Tony Robins Sues Stephen Pierce : Steve Pohlit Advises On Litigation

Stephen Pierce announced on his podcast today that he has been sued by The Tony Robins organization. Click Here for the full story.

Tony and Steve market very prosperous self help and self development material and each of them has had their respective life challenging situations that most people do not think about when they see or listen to their resources. So what happened?

I can share with you what I believed happened based on my experience with clients and my own experiences with attorneys which is significant. In summary, no matter what they say attorneys are in the business of generating fees. Let me restate that as I would like you to really get that point: Attorneys are in the business of generating fees!!

Outside of criminal behavior, which is not the topic of this article, I am not aware of an instance where a business matter cannot be first resolved by the two relevant parties. On the flip side of that in every instance where I have seen one party say: “I’ll just let my attorney handle this” what happens is a drawn out circus that double, triples, quadruples and more the cost of the matter.

Tony Robins vs. Stephen Pierce is a great example. Based on what I heard if someone from Tony’s office had simply picked up the phone or sent an letter requesting clarification from Stephen I cannot imagine this matter getting to the point of a lawsuit. However, an weakness in the Tony Robins organization allowed for a small matter to mushroom into a public spectacle.

So what would I do if I were Tony Robins?

Assuming what Stephen says in his podcast is true and it is hard to imagine him twisting the facts, I would immediately withdraw the lawsuit, issue an apology and dismiss the people who decided to take this action. I would take one final step and that is to make sure no legal action is taken without full disclose of the facts and my personal sign-off authorizing moving forward with the lawsuit.

What would I do if I were Stephen Pierce?

Nothing different. Stephen is broadcasting his position in this matter and if the lawsuit goes forward he will have to respond.

Summary Story and Advise:

I was at a board of directors meeting for a $10 Billion dollar company during which a very sensitive matter was being discussed. I will never forget the one side presenting what was clearly a well rehearsed point of view that was developed by lawyers. After the presentation, one very notable board member stood up looked directly in the eye of this other very powerful person and said Mr.____ I have achieved a measure of success in my life (which was an understatement) and if I had listened to my lawyers I would be out of business today.

I will never forget that day and placing that in context, there are times when we all should seek the advice legal counsel . However, I close with restating the point I made at the start of this article in a different way: I have never seen a business situation where the substantive points could not be resolved between the two parties first and then turned over to the lawyers for documentation. When business situations get turned over to the attorneys first, deals get killed, costs accelerate at warp speed and a lot of time is wasted.

If you are ever in a business situation where you feel you need the advice of an attorney, make damn sure you have received the best business advice first.

From my Prosperity Tip lessons:

May you experience your pure potentiality and live the life of your dreams.

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Part 3 (Final For Now) Steve Pohlit's Response To Patsi Krakoff's (The Blog Squad) Question: Is Social Networking A Wast of Time?

In Part 1 the size of the social networking market today was introduced with specific reference to the rapid rise of Facebook in just over three years. Successful social networking includes opening the doors to your life. This seemed natural for the early adopters of social networking, but for many others today,it is not and is still not natural. I pointed out the leadership role John Reese has taken to introducing Facebook to his huge list and beginning to share parts of his previously well guarded life. John’s posture as well as others has a ripple effect on the business community.

In Part 2 I disclosed that relationships are the primary reason I feel social networking is a valuable use of time. I remind myself and share this view with you that in any relationship, you have to do your part. I accept total responsibility for those relationships that have fallen by the wayside in my life. I am not repeating those mistakes including ones developed in my world of social networking. People active on the social networking sites are giving and giving and giving more. That is real positive energy circulating. I have chosen to be with that energy flow.

In the last of this series I am opening the door to the more notable of my experiences in just three weeks of being active on Facebook. I am not holding anything back. There have been many wonderful experiences. I didn’t maintain a list and will probably remember others after this is published. These will provide you a good view of my experience in a short time. Sequentially:

1. I posted pictures of an event in Orlando and immediately a person who I have tremendous respect for messaged me and asked “Steve where is the car?” I then knew that John Reese was following certain information I was posting. The car was John’s Lamborghini. I have a picture of me and John with his car from that event. I found the picture and posted it. That brief communication reinforced for me that I wanted to make sure that everything I was posting would be viewed in a positive light by whomever decided to read it.

2. Travis Greenlee published a series of videos on growing your network on Facebook. He did a terrific job and I spent 30 minutes watching his series and taking notes. I developed an action plan tracker from those videos that I posted to the Action Plan Tracker site. I began working those action steps. Travis liked it – I am not sure that many of the 2,000 people in his network paid that close attention to his work . Welcome to the world of social networking. You can put the value out there but most people will not pay attention to it. We still live in a “give me the magic pill” society. I digress.

