Stephen Pierce Just Posted Information On A Great FREE Resource

Here is my post to Stephen’s blog today:

I really appreciate this information. Gary Halbert taught the principle of marketing to people what they already are looking looking to buy. What better way than to identify solutions that people in the forums are seeking.

The resource you gave us is tremendous. It may be free but until we become aware, it is of no use. Now it is up to us to use this gift.

I am very excited to get started with this. There are no coincidences and based on what I am working on right now the timing of this arriving is perfect.

Steve Pohlit

PS Click Here For Stephen’s Blog

Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey Just Released Valuable Free Material

Hello: I just finished reviewing most of the material just released by Tellman Knudson and Shawn Casey. This post is perfect example of viral marketing. When I find material I like, I write about it and suggest to my readers they check it out.

What did I like about the free book and videos that Tellman and Shawn just released? They demystify the most common myths about building a list and emailing that list. As part of that message you will learn their backgrounds. Make note of Tellman. This man demonstrated success on line in less than three years starting from nothing. Guess what….what he did was follow the Internet success road map. You can get a key component of that road map for FREE at I am not an affiliate. I don’t think they even have an affiliate program set up yet. They are not paying me to write this. I just think it is “good stuff” and hope you do to.

What follows is the comment I posted to their blog. The link is published in the free eBook you receive when you join their list.

Comments posted to the List Building blog by Steve Pohlit on March 29, 2008

One of the lessons I enjoy the most in Tellman and Shawn’s book that is available when you register for the List Building material is that when you build a list some people will leave. Get over it.

For me this was a hard lesson to learn which is why I am studying the material that these guys are providing. And there is another lesson, look at the material that is being given. Does free make it useless or priceless?

I am developing a program in connection with a book that will be published this year on a popular topic. (see if you are interested at What I know from conducting free live classes on this topic, that even with the answers clearly in front of people, many will sit back and think something will happen just by them thinking about it. I have read literal manifestation is possible, what is currently more predictable is taking focused action based on a proven method to achieve a goal. I have people who have told me how there life has completely turned around in a very positive way as a result of taking the actions they learned in the classes. Free – can be useless or priceless – it really is up to you.

I am a great student since I am setting new goals and I am a person who is fascinated by developments in business, self-development and technology designed for the Internet. This is precisely why I am paying close attention to certain material I have already studied. Like many people I would study the lessons understand them and then set them aside. Read Tellman’s story. He left Shawn’s book on his computer for three years. Then he took action. Guess what …I have had Shawn’s book for a lot longer than three years and unlike Tellman I didn’t buy a million dollar home last year.

All that is changing because of a clear focus and taking action using proven techniques for accomplishing a goal.

Thank you Tellman and Shawn for this material. I know there is work involved in making this available. I also recognize your mission of building your client base and compliment you on the methodology you are using to do that. You will have earned every dime that comes your way as a result of this process.

I welcome your comments.

Are you a business owner with revenue in excess of $5 million annually wondering if you are on the right track? Email Me to schedule a FREE 30-60 minute Consultation
Until the next time:

“If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.”

Be well and prosper
Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. The client then experiences a very high return on investment. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog

This is a pretty cool video with some ideas worth checking out. Please note: if you have read my series Blogging for Profits you already know I highly recommend WordPress templates and why. In this video the author uses Blogger. A lot of people use Blogger and that is my only comment at this time. So sit back and watch the video.

Be Well and Prosper,
Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve consults with clients to design and implement processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting 10 Minute MBA or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant

Blogging For Profits Bonus: Blog Syndication Is Here: Major Bonus Offer For 10 People

Blog Syndication from John Reese and his team is live and it is FREE. Set up for took about 4 minutes. Get started now by simply clicking on Get Blog Rush Free at the bottom of the Blogosphere to the right or CLICK HERE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT.

Why should you do this? First there are relevant blog posts on you blog’s widget. If you have more than one blog, you can add them to your account. This is viral marketing on steroids. It should motivate you to add unique content since your blog articles will be displayed based more based on how often your Blog Widget is displayed on your blog. Thing is, since this so new, it is easy for your articles to be shown on Blog Widget which, in turn, drives more traffic to your blog.


If you have any trouble setting up a web site with a blog automatically linked to the content you are publishing, this offer is for you. I have been quietly testing this service and have several clients I am working with who really like the results. I can reasonably handle 10 more.

