.  The food was not even close to the pictures on the menu.  The beer selection was good and it was good.

That is just one example of  “When Business Sucks, Look In The Mirror”.  Each of the issues described are fixable in a very short period of time.  There are so many opportunities in business for “doing it better”  without having to spend a lot of money.  The solution starts from within. It starts with the mindset “I am responsible for the outcome of my business.”

In operations, I work with companies on fundamentals.  In marketing I recommend solutions and have do it for you solutions. The do it for you solutions are particularly valuable in the social media marketing arena. In all cases I stay focused on proven business principles.  These are the ones that are ignored the most because the discipline required t0 execute the fundamentals is routine and boring.  It  just so happens those fundamentals are where the gold is mined.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Designer: Local Business Marketing This program is outstanding because it builds  long term relationships and profits.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

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Social Media For Building Business Profits: Part 2 The Big Three

Social Media In Plain Terms

Social media as an umbrella phrase includes sites and services that facilitate interactivity and community. In that regard blogs and email marketing are included. In fact both are an integral part of the marketing funnel. 

This series is focused on using the newer and emerging services for business development. The big three are YouTube, Facebook and  MySpace in that order. Fast risers are  Twitter and LinkedIn. Currently if you placed your social media marketing attention just on those, there still  would not be enough time in a  day to manually optimize the benefit of these sites. To develop and implement a business development campaign in most cases requires  an effective system that includes automation and leverage of very specifically defined tasks.

Which Site Is Best For Finding Your Target Audience?

All of them!  Look at the numbers.  Twitter which has moved into the 47th highest traffic spot according to Alexa as of the date if this article has an estimated 6 million users. If you have a business then your target audience is there.  Your audience is also on Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube and many more sites. 

I suggest stop analyzing this until the cows come home and get to work.  The key is knowing how to properly use each account and attracting your target audience to your landing page, blog or website.  How you use Facebook is going to be different than how you use Twitter etc. All most likely are going to be linked and you will be using one of several applications to update multiple social media accounts through one interface. is a popular one that works very well. 


Twitter is particularly unique since each person has 160 characters for a profile biography and is limited to 140 characters per message.  It is also unique since according to Alexa most people stay on the first page of tweet flow (message displays).  This is a message ticker tape system. The newest message is posted at the top of the page and that pushes the last message on the page off.  

Many people focus on growing a large number of followers. The key is followers who are your target audience.  So how do you know that?  Start with Internet marketing 101 principles which is a clear definition of your target market.  Then what are the primary keywords related to your target audience?  Using the search function find out who is tweeting about those topic and follow them. You can expand this by following their followers. 

Balance Twitter followers and following by going to your View All Following screen and then looking for those people that do not have a direct message link. You can only direct message people if they follow you.  If after a few days someone has not followed you and you are attempting to balance the ratio, click delete.  There are some people and services that do not follow much at all but their content is valuable.  That is your choice.

More Twitter Tips in future additions. For now this will get you started and will help experienced users.  Again this is written with the goal of building business revenue and profits using social media. 


There have been no fundamental changes in the principles of successful marketing.  In order to convert targeted traffic into sales there must value and you must effectively communicate the value.  Start with your funnel and using Twitter as example.  You are forming  a relationship with your target audience.  Your tweets should have value. If they constantly scream buy this or that, your efforts will be futile and are likely to get you banned. 


In the next article in this series I will take a closer look at some of the features, benefits and pitfalls of specific social media sites. In the meantime, every day you spend thinking about this or trying to figure it out on your own, is a day where you are not optimizing your sales that are possible using traffic from  social media. I  suggest you get started now by emailing me.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers?  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

Link To Part 1 of  This Series

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Follow Me and I Follow You
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FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Marc Andreessen, Charlie Rose, Ken McCarthy, The System

Below is an email Ken McCarthy sent me and thousands of his closest friends. I have been privileged to attend four System Seminars and one targeted training Ken held for 30 people over a weekend in Miami.  Ken has tremendous experience with the Internet and is closely aligned with leadership. More importantly, Ken is a quality person and has always been focused on providing value.

This is an hour interview and I am the first to admit I have no patience with content of that length. However, this is an exception.  This is a marvelous interview and well worth your time.  Before I  turn this introduction over to Ken I want to mention The System. I am not an affiliate.  This is a sincere endorsement based on my personal experience.

Now here is Ken and you are in for a great show.