3. I developed the site Prosperity Tip. This is the front end for The Prosperity Now Program under development and the associated Prosperity Tool Chest which is the most powerful tool for transforming your life if that is something you want to do. That background is important because right about the time I was becoming active on Facebook I was finishing the book The Moses Code by James Twyman. There are no coincidences and one of my new friends was talking about Facebook Groups. So I thought I would look up The Moses Code group and it wasn’t formed. I formed it immediately. The next morning there were maybe 6 members with me and my daughter representing 2 out the 6. One of the other members is the author – how cool is that? You can join a group on Facebook reflecting your interests and start one of your own. I notice that there are a huge number of groups. Many are started and few are that active and stay on topic. If you start one, stick to the original purpose.

4. Authors I highly respect are in my network: Joe Vitale, Deepak Chopra, Joe Sugarman, John Assarof, James Twyman to name a few. Of course there are experts who are not on Facebook but many are. Do not hesitate to approach anyone to network with you. Sending them a note that you enjoy their work goes a long way to receiving a reply.

5. Nikhil Satija and I became Facebook friends. One day I noticed a short post from Nikhil and checked out what he was doing. That led to a unique joint venture for promoting a high ticket product. There is more information at his group Million Dollar Business on Facebook and at the page I webpage I set up to introduce people to this idea. ( Click Here ) Today we are working together on developing traffic flow and that is fun.

6. Another post led me to Bubble Ply . Now imagine the likelihood of paying attention to a name like that. Well this post from a FB friend led me to that site and all I can say is wow. I posted an article about this or should I say I demonstrated this technology in a post Titled “Nobody Is Talking About This …Is This off The Charts or What? ”

(Remember I am writing about things that have happened in just the last three weeks of being active on Facebook)

7. I learned about Twitter and can follow some of the activity of interesting people. Just this week I learned how to sync Twitter with Facebook using an application on Facebook called twittersync. Guess where I learned that? Correct a Facebook friend led me to that solution. Candidly I am sure about Twitter but I am active with it and I will likely write about Twitter at some future date.

8. My friends introduce me to games and applications that I never would have given any thought to. Realistically I decline many of those invitations. While they may be interesting, like many other people I make choices as to how I will use my time. However, several of those recommendations I am experimenting with and one of them looks to be very powerful and is in the category of “I can’t believe more people are not in a buzz about this!” What is it? See the next item on the list.

9. One of my newest friends is Michael Wolf. He is CEO of a UK based company that has developed a very fascinating application that assists people in 1.) Promoting their expertise 2.) Finding people for projects and 3.) Researching a question or issue. Currently this is a Facebook application. It appears to be very new as there are some technical challenges still being worked out. I am in touch with Michael and have given him details that may help his company work out the remaining issues. I will be writing an Action Plan Tracker on this application when the technical issues are worked out and I have more experience with it. What is interesting to me is that this application falls within the scope of another business model idea I had developed within 24 hours of Michael contacting me to be his friend. A great example of the Law of Attraction working.

10. I wrote about this in Part 2 and clearly this last item is the number one reason I am active with Facebook. I have 400+ more direct connections around the world than I had three weeks ago. I feel that I know a number of them quite well and our relationships are growing closer. This connection feels real good to me. One of the key principles I have taught in The Prosperity Now Program is that to me our main goal is being at peace. Yes we deserve all this world has to offer but I we are not at peace with who we are and what we have, all the money and what that can buy means nothing. At some point all of us leave all the stuff behind and what remains is our footprint on the soul of others.

Patsi, you are a wonderful lady and thank you for asking the question. I had no idea my answer would lead to a three part series, but I loved sharing this with everyone.

The close of this series is one that I use for my Prosperity Tip readers:

May you experience your pure potentiality and live the life of your dreams.

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Part 3 (Final For Now) Steve Pohlit’s Response To Patsi Krakoff’s (The Blog Squad) Question: Is Social Networking A Wast of Time?

In Part 1 the size of the social networking market today was introduced with specific reference to the rapid rise of Facebook in just over three years. Successful social networking includes opening the doors to your life. This seemed natural for the early adopters of social networking, but for many others today,it is not and is still not natural. I pointed out the leadership role John Reese has taken to introducing Facebook to his huge list and beginning to share parts of his previously well guarded life. John’s posture as well as others has a ripple effect on the business community.

In Part 2 I disclosed that relationships are the primary reason I feel social networking is a valuable use of time. I remind myself and share this view with you that in any relationship, you have to do your part. I accept total responsibility for those relationships that have fallen by the wayside in my life. I am not repeating those mistakes including ones developed in my world of social networking. People active on the social networking sites are giving and giving and giving more. That is real positive energy circulating. I have chosen to be with that energy flow.

In the last of this series I am opening the door to the more notable of my experiences in just three weeks of being active on Facebook. I am not holding anything back. There have been many wonderful experiences. I didn’t maintain a list and will probably remember others after this is published. These will provide you a good view of my experience in a short time. Sequentially:

1. I posted pictures of an event in Orlando and immediately a person who I have tremendous respect for messaged me and asked “Steve where is the car?” I then knew that John Reese was following certain information I was posting. The car was John’s Lamborghini. I have a picture of me and John with his car from that event. I found the picture and posted it. That brief communication reinforced for me that I wanted to make sure that everything I was posting would be viewed in a positive light by whomever decided to read it.