For the first 10 people with a small business (can include: brick and morter, affiliate marketing, information marketing, MLM, more) you will receive a domain name, hosting for one year, a fully functional website with two blogs linked to your site. Your blogs will have the blog widget for your own account. Relevant articles will be added to your site and automatically linked to your blogs. This set-up alone is worth well in excess of $500. Plus you will automatically be enrolled in my teleconference training sessions. There will be at least four sessions lasting about 45 minutes and the focus of these sessions is on teaching you the foundation principles of successfully developing your business. These are the same tools and techniques I have successfully used with companies who have paid hundreds of dollars per hour for my work.

All of this for a one time fee of $299.00 plus your testimonial. 10 people only. Hurry.. Email Me Now before it is too late.

May you and yours experience permanent prosperity in all areas of you life.

Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience successfully running companies large and small. Steve now develops and implements processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports and Blogging For Profits. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Just one more thing…did you know I am now working with Randy Gage? No! Who is Randy Gage? Visit International Success

Don't Ever Delete A Domain…Ever

Last week I received an email from a lady inquiring about an order that she had placed. Her order was for a popular product but one whose spelling I wanted to double check. So I “Googled” the product name …and I about feel off my chair. A site that I created in 1996 and is one of the more “visual dysfunctional sites” designed by current standards, was number 2 on Google for this search term.

There is very little I do with the site and yet the orders role in for a quite a few products. They do because the descriptions are accurate and the products are available. Most importantly, in my view, the site has been live and active for 10 years – never down.

Six weeks ago I received a call from a lady who was searching for a consultant to help her business in Miami. I asked her how she found me and she said from a site that I created three years ago. If you are like me I often get an idea, set up a site and instead of working the site like I should, I forget about it. This is one of those sites. After reviewing the scope of this project I referrd this work to friend of mine who lives closer to the client. The proposal we submitted was accepted and right now this project is generating a lot of money each week for my friend. This all started with a “stale” site.

Update it, don’t update it or sell it but never delete it. There are links from nearly all the sites I have linking back to a primary site. Now, as I write more articles and develop content for programs like The 10 Minute MBA and Blogging For Profits there are even more links. This content is out there forever once published. Yes the written word may be picked up by article directories and published on other web sites. However, it is has been my experience people are more likely to find you from a site that is live with relevant content even when the site is almost as old as the html browser technology itself.

Project Update:

I normally post articles to my sites and Steve Reports several times a week. Recently I have been researching how to use tools that I have access to as a result of several memberships. Tools specifically designed to help companies market their business on line. As a result, my publication activity has gone down. I am back. Not that my research is done. It never is.

What did I learn? As an example, I have developed the skills to add relevant content to blogs automatically. Steve Reports is not one of the blogs where I use this technique. Here is an example of one that is: Ask The Consultant. This is my site and is one of the five I have worked on in the past month. If you visit that site and click on the blog link, you might notice the postings are related to the articles that automatically drip to this site.

Updating my site and blog automatically with relevant content every day or two has been aa goal of mine since February 2006. Now it is happening and I can turn my attention more to the quality of content.

I learned the basics of Camtasia and developed an on line presentation marketing a new service being offered by a company to Corporations. We are early in the process but it looks like this is going to be extremely successful. I am using Camtasia to develop an entire training program at The 10 Minute MBA

The church I attend records every service and CD’s can be purchased for $5.00. Just this past week I uploaded one of my favorite messages to a website I developed. This site is increasing the visibility of the church on line and the visibility of the minister. I am delighted to use internet marketing talents to increase the membership of this church.

The tools I am using are having a positive impact on all the sites I am working on. The Alexa rankings are moving up fast. My PR is improving as well. I don’t have any PR 5’s yet but I am confident I will this year. I rank 21 on Google for a highly competitive search term for my main business and I am confident I will be on the first page for that one in 60 days. When that happens the phone with companies requesting consulting services will be ringing off the hook. My goal is for the customer to find me. That way I can be even more selective on who I work with.

What’s the message? I have developed the skills to manage my sites. I have developed the skills to add video and mp3 recordings. Three years ago, I could do none of this. Are all of these skills necessary? They are if you have a passion for helping companies improve their business performance and absolutely know using the Internet as a key tool for growing business revenue and profits is critical. Are you continuing to develop your skills in an area you are passionate about?

So that is a thumbnail sketch of just a few of the projects I have been involved with. What about you? What are you learning? How do you plan to become better at what you do? “Do what you love and love what you do” is my goal. I suggest to you that is a great mission for everything in your life.

In about four months I’ll give you an end of the year update. Between now and then look for a lot more very valuable insight on achieving business goals and enjoying your life while doing it.

May you and yours experience permanent prosperity in all areas of you life.

Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience successfully running companies large and small. Steve now develops and implements processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports and Blogging For Profits. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Just one more thing…did you know I am now working with Randy Gage? No! Who is Randy Gage? Visit International Success

Don’t Ever Delete A Domain…Ever

Last week I received an email from a lady inquiring about an order that she had placed. Her order was for a popular product but one whose spelling I wanted to double check. So I “Googled” the product name …and I about feel off my chair. A site that I created in 1996 and is one of the more “visual dysfunctional sites” designed by current standards, was number 2 on Google for this search term.

There is very little I do with the site and yet the orders role in for a quite a few products. They do because the descriptions are accurate and the products are available. Most importantly, in my view, the site has been live and active for 10 years – never down.

Six weeks ago I received a call from a lady who was searching for a consultant to help her business in Miami. I asked her how she found me and she said from a site that I created three years ago. If you are like me I often get an idea, set up a site and instead of working the site like I should, I forget about it. This is one of those sites. After reviewing the scope of this project I referrd this work to friend of mine who lives closer to the client. The proposal we submitted was accepted and right now this project is generating a lot of money each week for my friend. This all started with a “stale” site.

Update it, don’t update it or sell it but never delete it. There are links from nearly all the sites I have linking back to a primary site. Now, as I write more articles and develop content for programs like The 10 Minute MBA and Blogging For Profits there are even more links. This content is out there forever once published. Yes the written word may be picked up by article directories and published on other web sites. However, it is has been my experience people are more likely to find you from a site that is live with relevant content even when the site is almost as old as the html browser technology itself.

Project Update:

I normally post articles to my sites and Steve Reports several times a week. Recently I have been researching how to use tools that I have access to as a result of several memberships. Tools specifically designed to help companies market their business on line. As a result, my publication activity has gone down. I am back. Not that my research is done. It never is.

What did I learn? As an example, I have developed the skills to add relevant content to blogs automatically. Steve Reports is not one of the blogs where I use this technique. Here is an example of one that is: Ask The Consultant. This is my site and is one of the five I have worked on in the past month. If you visit that site and click on the blog link, you might notice the postings are related to the articles that automatically drip to this site.

Updating my site and blog automatically with relevant content every day or two has been aa goal of mine since February 2006. Now it is happening and I can turn my attention more to the quality of content.

I learned the basics of Camtasia and developed an on line presentation marketing a new service being offered by a company to Corporations. We are early in the process but it looks like this is going to be extremely successful. I am using Camtasia to develop an entire training program at The 10 Minute MBA

The church I attend records every service and CD’s can be purchased for $5.00. Just this past week I uploaded one of my favorite messages to a website I developed. This site is increasing the visibility of the church on line and the visibility of the minister. I am delighted to use internet marketing talents to increase the membership of this church.

The tools I am using are having a positive impact on all the sites I am working on. The Alexa rankings are moving up fast. My PR is improving as well. I don’t have any PR 5’s yet but I am confident I will this year. I rank 21 on Google for a highly competitive search term for my main business and I am confident I will be on the first page for that one in 60 days. When that happens the phone with companies requesting consulting services will be ringing off the hook. My goal is for the customer to find me. That way I can be even more selective on who I work with.

What’s the message? I have developed the skills to manage my sites. I have developed the skills to add video and mp3 recordings. Three years ago, I could do none of this. Are all of these skills necessary? They are if you have a passion for helping companies improve their business performance and absolutely know using the Internet as a key tool for growing business revenue and profits is critical. Are you continuing to develop your skills in an area you are passionate about?

So that is a thumbnail sketch of just a few of the projects I have been involved with. What about you? What are you learning? How do you plan to become better at what you do? “Do what you love and love what you do” is my goal. I suggest to you that is a great mission for everything in your life.

In about four months I’ll give you an end of the year update. Between now and then look for a lot more very valuable insight on achieving business goals and enjoying your life while doing it.

May you and yours experience permanent prosperity in all areas of you life.

Steve Pohlit

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience successfully running companies large and small. Steve now develops and implements processes that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports and Blogging For Profits. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Just one more thing…did you know I am now working with Randy Gage? No! Who is Randy Gage? Visit International Success

Blogging For Profits: Why You Need A List Of Adult Keywords

(I have had to set up addional controls on the blogs I publish so there is a minor delay in issuing the 10 Minute MBA Report. Obviously it takes me longer than 10 minutes to publish a report that will give you an MBA in 10 minutes. It will be well worth the wait.)

If you publish a blog and if you invite comments to your blog, you will need a list of adult keywords. Why? Because your blog will be spammed and most of the spammed messages to your blog will include a sex term.