Steve Pohlit



If you want to learn how to do something, the smartest
thing to do it find someone who’s done it.

Making a billion dollars is pretty lofty goal, but if
you’re interested I know a guy who has done it twice and
is on track to do it a third time.

He’s always worth listening to.

Recently, he was on the Charlie Rose program and
was on fire.

If you want to be prepared for the next ten years,
watch and take notes.

(It will help too if all you want to do it make
a million.)


Ken McCarthy
The System Seminar


I appreciate Ken providing this really great interview

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Follow Me and I Follow You
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FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Social Media for Building Business Profits Part 1

Being on line means you are already using social media sites. The question is should you be using social media as part of your marketing strategy?  My experience in developing business with social media being part of the marketing strategy, confirms that social media is a “must have” part of your marketing strategy.

What Is Social Media?

Social media are locations where people build communities based on interest.  Just like a physical community where there is a wide range of interests and value systems, you will find diversity in sites categorized as social media. Considering the diversity of interests, it is very important  to define the audience you are attracting or your target market.

What Are The Best Social Media Sites For Building Business Revenue and Profits ?

The answer to that question depends on your target audience. For example, if you are an engineering firm, you are more likely to find your target audience on Linked In rather thank on MySpace.  However, since MySpace has over 200 million subscribers, your target audience is likely there as well.  In this example, LinkedIn may be more suitable for finding your target audience near term but MySpace should not be ignored.

We set up profiles for our businesses and our client companies on most major social media sites.  We give each site  the focus warranted by the  target market. When you are attracting targeted prospective customers, you are then working consistent with your profit goals.

Ultimately you must be able to convert that traffic to profitable revenue.  Conversion has nothing to do with social media and everything to do with  follow up systems. In other words, conversion has everything to do with your sales funnel.

The Social Media Funnel

I started using the word cloud to describe the population of people using social media.  I have seen other people use that term as well and feel it is a good description.  Tools within each social media site are used to attract people from the cloud to your group, following, blog, landing page or some other feature specifically associated with your offer. However, drawing people to from the social media cloud  is not the place to begin conversion. That is the place to begin building a relationship.

The Social Media Cloud to Customer Process

There is no one program for bringing  people to your business which is where you have an opportunity to market your offer.  Each social media site operates differently.  We have spent thousand of hours testing various ways to use the major social media sites. We have a very good understanding of what works from the results we achieve.

We also have confirmed that there is significant time involved in setting this up properly and executing the daily tasks required to build and grow an effective network. The time is significant   even with an effective process of in place of focusing on the most efficient tasks and using  the leverage of automation and delegation.  In addition, the landscape is dynamic which means that you must be alert for social media site changes that affect processes in place.

The time and processes required to build and maintain an effective network for attracting targeted people to your conversion cycle from the social media cloud is extensive. If you are intent on doing this yourself then focus your attention on two or three main sites.   Realistically since building a social media network means doing certain tasks daily, focusing on more than two or three sites without an entire department or outsourcing this work is impractical.

The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

The first benefit of social media marketing is that  the cloud is huge so your customers are there.  Next, the more consistent you are in building your network, the easier it becomes to grow your network since there is a viral aspect.  We see evidence of  people building rather large followings and groups and enjoying the esteem that comes with the related popularity. That is certain one valid goal.

Our goal is monetization of the value we offer. We are a business and to remain in business, we must make a profit.  The level of business success is measured by revenue and profit trends. For clients, we hold ourselves accountable for delivering a 100% return on investment in 30 to 90 days.

To be a client you must have a business that has a sales conversion cycle that is already working for a clearly defined target market.  To achieve those results we measure and track all data from the network developed from the cloud all the way through conversion into a sale.  Analysis is key if your focus is making money.

Foundation for Success

I have written articles about this, conducted training about this and led client projects focused on this.  The this I am referring to is build traffic and convert it.  With the numerous social media marketing opportunities, it is easy to take your eye of the ball of sales.  When a customer says I’ll take it, that is a very valuable event. You then are responsible for delivering the value of what the customer has purchased and having in place the right customer service support structure for what you are selling.

If there are weaknesses in what you sell and in your support network,  all the work you do in social media, Internet marketing, PPC, direct mail, direct sales and more is largely wasted. On the flip side of that, if the revenue cycle of your business is solid you will achieve a high return on you marketing dollar investment.


In the next article in this series we will take a closer look at some of the features, benefits and pitfalls of specific social media sites. In the meantime, every day you spend thinking about this or trying to figure it out on your own, is a day where you are not optimizing your sales that are possible with social media. We suggest you get started now.