2. Travis Greenlee published a series of videos on growing your network on Facebook. He did a terrific job and I spent 30 minutes watching his series and taking notes. I developed an action plan tracker from those videos that I posted to the Action Plan Tracker site. I began working those action steps. Travis liked it – I am not sure that many of the 2,000 people in his network paid that close attention to his work . Welcome to the world of social networking. You can put the value out there but most people will not pay attention to it. We still live in a “give me the magic pill” society. I digress.

3. I developed the site Prosperity Tip. This is the front end for The Prosperity Now Program under development and the associated Prosperity Tool Chest which is the most powerful tool for transforming your life if that is something you want to do. That background is important because right about the time I was becoming active on Facebook I was finishing the book The Moses Code by James Twyman. There are no coincidences and one of my new friends was talking about Facebook Groups. So I thought I would look up The Moses Code group and it wasn’t formed. I formed it immediately. The next morning there were maybe 6 members with me and my daughter representing 2 out the 6. One of the other members is the author – how cool is that? You can join a group on Facebook reflecting your interests and start one of your own. I notice that there are a huge number of groups. Many are started and few are that active and stay on topic. If you start one, stick to the original purpose.

4. Authors I highly respect are in my network: Joe Vitale, Deepak Chopra, Joe Sugarman, John Assarof, James Twyman to name a few. Of course there are experts who are not on Facebook but many are. Do not hesitate to approach anyone to network with you. Sending them a note that you enjoy their work goes a long way to receiving a reply.

5. Nikhil Satija and I became Facebook friends. One day I noticed a short post from Nikhil and checked out what he was doing. That led to a unique joint venture for promoting a high ticket product. There is more information at his group Million Dollar Business on Facebook and at the page I webpage I set up to introduce people to this idea. ( Click Here ) Today we are working together on developing traffic flow and that is fun.

6. Another post led me to Bubble Ply . Now imagine the likelihood of paying attention to a name like that. Well this post from a FB friend led me to that site and all I can say is wow. I posted an article about this or should I say I demonstrated this technology in a post Titled “Nobody Is Talking About This …Is This off The Charts or What? ”

(Remember I am writing about things that have happened in just the last three weeks of being active on Facebook)

7. I learned about Twitter and can follow some of the activity of interesting people. Just this week I learned how to sync Twitter with Facebook using an application on Facebook called twittersync. Guess where I learned that? Correct a Facebook friend led me to that solution. Candidly I am sure about Twitter but I am active with it and I will likely write about Twitter at some future date.

8. My friends introduce me to games and applications that I never would have given any thought to. Realistically I decline many of those invitations. While they may be interesting, like many other people I make choices as to how I will use my time. However, several of those recommendations I am experimenting with and one of them looks to be very powerful and is in the category of “I can’t believe more people are not in a buzz about this!” What is it? See the next item on the list.

9. One of my newest friends is Michael Wolf. He is CEO of a UK based company that has developed a very fascinating application that assists people in 1.) Promoting their expertise 2.) Finding people for projects and 3.) Researching a question or issue. Currently this is a Facebook application. It appears to be very new as there are some technical challenges still being worked out. I am in touch with Michael and have given him details that may help his company work out the remaining issues. I will be writing an Action Plan Tracker on this application when the technical issues are worked out and I have more experience with it. What is interesting to me is that this application falls within the scope of another business model idea I had developed within 24 hours of Michael contacting me to be his friend. A great example of the Law of Attraction working.

10. I wrote about this in Part 2 and clearly this last item is the number one reason I am active with Facebook. I have 400+ more direct connections around the world than I had three weeks ago. I feel that I know a number of them quite well and our relationships are growing closer. This connection feels real good to me. One of the key principles I have taught in The Prosperity Now Program is that to me our main goal is being at peace. Yes we deserve all this world has to offer but I we are not at peace with who we are and what we have, all the money and what that can buy means nothing. At some point all of us leave all the stuff behind and what remains is our footprint on the soul of others.

Patsi, you are a wonderful lady and thank you for asking the question. I had no idea my answer would lead to a three part series, but I loved sharing this with everyone.

The close of this series is one that I use for my Prosperity Tip readers:

May you experience your pure potentiality and live the life of your dreams.

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Part 2: My Response To The Blog Squad's Question Is Social Networking A Waste of Tme

Consider there are a lot of people who are not on social networking sites and don’t even know what you mean when you mention it. At a recent meeting of 70 people in the age range of 20-75 with most in the age group of 40-60, I was mentioning Facebook and asked how many knew what I was talking about? 20% maybe knew and 10% used it. I think that number is representative for that age group and there are reports issued validating the number of users is growing each month.