Today I had over 200 spammed messages to this blog. I estimate 90% of them were sex related. Of course I had to inspect all of them (LOL) Since I have the box checked that all comments have to be approved by a moderator, none of these went public.

If your blog receives an occasional spam comment, so what. If your blog starts receiving hundreds a day, that is a problem. The two alternative I am aware of are to not allow comments or to list keywords in you blog filter that are commonly used by spammers. I am hoping a person reading this tells me about another method. If there is one please email me.

When you go through this process you simply login to your admin panel (for WordPress based blogs) click on Manage then click on Awaiting Moderation. You can then see all the comments waiting for your approval. When viewing them you can see the main keyword being used in the spam message. If there is a long message and sex is one of the keywords, by having sex in the filter the entire message will be blocked.

Today I went through my spammed comments for this blog and made my list of keywords and added them to my filter. I have to tell you I have been around for awhile but some of these words caught even me off guard.

To add a keyword to your filter, click on options in the blog admin section, then discussions and then scroll all the way down where you will see a block for comment blacklist. In that section paste your list that you developed in your notepad editor, click Update Options and your are good to go. Again all of these instructions are for a WordPress based blog which is the only one I recommend in Blogging for Profits.

May you and all permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports and Blogging For Profits. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.


It Has Probably Already Happened To You
by Jerry West, SEO Analyst
Posted March 2, 2007

This article covers the rising rate of fraud in the industries of selling expired domains and selling used domains. This article was previously only available to our paid members of the SEO Revolution, but we are releasing it as a public service due to the high level of fraud that is currently in the market.

Recently I purchased some domains from a broker that were good domains and looked to be well established (they had good PageRank). However, when I “got them home” so to speak, they were far from what I thought I had purchased. In my investigation into this, it was clear that many of the domains being sold today from brokers and especially on eBay are littered with fraud.

Click Here For The Complete Article
May you and all permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports and Blogging For Profits. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Approved in 11 hours: Joel Comm Rocks – Blog For Business Profits Supplement

This morning Joel Comm released very valuable information regarding Google Adsense and Kontera. The complete email I received from Joel was posted Here and can be found by reviewing the most recent post section. If you followed Joel’s advice like I did then about 12 hours later you would have received a message that started like this:

Dear Steve (Insert Your Name)
Welcome to In-Text Advertising with Kontera ContentLink�!

If you read Konera’s acceptance criteria, an approval rating at all yet alone in 11 hours is awesome.

Key point: Joel set up the special deal with Kontera, Kontera is honoring the deal, but nothing happened until I took action. Joel provided me and you with the roadmap on what to do but unless you took the time (about 15 minutes) to implement, nothing has happened – for you..

Thank you Kontera and thank you Joel. Now on to setting up the code to capitalize (make money) with Kontera.

May you permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Blog for Business Profits Supplement: Joel Comm’s Breaking News

Joel’s Email to me published in its entirety
Joel Comm’s AdSense Secrets
February 5, 2007



How’s that for a headline?

I hope it got your attention, because what I am about to
share with you can be HUGE. And I have THREE things
I need to share with you. So be sure you read all the
way to end or you might miss out on the best stuff!

Ok, here’s the deal (pardon my excitement, but this
really is big!)

As you know, AdSense is not the only contextual
advertising service on the web. Google IS the
largest, but YPN, Kontera and many other services
are also showing great promise.

Well, up until last week, Google was very clear that
other contextual ad services were NOT allowed on the
same pages as AdSense.


As of last week, Google clarified their terms of service,
and certain contextual ad services which do not mimic
AdSense ads ARE now allowed! That means you can use
Kontera and Chitika on your site.

What does that mean?

I added Kontera to ONE of my sites and am now earning
an extra $70 per DAY! Do the math. That’s an extra

Now one of the downsides to Kontera is that they have
a requirement that you must be able to deliver at least
500,000 page views per month in order to be considered.

But don’t be discouraged if you don’t meet this requirement…


Calling this is a major point is an understatement. Here’s why.

I have been in discussion with the Kontera team, and have
been telling them that there is a massive number of publishers
who would love to participate in their program if they would
only make it accessible to those with fewer page views.

Guess what?

They have heard my plea for you!

As of today, you may now sign up as a “friend of Joel
Comm” to use Kontera on your web site no matter how
many page views you have per month!

50,000 views/month?

No problem.

10,000 views/month?

No problem.

1,000 views/month?

Still… no problem.

100 views/month?

Kontera has indicated that they will take any publisher
that enters as a “friend of Joel Comm”, as long as your
site doesn’t violate any of their other foundational
terms. In other words…

No problem!

See, I TOLD you this was HUGE!