Email Me, Steve Pohlit to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers? Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit, The Profit Expert

Follow Me and I Follow You
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FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

A Practical View of Business Plans

Recommending a business plans is often a starting point for many advisors and consultants. The challenge is that there are nearly as many recommendations on how to do a plan as their are advisors and consultants.

 The single biggest issue with planning is the horizon. Many suggest a 3-5 year plan. If and when that gets done, the plan sits on the shelf in most cases.

I developed my consulting program  specifically for the purpose of guiding companies on how to achieve extraordinary revenue and profit growth in a short period of time. Clients are taught to think in 12 month chunks and then roll that back to what has to be done this week to achieve it.

When you bring your targets, to what has to happen today, this week, this month that are required to achieve the 12 month goal and hold people accountable for achieving those interim results, amazing things happen. 

In the process of doing this, a company must address what could derail the results. So the point of considering disasters is addressed, but you get there from a different direction. In my experience the top two potential disasters are sudden loss of a key person where there has been little or no backup planning and a company relying a great deal on one or a small number of customers for most of their business.  


Most of the time companies need to think in terms of how what is being accomplished today moves them closer to the goals they have established for twelve months out. In fact most of my work has been to show companies how to install and implement this discipline along with supporting processes of accountability. 

There are some situations when longer term planning is required. These include companies where capital spending for equipment and possibly additional facilities is important. For the majority of businesses, negotiating financing or buying a company will require three to five year plans.  Lenders will insist on it. While on that topic, there is always money for a good deal…always.


Most of the time a business plan should be what you are intending for all in the business to be accomplishing in a reasonalbe time period. Again I usually think in terms of about a year and that year is always rolling. There must be some provision in the case of a sudden loss that would have a major impact.

As for the plan itself, I have  found  most companies do not challenge themselves to achieve their potential. Often the discussion is along the lines of “well our growth rate this year will be about 5% because that is what we seem to be able to do in times like this”  I always ask the what if questions.  What if the revenue and profit target was a growth rate of 30% in the next 90 days?  How would you do that?  

It is interesting what happens when you start asking for ideas…you get them. 

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Need more customers?  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

Follow Me and I Follow You
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FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Internet Marketing Tools That Are Great To Know

If you have a website, blog or both you are
going to love these videos showing you basic
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You’ll get a total of 36 videos that will SHOW
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Don’t delay.

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To Your Success,

Steve Pohlit

The WSJ Reports On McDonalds. My Report On The Key Success Factors

McDonald’s is doing well in the current economic climate as reported by the WSJ and a lot of credit is given to the leadership of Ralph Averez, President.  Readers have a number of reactions to this story including some not so flattering.

However the are a number of principles being followed by Mr. Alverez that are well worth paying attention to. These include:

“I love numbers,” Mr. Alvarez says. “I think data used well really tells a story.”  He acts to create a continually improving story.  For example, modifying  menu offering and prices almost in real time. That is a great lesson.

He uses a baseball cap and sunglasses to disguise himself when visiting stores and testing food and service against the standards. There are two lessons here: one stay close to your customer’s experience and two, for awhile people who wear ballcaps and sunglasses and look like Mr. Alverez in disguise, may get outstanding service. 🙂

You don’t win and maintain customer loyalty by cutting the size of the serving. You eliminate all unnecessary costs and them some and keep focusing on increasing the value of the customer’s experience.

For the complete article Click Here.

My comments posted to this article on the site of the WSJ are republished now:

This is an excellent presentation by Janet Adamy. I really appreciate the statement “I love numbers,” Mr. Alvarez says. “I think data used well really tells a story.” He acts to create a continually improving story. That is a great lesson.

There is a huge opportunity for McDonald’s and others in using social media to increase sales and profits. I suspect that the large companies will turn to their marketing executives who will turn to their ad agencies and say let’s invest in social media. I recommend new thinking as social media is new landscape.

Steve Pohlit

One reader suggests McDonald’s has got it all right.  I think they are not in step with on line social media treads. This represents a huge opportunity for them.

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

Follow Me and Follow You

FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Summary of Twitter Trends and Benefits by Jeff Walker

This email from Jeff Walker is an excellent summary of Twitter and is republished intact including all links. The only question is with over 7,500 followers why is Jeff only following 1%  back?  I really don’t see how not following people is in the spirit of social media. I welcome comments on this topic.  