Here is a peak at my experience with growing a network on Facebook. In literally three weeks my friends on Facebook grew from 9 to 389. In my network I estimate more than 90% of the people are most concerned about what they do and have no interest in what I do after we are connected. Many (and I have done this when I started) use the Facebook system to add numbers of “friends”. When I scan my friends list and the friends of a friend list I notice very few people have posted any recent news. This tells me there is a huge group of people not very active on Facebook – maybe 90%. I am a great example. I have been a member of Facebook for about two years and have been active for three weeks.

My conclusion is that the majority of people on line are not aware of social networking sites and of the people on these sites the majority are not active. That leads me to think that for people interested in developing business, spending time on social networks is a total waste of time like Patsi suspects. But wait a minute…

Social networking on line is only a little over three years old. The initial crowd was mostly college students and to some extent people in counter mainstream niche markets. That has changed. If you do a search on your favorite author, entrepreneur, spiritual leader or celebrity, you are likely to find they have a profile on a social networking site like Facebook or MySpace. Every author and speaker that interests me has video clips on YouTube. Every artist that I have every researched on YouTube has videos of concerts and more on YouTube. I love what is available to me based on my interests. I also feel very good about my growing network.

Many of those people and I share the same professional and personal interests. How do I know that? I have formed a couple of groups and people join. They wouldn’t do that if they didn’t have an interest.

Today there will be over 400 people who can view my profile, see a few pictures and understand my professional and personal interests. I have reviewed the profiles and commented no many of them. Every new person in my network receives a detailed message from me that includes a sincere offer to help them with ideas if I can. I have received almost zero notes in response to my offer.

I also openly tell everyone I am interested in building my client base and an ideal client for me falls into one of two categories: First a company in the retail, manufacturing, distribution, hospitality, construction or transportation industry that has 25 or more employees. Companies fitting that profile are ones where I use my on site program The Profit System for increasing their revenue and profit by 30% or more in 90 days or less. Second: for smaller businesses I am offering a coaching program that leads them through many of the same processes used for the large companies, only I am doing more of that work remote so it is affordable for the small business owner, entrepreneur and solopreneur (a term I learned on Facebook) And more than 400 new friends are recognizing that I offer very nice referral fees for new business.

By the end of May my network will be greater than 1,000 and there will be an increasing number of people from countries outside of the US who are Facebook friends with me. Will all of this mean more business? I have no idea. What is most important to me are the relationships I am forming. Do I have a relationship with each person in my network. Yes but the relationships just like anywhere else vary based on our respective interests and points of view.

I will tell you an interesting story about the lady who asked the question that resulted in me writing this series …Patsi Krakoff. I have known of Patsi for a couple years because I am a subscriber to The Blog Squad Blog (and you should be too  Click Here ). As new friends on Facebook I noticed several videos Patsi  posted for her Facebook friends network  and… well let’s just say a bright, articulate, attractive woman gets the attention of this single man. So I sent her a polite message that included the question: are you married? Patsi’s reply was wonderful. I truly felt she was flattered that I asked and then she let me know that she was very happily married. Of course I  wish her and her husband bliss forever.  Patsi and I are now a little bit closer from sharing that communication. You just never know what might happen on a social networking site.

I know from personal experience that for anything to develop, personally or professionally it is important for a person to be out there, sincere and have it in their hearts to contribute to the development of the community. With that posture the energy that returns is wonderful. I believe if you sit on the sidelines you are going to witness the spacecraft take off and not be on it.

In Part 3 I will conclude my response to Patsi’s question with information on a number of experiences in just three weeks of being active on Facebook. Remember this is just one site. You are not going to want to miss this article since what I have to share actually is quite stunning even for me to think about yet alone write.

Don’t miss Part 3 and all the future editions of Steve Reports. Subscribe to my blog (top right hand corner of this page) and the articles are delivered right to your email. How cool is that?

Until then consider this:

“The significant problems that we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ” Albert Einstein

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Part 2: My Response To The Blog Squad’s Question Is Social Networking A Waste of Tme

Consider there are a lot of people who are not on social networking sites and don’t even know what you mean when you mention it. At a recent meeting of 70 people in the age range of 20-75 with most in the age group of 40-60, I was mentioning Facebook and asked how many knew what I was talking about? 20% maybe knew and 10% used it. I think that number is representative for that age group and there are reports issued validating the number of users is growing each month.

Here is a peak at my experience with growing a network on Facebook. In literally three weeks my friends on Facebook grew from 9 to 389. In my network I estimate more than 90% of the people are most concerned about what they do and have no interest in what I do after we are connected. Many (and I have done this when I started) use the Facebook system to add numbers of “friends”. When I scan my friends list and the friends of a friend list I notice very few people have posted any recent news. This tells me there is a huge group of people not very active on Facebook – maybe 90%. I am a great example. I have been a member of Facebook for about two years and have been active for three weeks.