A brand new revenue stream has been opened for thousands
upon thousands of web publishers, and you will want to
take advantage of this opportunity right away. If you don’t,
I guarantee you are leaving money on the table. Not only
is Kontera’s technology first rate, but I have discovered that
there is NO decrease in my AdSense earnings when running
Kontera on the same pages!

To qualify for Kontera’s “every publisher” program, you must
follow this link:
Tell them I sent you and you should have your account set
up at no time!

But wait…

… there is MORE!


Now stay with me. The fun is just beginning as I am
going to help you build your business by giving you
a free gift.

And when I say free, I mean free.

I am currently working on an updated version
of my Kontera Secrets ebook. It will be available
in a month or so.

But I would like to GIVE YOU a FREE copy of
Kontera Secrets v1.0 to help you get started
with Kontera right away. This ebook currently sells
for $27 and I am going to give it to you. Free.

What do you need to do to get it?

Accept yet ANOTHER gift from me!

We’re almost there… hang tight…

By now, you know the name Rich Schefren. If you
don’t, you should. Rich is the coach to the Internet
marketing gurus. He is the go-to guy that I and
many others look to for advice and input!

Rich has been studying the online community for a
number of years and is deeply concerned about what is
working in the Internet Marketing community.

He has told me that he sees people who honestly want
to grow an Internet business follow paths to certain
failure and destruction.

And he wants to do something about it.

If you’ve tried program after program after program and
have still been unable to grow your business. It’s probably
NOT YOUR FAULT. In fact, there are several very real
reasons why this has happened to you – why your business
builder efforts have been doomed to failure right from
the start.

Right now, for an EXTREMELY limited time, Rich is offering
you a chance to grab a virtual seat at his member’s only
seminar (some people have paid over $2997 to attend).

Heck, I paid $5000 for Rich’s coaching!

Your investment to participate in this virtual seminar?

Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

It’s free. 🙂

Don’t miss this live streaming video conference. I know
it’s going to be killer.

So how do you get your FREE Kontera Secrets report from
me, explaining how to make money with Kontera on your
web site(s)?


First, follow this link to get signed up for Rich
Schefren’s member’s-only seminar…
If you are fast enough, you will receive an email confirming
your reservation.

Simply forward that email to: to
receive your Kontera Secrets ebook download link!

I told you this was great stuff!

So, to sum up…

1) Apply for Kontera immediately at:

2) Reserve a seat for Rich Schefren’s FREE members-only
seminar at:
3) Send your event confirmation email to:

and you will receive your FREE Kontera Secrets report!

I hope you appreciate the effort I have made to get
Kontera to open their program to all publishers…

And I hope you enjoy the free report!

Rich’s member’s-only seminar is the icing on the cake
that you will not want to miss!

Be sure to take advantage of everything I have described
as this kind of thing doesn’t happen very often. 🙂

To your success,


Email from Joel Courtesy of Steve Pohlit

May you permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Blog for Business Profits Supplement: Joel Comm's Breaking News

Joel’s Email to me published in its entirety
Joel Comm’s AdSense Secrets
February 5, 2007



How’s that for a headline?

I hope it got your attention, because what I am about to
share with you can be HUGE. And I have THREE things
I need to share with you. So be sure you read all the
way to end or you might miss out on the best stuff!

Ok, here’s the deal (pardon my excitement, but this
really is big!)

As you know, AdSense is not the only contextual
advertising service on the web. Google IS the
largest, but YPN, Kontera and many other services
are also showing great promise.

Well, up until last week, Google was very clear that
other contextual ad services were NOT allowed on the
same pages as AdSense.


As of last week, Google clarified their terms of service,
and certain contextual ad services which do not mimic
AdSense ads ARE now allowed! That means you can use
Kontera and Chitika on your site.

What does that mean?

I added Kontera to ONE of my sites and am now earning
an extra $70 per DAY! Do the math. That’s an extra

Now one of the downsides to Kontera is that they have
a requirement that you must be able to deliver at least
500,000 page views per month in order to be considered.

But don’t be discouraged if you don’t meet this requirement…


Calling this is a major point is an understatement. Here’s why.

I have been in discussion with the Kontera team, and have
been telling them that there is a massive number of publishers
who would love to participate in their program if they would
only make it accessible to those with fewer page views.

Guess what?

They have heard my plea for you!

As of today, you may now sign up as a “friend of Joel
Comm” to use Kontera on your web site no matter how
many page views you have per month!

50,000 views/month?

No problem.

10,000 views/month?

No problem.

1,000 views/month?

Still… no problem.

100 views/month?