To The Point:  Here is Jeff’s article which is very good.

You’ve probably heard of Twitter by now. It’s the
latest thing that all the cool kids are playing
with.  🙂
And it’s also going to be an absolutely HUGE
business tool. In my opinion, we’re literally just
seeing the very tip of the iceberg.
I’ve actually been active on Twitter for almost
two years, and I’ve been watching it very
carefully during that time… it’s been evolving
VERY quickly, and the pace of that evolution just
keeps increasing.
(You can follow me on Twitter at this
So here’s what I’m seeing on Twitter right now…
Real world celebrities are showing up on Twitter.
One person that I’ve been watching is Lance
Armstrong (it’s a natural since I’m so into
bicycling)… Lance joined Twitter just a few
months ago, and he already has over 233,000
This summer when he races in the Tour
de France, I’m sure his Twitter updates will be
mentioned many times during coverage of the
race… and all of a sudden Twitter will hit the
I’m predicting that Lance will have over 1 million
followers by the end of July.
And other celebrities are already taking notice.
When they realize that they can build a following
that they can control directly (ie, they don’t
have to depend on mainstream media) AND that they
can monetize that following in various ways…
well, look out. We’ll soon have every movie star,
TV star, rock star, and athletic star on Twitter.
Naturally, all their fans will follow.
Are you starting to see why I think Twitter is
going to be huge?
Now a few important things:
1. Lots of people say they don’t “get” Twitter.
Maybe you’re one of them. I suggest you just go
ahead and sign up (it’s free), and then start
following a few people. You’ll catch on quickly.
2. It’s the functionality behind Twitter that’s
important… and will continue to be important.
Whether is the ultimate winner, or
whether some competitor comes along and beats
them, this type of site will be a long term
3. You want to stake out your spot on Twitter –
it’s clearly a viral tool. The bigger your
presence on Twitter, the faster your presence will
grow. So if you haven’t started building your
Twitter following, then start doing it RIGHT NOW.
4. There’s lots of self-appointed “Twitter Police”
out there that think they know how Twitter should
be used. The reality is that there’s a hundred
different ways to use Twitter… so experiment
with it until you find the way you want to use it.
5. There’s a TON of third-party sites and software
programs to use with Twitter. They can make the
site a lot more fun and useful.
The one that I think is most important and useful
is the search function at – you can use that to
track what people are saying about you, or your
company, or your competitors. It’s awesome,
instantaneous feedback.
6. If you want to get up to speed fast on Twitter,
you should check out TwitterPower… which is a
brand-new book by Joel Comm. You can get it at at this link:
(By the way, that’s NOT an affiliate link.)
7. Remember… follow me on Twitter – I put up all
kinds of cool things there, including some insider
breaking news stuff. Here’s the link:
8. Oh yeah… Twitter can be very addicting. Try
to limit yourself to small doses. Set a timer when
you check Twitter – give yourself 5 or 10 minutes.
And don’t blame me if you get completely addicted.
best regards,
Courtesy of Steve Pohlit
Follow Me and Follow You

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less 

The WSJ Reports on Twitter and My Comment

My comments that follow relate to an article written by JULIA ANGWIN with the Wall Street Journal who discussed her experience and recommendation for Twitter:

I appreciate this article and Julia.

I recommend Twitter. In my business we set up every client with multiple Twitter accounts as an integral part of the marketing funnel. Twitter works because we use a “give value” model. This develops a relationship with our followers.

Several days ago I reached out to a lady who I have seen active on Twitter. She had posted a tweet about an upcoming event. I felt she might fit our client criteria and sent her a quick tweet. She immediately responded and a day later we had a conference call in place. At the start of the call we introduced ourselves and she said “OMG you guys are Manifest Mastermind. @mastermmind How cool is that! You’re the ones with the purple picture. I love your tweets. Thank you so much”

So that felt really good and offered us credibility for a related venture we were proposing. We are now in the final stages of a client agreement which will be very good for her as well as for us.

I didn’t see it mentioned by Julia or in the comments. Personally I would not be without Tweet Deck. It allows you to easily follow up to 10 people or niche markets at once. Awesome! Having said that, my number one tool is

Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
The Profit Expert

Email Steve to schedule A No Obligation Consultation On Building Your Business Profits.  Let’s discuss how to use cutting edge Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Direct Response Marketing in the revenue building cycle of your business to drive your profits sky high.

FREE Report:

How To Increase Business Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less