My conclusion is that the majority of people on line are not aware of social networking sites and of the people on these sites the majority are not active. That leads me to think that for people interested in developing business, spending time on social networks is a total waste of time like Patsi suspects. But wait a minute…

Social networking on line is only a little over three years old. The initial crowd was mostly college students and to some extent people in counter mainstream niche markets. That has changed. If you do a search on your favorite author, entrepreneur, spiritual leader or celebrity, you are likely to find they have a profile on a social networking site like Facebook or MySpace. Every author and speaker that interests me has video clips on YouTube. Every artist that I have every researched on YouTube has videos of concerts and more on YouTube. I love what is available to me based on my interests. I also feel very good about my growing network.

Many of those people and I share the same professional and personal interests. How do I know that? I have formed a couple of groups and people join. They wouldn’t do that if they didn’t have an interest.

Today there will be over 400 people who can view my profile, see a few pictures and understand my professional and personal interests. I have reviewed the profiles and commented no many of them. Every new person in my network receives a detailed message from me that includes a sincere offer to help them with ideas if I can. I have received almost zero notes in response to my offer.

I also openly tell everyone I am interested in building my client base and an ideal client for me falls into one of two categories: First a company in the retail, manufacturing, distribution, hospitality, construction or transportation industry that has 25 or more employees. Companies fitting that profile are ones where I use my on site program The Profit System for increasing their revenue and profit by 30% or more in 90 days or less. Second: for smaller businesses I am offering a coaching program that leads them through many of the same processes used for the large companies, only I am doing more of that work remote so it is affordable for the small business owner, entrepreneur and solopreneur (a term I learned on Facebook) And more than 400 new friends are recognizing that I offer very nice referral fees for new business.

By the end of May my network will be greater than 1,000 and there will be an increasing number of people from countries outside of the US who are Facebook friends with me. Will all of this mean more business? I have no idea. What is most important to me are the relationships I am forming. Do I have a relationship with each person in my network. Yes but the relationships just like anywhere else vary based on our respective interests and points of view.

I will tell you an interesting story about the lady who asked the question that resulted in me writing this series …Patsi Krakoff. I have known of Patsi for a couple years because I am a subscriber to The Blog Squad Blog (and you should be too  Click Here ). As new friends on Facebook I noticed several videos Patsi  posted for her Facebook friends network  and… well let’s just say a bright, articulate, attractive woman gets the attention of this single man. So I sent her a polite message that included the question: are you married? Patsi’s reply was wonderful. I truly felt she was flattered that I asked and then she let me know that she was very happily married. Of course I  wish her and her husband bliss forever.  Patsi and I are now a little bit closer from sharing that communication. You just never know what might happen on a social networking site.

I know from personal experience that for anything to develop, personally or professionally it is important for a person to be out there, sincere and have it in their hearts to contribute to the development of the community. With that posture the energy that returns is wonderful. I believe if you sit on the sidelines you are going to witness the spacecraft take off and not be on it.

In Part 3 I will conclude my response to Patsi’s question with information on a number of experiences in just three weeks of being active on Facebook. Remember this is just one site. You are not going to want to miss this article since what I have to share actually is quite stunning even for me to think about yet alone write.

Don’t miss Part 3 and all the future editions of Steve Reports. Subscribe to my blog (top right hand corner of this page) and the articles are delivered right to your email. How cool is that?

Until then consider this:

“The significant problems that we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. ” Albert Einstein

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Possibly The Most Powerful Question ..Asked by Stephen Pierce and Steve Pohlit Replies

I highly recommend the blog by Stephen Pierce. Today’s post is the question What Is The Cost. Click Here for the page with this message. It is absolutely outstanding.

The following is part of my reply. Read the entire post at his site

Certainly our most valuable resource on this earth is time. A some point the clock stops for all of us – no exceptions. Your message on the cost of inaction or ignorance is very important. For me the key is to understand what really blocks properly directed action including strengthening the right relationships, implementing the key steps in my business and allocating energy to the best information.

Click Here for the Stephen’s message and my reply plus comments posted by others.

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Stop Blaming The Economy..Or Anything Else For That Matter

I was using Comment Kahuna to build some back links recently. One of the most valuable features of this free program is that it surfaces some pretty cool high PR sites. Well one of the top financial market blogs had an article by an educator with all the credentials for teaching at a top B School. The article detailed the statistical difference between profit growth and cash flow growth in 2007. The conclusion was that another indicator was pointing to economic doom and gloom.

My response was that this was a perfect example of information that is likely to be completely accurate and totally useless. This is content designed to fuel negative thinking.

The facts are there are successes all around us and we can find them in any country and any economy. There are also companies in trouble and going out of business in any economy. Personally I have worked with business doing extremely well in a recession and ones on the brink of extinction in a booming economy. What are the key characteristics of success in any economy?

Success companies:

1. Have a very clear definition of their customer base and target market

2. Have clearly established performance goals for the company that are then redefined as goals and action plans for each function within the company.