Kontera has indicated that they will take any publisher
that enters as a “friend of Joel Comm”, as long as your
site doesn’t violate any of their other foundational
terms. In other words…

No problem!

See, I TOLD you this was HUGE!

A brand new revenue stream has been opened for thousands
upon thousands of web publishers, and you will want to
take advantage of this opportunity right away. If you don’t,
I guarantee you are leaving money on the table. Not only
is Kontera’s technology first rate, but I have discovered that
there is NO decrease in my AdSense earnings when running
Kontera on the same pages!

To qualify for Kontera’s “every publisher” program, you must
follow this link:
Tell them I sent you and you should have your account set
up at no time!

But wait…

… there is MORE!


Now stay with me. The fun is just beginning as I am
going to help you build your business by giving you
a free gift.

And when I say free, I mean free.

I am currently working on an updated version
of my Kontera Secrets ebook. It will be available
in a month or so.

But I would like to GIVE YOU a FREE copy of
Kontera Secrets v1.0 to help you get started
with Kontera right away. This ebook currently sells
for $27 and I am going to give it to you. Free.

What do you need to do to get it?

Accept yet ANOTHER gift from me!

We’re almost there… hang tight…

By now, you know the name Rich Schefren. If you
don’t, you should. Rich is the coach to the Internet
marketing gurus. He is the go-to guy that I and
many others look to for advice and input!

Rich has been studying the online community for a
number of years and is deeply concerned about what is
working in the Internet Marketing community.

He has told me that he sees people who honestly want
to grow an Internet business follow paths to certain
failure and destruction.

And he wants to do something about it.

If you’ve tried program after program after program and
have still been unable to grow your business. It’s probably
NOT YOUR FAULT. In fact, there are several very real
reasons why this has happened to you – why your business
builder efforts have been doomed to failure right from
the start.

Right now, for an EXTREMELY limited time, Rich is offering
you a chance to grab a virtual seat at his member’s only
seminar (some people have paid over $2997 to attend).

Heck, I paid $5000 for Rich’s coaching!

Your investment to participate in this virtual seminar?

Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada.

It’s free. 🙂

Don’t miss this live streaming video conference. I know
it’s going to be killer.

So how do you get your FREE Kontera Secrets report from
me, explaining how to make money with Kontera on your
web site(s)?


First, follow this link to get signed up for Rich
Schefren’s member’s-only seminar…
If you are fast enough, you will receive an email confirming
your reservation.

Simply forward that email to: to
receive your Kontera Secrets ebook download link!

I told you this was great stuff!

So, to sum up…

1) Apply for Kontera immediately at:

2) Reserve a seat for Rich Schefren’s FREE members-only
seminar at:
3) Send your event confirmation email to:

and you will receive your FREE Kontera Secrets report!

I hope you appreciate the effort I have made to get
Kontera to open their program to all publishers…

And I hope you enjoy the free report!

Rich’s member’s-only seminar is the icing on the cake
that you will not want to miss!

Be sure to take advantage of everything I have described
as this kind of thing doesn’t happen very often. 🙂

To your success,


Email from Joel Courtesy of Steve Pohlit

May you permanently experience prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Blogging For Business Profits Supplement: Wakeman’s Recipe For A Blog

I receive email notification when there is new content posted to Build A Business Blog. I suggest you go there a register for this service right now. While there, read the five part series Recipe For A Blog. While some of the material is covered in Blogging For Profits, there is valuable information that I have not covered.

Blogging is a rapidly developing field and there are an increasing number of publishers offering advise on developing blogs. Denise and Patsi do a good job of offering helpful information. If you are interested in Building Business Blogs, you will be well served by monitoring the content posted at their blog. One example here is the list of what is covered in Recipe For A Blog:

Recipe For a Blog: 8 Key Ingredients to a Good Business Blog
A Delicious Blog Name
©2007 Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. & Denise Wakeman, The Blog Squad

As The Blog Squad, we hear this complaint from entrepreneurs who start blogging: “Why isn’t my blog working for my business?” As part of our “blog crisis prevention” program, we have reviewed hundreds of business blogs and can spot common errors immediately.

Blogs that work well for attracting new clients have these key elements:

1. A delicious blog name
2. A tag line or blog purpose statement
3. An easy way to get automatic blog updates
4. A list of categories
5. A list of recent posts and recent comments
6. Links to useful websites, products and services
7. Frequent posts with links relevant to the blog’s purpose
8. An easy way for readers to have a conversation with the author

I wish you prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Blogging For Business Profits Supplement: Wakeman's Recipe For A Blog

I receive email notification when there is new content posted to Build A Business Blog. I suggest you go there a register for this service right now. While there, read the five part series Recipe For A Blog. While some of the material is covered in Blogging For Profits, there is valuable information that I have not covered.

Blogging is a rapidly developing field and there are an increasing number of publishers offering advise on developing blogs. Denise and Patsi do a good job of offering helpful information. If you are interested in Building Business Blogs, you will be well served by monitoring the content posted at their blog. One example here is the list of what is covered in Recipe For A Blog:

Recipe For a Blog: 8 Key Ingredients to a Good Business Blog
A Delicious Blog Name
©2007 Patsi Krakoff, Psy. D. & Denise Wakeman, The Blog Squad

As The Blog Squad, we hear this complaint from entrepreneurs who start blogging: “Why isn’t my blog working for my business?” As part of our “blog crisis prevention” program, we have reviewed hundreds of business blogs and can spot common errors immediately.

Blogs that work well for attracting new clients have these key elements:

1. A delicious blog name
2. A tag line or blog purpose statement
3. An easy way to get automatic blog updates
4. A list of categories
5. A list of recent posts and recent comments
6. Links to useful websites, products and services
7. Frequent posts with links relevant to the blog’s purpose
8. An easy way for readers to have a conversation with the author

I wish you prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

Blogging For Profits Supplement: Subscribers Know The Value of Content. Now Create Content Leverage

Look closely at this blog you will notice there are allot of posts. For the most part I have written all of them. You will not find a bunch of shallow 500 word reports written by some ghost writer named Boris. The information presented at Steve Reports
is focused within a narrow range.

Now does this mean you have to originate all of your own content. Absolutely not! I have a site and related blog where I have commented maybe once in every 50 posts. Check it out the site is all about essential oils I know – that is a shameless plug. So what? This is my blog and I can write it. You can do the same – create a blog and start publishing.

Let’s go deeper. Blogging For Profit veterans know the power of regularly posting to their WordPress based blog. Now here is a very valuable lesson: make each of your articles be a driving force of targeted traffic to your site and blog. How do you do this? I am so glad you asked.

Jason Potash is responsible for my addiction to content. Some time ago (don’t ask me) I purchased Article Announcer and this is really cool… two guys get on the phone have a discussion, record it and sell the recording and software for allot of money. I have not advanced to the point where any normal person wants to pay to listen to any of my phone conversations but I am working on it.


When you write an article for your blog, you can take that same article and publish it in the article directories. Of course you know your article needs to have deep links, back links, sideway links etc. to wherever it is you want your reader to click. Your article must also contain a resource box, with some snippet about you and your site.

Now the article directories pick it up and someone looking for content on the subject you published finds you and uses your material with your links and their audience reads your material and some of them click on your links and, well… you get the picture.

Submitting to Article Directories Is A Pain Unless

You use the submission tool I use which makes article submission a breeze. The two guys on the phone that I mentioned are none other than John Reese and Jason Potash. I devoured this content because it made perfect logical sense to me.

Disclosure: I am an affiliate and Jason pays me money when someone buys Article Announcer based on my recommendation. On this blog my primary recommendation is that you hire me as your business consultant or refer me to someone you know and make a very nice referral fee (another shameless plug). I have numerous sites I recommend that are listed below. I rarely discuss a product in this forum but my Blogging For Profits and Business Building fans need to know about Article Announcer.


If you read this far then you deserve to know Jason is running a short term special price on the electronic version of Article Announcer. Check it out

I wish you prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. . Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports. Did you know you can make a ton of money by referring a business that converts to consulting project? Just thought I’d mention that.

“That’s Not Good!!” Very Important Information For Business Owners, Internet Marketers and Small Business Owners

Situation Room:

Revenues nearly doubled in one year to more than $14 million. Profits hardly moved from the previous year which and those profits barely broke $0. When I reviewed this information with the founder of the business, he looked me directly and sternly in the eye and said “That’s Not Good!” We then went onto discuss the changes being implemented to posture the company for making money.


Are those changes working? Too early to tell because I know from experience many companies never continue following what they are taught. They revert to the “way they have done business in the past.”

I am a business development consultant. I am not a permanent fixture in companies I help. I have a long list of companies that are successful. I have a shorter list of companies that are not. What is the difference?

Commitment!! If I show you “How To Increase Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less” and that happens, you are happy. When I tell you what we just did must continue each day, week and month, you begin to think about what you have to do to make that happen and some people conclude they do not want to do that work. They would rather settle for mediocrity.

The Solution

It is harder to continue losing money than it is to make money. Think about it. When you are losing money, you not only have the work to do but you also have the draining worries associated with losing money. How do you think I know that? The solution is to make up your mind to be prosperous.