3. Assign accountability for the action steps required to achieve the goals at the functional level.

4. Measure actual vs. plan on a timetable that makes sense based on what is being monitored. Cash position for example may be monitored daily.

5. Act quickly on variances from positive and negative variances from plan.

That is about it and while there is more detail at , these five steps apply to every business and the emphasis is on every.

People fall into two categories. They either manage the business using the above five steps or use excuses like: it is the economy, or the dollar, foreighn competition, I don’t feel like it, I can’t expect them to do their job today; or “we’ll get to it soon” Do you want to find the successful businesses? The next time you meet a person who has makes no excuses, doesn’t complain about external factors and is generally on purpose, ask them what business they are in. I’ll bet it is a very successful one.

Steve Pohlit, Business Development Consultant and Coach

Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey Just Released Valuable Free Material

Hello: I just finished reviewing most of the material just released by Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey. This post is perfect example of viral marketing. When I find material I like, I write about it and suggest to my readers they check it out.

What did I like about the free book and videos that Tellman and Shawn just released? They demystify the most common myths about building a list and emailing that list. As part of that message you will learn their backgrounds. Make note of Tellman. This man demonstrated success on line in less than three years starting from nothing. Guess what….what he did was follow the Internet success road map. You can get a key component of that road map for FREE at I am not an affiliate. I don’t think they even have an affiliate program set up yet. They are not paying me to write this. I just think it is “good stuff” and hope you do to.

What follows is the comment I posted to their blog. The link is published in the free eBook you receive when you join their list.

Comments posted to the List Building blog by Steve Pohlit on March 29, 2008

One of the lessons I enjoy the most in Tellman and Shawn’s book that is available when you register for the List Building material is that when you build a list some people will leave. Get over it.

For me this was a hard lesson to learn which is why I am studying the material that these guys are providing. And there is another lesson, look at the material that is being given. Does free make it useless or priceless?

I am developing a program in connection with a book that will be published this year on a popular topic. (see if you are interested at What I know from conducting free live classes on this topic, that even with the answers clearly in front of people, many will sit back and think something will happen just by them thinking about it. I have read literal manifestation is possible, what is currently more predictable is taking focused action based on a proven method to achieve a goal. I have people who have told me how there life has completely turned around in a very positive way as a result of taking the actions they learned in the classes. Free – can be useless or priceless – it really is up to you.

I am a great student since I am setting new goals and I am a person who is fascinated by developments in business, self-development and technology designed for the Internet. This is precisely why I am paying close attention to certain material I have already studied. Like many people I would study the lessons understand them and then set them aside. Read Tellman’s story. He left Shawn’s book on his computer for three years. Then he took action. Guess what …I have had Shawn’s book for a lot longer than three years and unlike Tellman I didn’t buy a million dollar home last year.

All that is changing because of a clear focus and taking action using proven techniques for accomplishing a goal.

Thank you Tellman and Shawn for this material. I know there is work involved in making this available. I also recognize your mission of building your client base and compliment you on the methodology you are using to do that. You will have earned every dime that comes your way as a result of this process.

I welcome your comments.

Are you a business owner with revenue in excess of $5 million annually wondering if you are on the right track? Email Me to schedule a FREE 30-60 minute Consultation
Until the next time:

“If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.”

Be well and prosper
Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. The client then experiences a very high return on investment. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

The Best Way To Prevent Destroying Valuable Customer Relationships and Business

I have no intention of making this blog a rant. Nearly everything published here is based on a lesson learned from first hand experience. I have learned my best teachers are those people and those situations that have attempted to cause me the most pain. The most recent example follows.

“Major Email Marketing Support Company Does It’s Best To Fire A Terrific Excellent Paying Client For No Reason”

The number of third party applications developed to support sending messages to large mailing lists is quite large. However at the really large volume level there are not that many companies that are rally in the game. However, landing a high volume, high profile account is time consuming and expensive. When a new account is added to the portfolio that is a moment that should be celebrated.

I work with a high profile company with a very large list of customers that are sent graphical promotions multiple times a month. A significant sum of money is spent for the third party solution that was selected last year. This number is growing as the list builds. The company does not mind because the campaigns I developed have exceeded the most optimistic projections.

For the past several week we have been building the structure for a new campaign and today was finally launch day. Launch day is really exciting because at the push of a button, we literally watch the traffic increase rapidly and the on line cash register ring ka-ching at a rapid fire rate. No matter how many times we have that experience it is always exciting.

At 4:30 PM we were ready. The time was perfect for our target audience. Several gathered in the control room and I was holding the launch button. Go – log into our account and ….hold on. Mission control we seem to have a problem. There seems to be a minute glitch with a very minor amount of fees that had not cleared our account. Not a big deal as I have access to several of the corporate credit cards that have, well let’s say plenty of room. Enter some data and bam – declined. Enter another card ..bam declined and account locked.

So now I call the company. The lady answering the phone had a very pleasant southern accent and almost cried on queue when I explained the situation. She asked me to hold while she frantically attempted to find someone in “billing”. A few minutes later she explained it was 4:46 PM on the East Coast where their offices were and everyone had left for the day.

I then had a brilliant idea. I will call sales since that is the department always aggressive for new business. I had a couple of cards I was prepared to play. Their voice mail said they worked until 6PM. But nobody was available meaning nobody was in and it was 4:48PM. I was out of options. Campaign on hold. From past experience I knew how much an overnight delay would cost in lost revenue and the picture is not pretty. Leave it go – deal with it in the morning.

Shift gears with me for a minute. I have built companies from nothing to reasonably good volume. The business I am working with now started from scratch. We understand the foundation business principles. We know all about the importance of serving customers. I feel very confident the owner of the email delivery sevice company whose employees were nearly all gone by 5PM would be able to give a long speech on taking care of the customer. So how does this all unravel?

I am glad you asked. First I will answer that question and next I will give you the solution to the problem.

What Happened:

We waited until the next morning then called. A lady in billing cleared the minor problem and said our account should never have been blocked. We agree. The mailing went out and we still had a successful campaign, but there was a substantial level of ill will. I asked to be contacted by the owner of the email marketing company. I asked to be contacted by customer service. I asked to be called by sales. The only response was about a week later a customer satisfaction form was sent to me and I never was called. Will the company select another email marketing service provider? We are evaluating alternatives

The Solution:

In every business I ever owned, worked in as an employee or worked with as a consultant, there was an “A List” Sure the goal is to treat every customer and prospect with respect and with a sincere attitude they are important. The art of the practical is the A List customers spend a lot of money and require a process in place to recognize when they need assistance. The best process I have found is have well defined accountability for these accounts. One point of contact that has the knowledge and experience to make a decision on the spot and knows when to obtain advice if necessary. There are other solutions but this one is absolutely the best.

I welcome your comments.

Are you a business owner with revenue in excess of $5 million annually wondering if you are on the right track? Email Me to schedule a FREE 30-60 minute Consultation

Be well and prosper
Steve Pohlit

PS This is not an isolated incident. I could write a completely different set of facts about a company that has a trouble ticket system we are looking to buy and another company that has a technology solution we did buy. Customer support is pathetic and represents a great opportunity for those dedicated to “walking the talk” of outstanding customer service.

Great Question Posed To Joel Comm On What Resources To Subscribe To – Not So Great Advice From Joel

If you do not know Joel Comm, just type Joel Comm into your search screen and you will soon learn Joel is an Internet marketer known for his work on Adsense and has now expanded the scope of his work. He is no longer betting the destiny of his business on one business model.

One of Joel’s newsletter subscribers recently asked advice on what newsletters he recommended. Joel produced a You Tube video to answer this question. First I love videos but I don’t want to watch one for an answer I can get in print in about 15 seconds. If you want to use video for a question and answer format then provide both print and video options.

Joel’s response to this question was to pay attention to what you feel is valuable and then stay subscribed to those newsletters. My view is that this is incomplete advice. I recommend you seek out the clear experts in your field of interest and subscribe to their newsletters. All they write about may not be of immediate interest and value to you. However, I am confident their material will have long term value for you.

There are a lot of people I pay attention to but only a few who have a big impact on me long term. I suspect you will discover this is true for you as well.

I welcome your comments.

Are you a business owner with revenue in excess of $5 million annually wondering if you are on the right track? Email Me to schedule a FREE 30-60 minute Consultation

Be well and prosper
Steve Pohlit

Stephen Pierce Talks Ballistic vs. Guided: My Talkback With Stephen

I highly recommend you subscribe to the blog updates by Stephen Pierce. This is the link to Stephen’s latest post Click Here The following is my response to his topic:

Being Guided

Great topic Stephen and Step 1 is very critical. Step 1 is “Clarify Intent and Purpose” Many of us seem to feel we know our intent regarding a specific task or project but when we sit back and look at all of our activities and pause, often we discover that these actions are not really satisfying us.

Defining your purpose can be challenging for many – it has been for myself. In fact I am consistently monitoring my feedback system regarding the direction I am moving. I believe the best feedback system is your feelings.

Let me clarify this. Stephen is absolutely correct in outlining the steps to staying on course for say performance in a job or on a project or in your business. I have consistently advised companies as part of my 10 Minute MBA training program to have a trusted advisory board. Public companies are required to have a board of directors. Many private companies, in fact most, do not have an advisory board. At the job or project level, feedback systems can be created with people outside the immediate project group or chain of command. Within that professional environment monitoring your feelings about progress is also very important. Your guidance system within is a powerful benchmark. This guidance system is best used for your life’s purpose first.

There is a process to follow in order to reach a higher level of guidance linked to your life’s purpose. It has been my experience that even with the answers within immediate reach, many people are not interested in doing the work required to get to the answer. I start professional and life lesson projects with the same question: what is the goal? For me the goal is being at peace with the direction I am moving.