Now assuming you are losing money or not making the money you want, how do you change that? The companies I work with follow a proven program for success. How do I know? It has taken quite a bit of time and experience to identify the fundamentals of running a business that everyone can follow each day. Part of the experience was finding the people who run successful companies.

If you are using the Internet as part of your marketing strategy, who are you following. Right up front: don’t follow me except when it comes to blogs then read my Blogging for Profit Series – it will help you. So who should you follow? I pay attention to people who are obviously successful. When I met John Reese and had my picture taken with him outside his Lamborghini I knew he had achieved a measure of success and was delighted to have that opportunity of meeting him. He was gracious is very focused on sharing what works for him. John understands there are not limits to the amount of money in the world and if John Reese makes $20 or $200 or $2000 million, there are still millions and even more you can make. I highly recommend John’s material.

In 1990. I was in Aspen Colorado at a three day summit for people running companies owned by an investment firm. The hosts of that meeting were two brothers whose net worth was at least multiple billions of dollars (yes that is a B). The learning curve for me at that time was fast and furious. I learned very successful people have a very clear definition of their business, the direction of their business and profit goals are clearly defined and the support structure necessary to achieve their business goals is soundly in place.

To The Point

Today at the start of every consulting project I reach agreement with the owners and management team on the definition of their business and the near term revenue and profit goals. We then move onto growth rates and setting the procedures and processes in place for achieving those goals.

This process is provided to everyone interested in the complimentary mini-course How To Increase Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less (Register Here). This course is as relevant for internet marketers as it is for billion dollar companies.

It all starts with a clear definition of what you want and what you are prepared to do. Once you decide, follow a proven roadmap. Do you think it is coincidence this blog is named “Roadmap To Extraordinary Profits”? By the way, over time certain of the tools and techniques used in achieving extraordinary profits are refined. Like you I pay close attention to the tools and techniques developed by experts to help your business. I frequently mention the people who continue to help me with their training. The experts on my list are there because they help me based on my interests and my intent on using what I learn for myself and clients.

For those who say their business is Internet marketing I say your business has to be more clearly defined. Ed Dale is applying “the buy em and flip em model” for web sites and has evolved from a number of business models. I think Ed has a clear definition of his business but I can’t define it. Brad Fallon has a very traditional business model with search engine optimization as the engine. Frank Kern who may be an idiot savant, has a clear business model of monetizing small niche markets. Dan Kennedy is a copywriter and direct response marketing guru. Bill Glazer is an information marketer. Dan and Bill also run the college of direct response marketing through their newsletters, seminars and information products. Ken McCarthy is an educator. His System Seminar teaches people. Ken spends some of his time and resources on non-direct teaching but he loves to teach and does a great job doing so. I could go on but you get the point. Look at any person that you view as success and generally what business they are in is clear. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Have a clear definition of your business and a clear measurable goal for your business. Then measure the progress frequently.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of measuring progress frequently . I develop a key factors report for every company I work with that tracks progress. For example in a retail business we track sales and gross margin trends. In the contracting industry we track flow of requests to bid and make sure bids submitted and ultimately the work completed tracks with the gross margin goals. In those industries and all others where I do work we always have an annual plan of revenue, margin and profit. Again this is detailed in the currently free course How To Increase Profits by 30% or More in 90 Days or Less

Avoid thinking tools are your business. The Internet, SEO, direct response marketing, copywriting, niche marketing, video, podcasts, autoresponders co-registration, infomercials, and more are tools. Recognize these are tools and continually ask yourself what are the tools that will really help your business the most. Then as others point out so well, what are the activities that need your skills and which ones should be outsourced.

Allot of times I write for my own benefit meaning it crystallizes my own thinking and in order to write about a topic you need to have a level of experience with the subject matter. This article for example originated because I have not personally focused on a clear definition of my own business and I have not completed a clear financial plan with action steps for myself. I am now doing this and I am optimistic this will be my best year ever (and I have had some really good years.)

I wish you prosperous health, happiness and abundance

Steve Pohlit
Business Development Consulting

Steve Pohlit has more than 20 years experience running very large and medium sized companies. Steve now designs and implements processes with large and small companies that will deliver improved business performance for the long term. The latest successful on line and off line marketing techniques are part of the processes that are implemented. Most projects are self-funding within 90 days. The business then experiences a very high return on investment. Learn more about the process of Increasing Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less by visiting or you can call 727-587-7871 and speak with Steve directly. Have a question? Click Here To Visit Ask The Consultant If you want to learn how to use a blog to build your business then register for the the free mini-course “Blogging for Profits” at Steve Reports.