I remind you the reader of the same lesson I offer people in The Prosperity Now Program If you have a desire for to jump out of airplanes for your leisure activities you can be at peace doing that if that is part of who you are. I for one do not seek such thrills at this point. Peace comes for me with being on purpose. The entire Prosperity Now program is designed to help us be on purpose with our lives. When we on purpose my experience has been that daily work, relationships, health and manifesting dreams and desires fall into place.

Thank you Stephen for another outstanding topic

Steve is an expert at helping companies achieve consistently increasing financial performance. Steve continues to consult on maximizing revenue and profits and now is teaching prosperity in life which is based on how he discovered how to crack the code of The Secret (Law of Attraction).

Steve Pohlit
Prosperity Now

Why Experts Selling Business Success Solutions Will Do Very Well

I do not know Mr Charles Ryder. I discovered the video whose link that follows while setting up a Blogger Blog. I know I know I have been let’s say not real friendly when talking about blogger since I started with Blogger and after activating quite a few, woke up to find all my material gone.

Well after watching one of the training videos on an earlier post, I decided to try again. I am not advocating Blogger but I I did discover it has a really cool plug in for videos. You can see this at work at Success Book Reviews

What is even more important is how much wonderful material there has been posted on line. Many current business and spiritual leaders have videos posted with great content. Many people are familiar with You Tube and I love it. However as demonstrated by the video posted by Charles, Google Video apparently allows material that plays a lot longer than You Tube’s 10 minute restriction.

With a growing list of content available for free, will that eliminate the value of material published for sale. Not at all. Published material is always organized well, often comes with guide books and is usually in multiple learning formats. Most on line videos don’t provide the entire solution for a topic but if you are financially challenged you can do a little research and find all the answers at no charge. You may also find the answer to your prosperity challenges in my Prosperity Now program.

Uncut Unedited Internet Marketing Video by Charles RyderInternet marketing expert Charles Ryder goes crazy on this very informative video. He teaches a step-by-step system that will help you make money right away. This is one of the best Internet Marketing video’s ever made and it’s 100% FREE!

Be Well and Prosper,
Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting 10 Minute MBA or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

My People Will Be In Touch With Your People

There it was .. a message from a member of the team working with John Reese. The message was ” that after a marvelous honeymoon, during which your excitement for what was delivered was off the charts; you continued your commitment to me. Long after the excitement of that first report had been experienced, you stayed with me even in those months when there was very little excitement.

I understand and appreciate your $106.00 a month loyalty to me Steve and I am think you should be grateful for all that I have shared with you. Unfortunately it is time for me to move on and I have asked my associate to alert you. Steve it is not personal, I am simply too busy to personally write a note of appreciation and explanation of what is next. I balance all my work. I could have written to you or written a story to promote a program where I would earn another million or more. Thank you for your $106 a month Steve but I didn’t have time to write a Dear John letter

Does anyone get this? Do you John Reese get this? There are a lot of people who really like your monthly report and most of us probably understand that there is a time to move on but you look at who has been with you in the eye and let them know directly what is in your heart.


Cracking The Secret To The Law of Attraction For You and Your Business

I have been developing a new part of my consulting practice that works with you on how to achieve optimal personal development while showing you how to dramatically increase your business results. I have never had anyone ask me if I felt I was on purpose in what I was doing. If they had and if I understood how to answer that question for myself, I am likely to not have done some of the deals I have done.

Recently we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Many people I know including myself have looked at a day like Valentine’s day and felt obligated about the day. The obligation crowd have their profession, jobs, or companies and know this is the day to purchase a gift, make dinner arrangements and tell someone close to them they love them. In the process the feeling often expressed is: whew – got the gift and dinner is set. Now I can get back to my work for awhile — oh my —I got to get out of here or I will be late and that will really upset my _______.

To The Point:

You cannot optimize your business performance if you are out of balance in your personal life. I know this from experience. My program now addresses the steps needed to maximize the performance of your business and your life. This enhanced direction will cause some people to leave my list, possibly limit my client base and my circle of influence. So be it. I have always been focused on what I believe to be the optimal formula for my clients. Nothing has changed except I have grown in my own personal life and I am showing others who are interested how I am doing it.

Dare To Discover The True Meaning And How A Thought Can Transform Your Business and Your Life.

Explore the meaning of unconditional love. It is likely to shock you? Some find this entire discussion frightening. If you dare please Click Here.

Once you have visited this topic. contact me. All my contact information follows.

Be Well and Prosper,
Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting 10 Minute MBA or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog

This is a pretty cool video with some ideas worth checking out. Please note: if you have read my series Blogging for Profits you already know I highly recommend WordPress templates and why. In this video the author uses Blogger. A lot of people use Blogger and that is my only comment at this time. So sit back and watch the video.

Be Well and Prosper,
Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting 10 Minute MBA or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant