The Gold Formula tm

I named this The Gold Formula tm because the Gold is in the variance. How is the variance Gold? It tells you the condition. Once you know the condition you can apply the right action formula and accelerate the achievement of your target. What is the formula?


A = Actual
P = Plan
V = Variance

Guaranteed Results

Take This For A Test Drive – FREE Coaching Session Text/WhatsApp 1-727-224-4743

Guaranteed Results Is A Bold Statement.

Let me be even more clear. We will agree on a financial performance target in the next 3- 12 months and you will hit it. If you don’t then we keep working until you do or you say stop and I will refund your money.

For Example:

You have a business with many employees and while you are working night and day your personal income is shrinking. No Problem

You are an entrepreneur and you want to get off to a fast start – maybe (I know God forbid) you are excited about MLM No Problem

You are an international company with many complex issues. No Problem

You are a real estate investor who has been taught by all of the Gurus and you are having difficulty finding or getting a deal done. I can offer a special program for where we guarantee you will do a deal and make money.

You are looking to buy a business or thinking of selling one. You will be well served by talking with me. I have a lot of experience in both sides of the transaction.

Send me an example of your situation and I will confirm I can help you or not.

I Understand The Weak Promises and Guarantees In The Market

They are offered with so many conditions that there is very little chance of you receiving your money back WHEN you are not happy. I have only two conditions:

1. We jointly agree on the daily weekly targets that will absolutely be measured
2. You complete the agreed upon work.

If you do these two things, you cannot fail. To start I need information from you so I can determine if you qualify. Part of the qualification process is a complimentary coaching session. During that session you will receive 1-3 ideas and tools that will instantly mean a huge difference in results. So if we are not a good match, you will still have my most powerful tool for getting results.

The Only Thing That Matters Is Your Success

Contact Steve Pohlit

To Prepare for Complimentary Coaching Session
Text/WhatsApp  727-587-7871

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach

Tampa Florida Business and Real Estate Coaching and Consulting Firm – Guaranteed Results!

Hello and thank you for your interest in my Guaranteed Results Coaching Program. Coaching and Consulting services are offered by my firm Steve Pohlit International. Most of the work is delivered by me personally. At times certain details are completed under my direction.

Take This For A Test Drive – FREE Coaching Session Click Here

Guaranteed Results Is A Bold Statement.

Let me be even more clear. We will agree on a financial performance target in the next 3- 12 months and you will hit it. If you don’t then we keep working until you do or you say stop and I will refund your money.

For Example:

You have a business with many employees and while you are working night and day your personal income is shrinking. No Problem
You are an entrepreneur and you want to get off to a fast start – maybe (I know God forbid) you are excited about MLM No Problem
You are an international company with many complex issues. No Problem
You are a real estate investor who has been taught by all of the Gurus and you are having difficulty finding or getting a deal done. I can offer a special program for you in Tampa Bay and Chicago where we guarantee you will do a deal and make money.
You are looking to buy a business or thinking of selling one. You will be well served by talking with me. I have a lot of experience in both sides of the transaction.
Send me an example of your situation and I will confirm I can help you or not.

I Understand The Weak Promises and Guarantees In The Market

They are offered with so many conditions that there is very little chance of you receiving your money back WHEN you are not happy. I have only two conditions:

1. We jointly agree on the daily weekly targets that will absolutely be measured
2. You complete the agreed upon work.

If you do these two things, you cannot fail. To start I need information from you so I can determine if you qualify. Part of the qualification process is a complimentary coaching session. During that session you will receive 1-3 ideas and tools that will instantly mean a huge difference in results. So if we are not a good match, you will still have my most powerful tool for getting results. Please Click Here to start

The Only Thing That Matters Is Your Success

Contact Steve Pohlit
Click Here To Prepare for Complimentary Coaching Session
Phone 727-587-7871

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment and Life Coach

Meir Ezra and Guaranteed Results

Meir Ezra -The Business Leader, Teacher, Coach With The Iron Clad Guarantee

“Follow The Processes And You Cannot Fail”

Those are the words that first caught my attention in November 2012. Since that time I have invested over 1,000 hours in training with Meir Ezra and supporting resources. It is not the training that results in the guarantee. It is the application of the training that allows Meir to clearly state with every product offered that he guarantees you will be happy with the event or course or coaching. If not your money is returned.

What Is The Secret Behind Offering An Iron Clad Guarantee?

There is not secret! Here is the formula and I know because I now work with him and I am responsible for the Division that delivers coaching and courses. The formula.

1. Deliver amazing content that is so valuable for building a business and is founded on principles of personal ethics and happiness.
2. Structure a coaching system where the client sees progress daily and when they do not they understand what action is needed. This system like other business processes begins with clear targets. These targets are part of a bigger picture of developing a client organization that has seven divisions in harmony. The larger picture is in line of site however, this ideal scene is developed by producing income from transactions. The faster the client is able to produce income the sooner the idea scene can be painted. The daily and weekly focus is on answering the question “what do I need to do today to get the lead that I want, sell the product or service I want – in other words what do I need to do today to achieve my daily weekly monthly etc goals?” Of course that is how the client is guided by the coach.
3. Meir leads the team that delivers the services to the clients. This does not just mean he is at the top of the Organization Board. This means he tracks everything that is being done and in the case of coaching there is a third party quality control system that includes a written report and a recording that goes directly to Meir and the coach.
4. Meir Ezra teaches and lives the principle “we are the cause”! This means if the client is not succeeding it is because of the teacher not the client unless there is a personal behavior barrier for the client. Even then Meir’s view is let’s help the person then we can restore helping them build their business.

This is only a “birds eye” view of the process. For me personally, I have consistently achieved success with coaching clients. Now that I am applying what Meir teaches, I am seeing the success curve increasing much more rapidly. Here is one example and we have quite a few developing at this point: One of our clients has a definitive skill but was not using that skill to make money. He was working on an idea for a different business when we met him. Meir looked at this situation and in a couple minutes outlined the plan for him making money. I called him today since he had not responded to several emails and he is normally very good about that. He apologized and said he has just been busy working with companies and making money. I will get an update on then numbers in a few days. I already know he is on track to exceed his targeted monthly income.

I will end with this: As a coach I am accountable for the success of those I coach. As a Div Head I am accountable for the success of all in the coaching program. With the support of Meir Ezra and by following the processes the clients will achieve and in most cases exceed their success expectations. I am very happy to be able to write this with such certainty.

May your success exceed your most amazing dreams and desires!

Steve Pohlit

PS Would you like to know how we can help you or do you have questions? Call me 727-587-7871

The Policies of Obama Bring Misery – A Viewpoint Backed by Statistics Published by The Wall Street Journal – There Are Solutions

RealGDP-Chart1-OriginalRe:  The Weak Economy From Recent Articles Published by The Wall Street Journal:

Looking at the results federal stimulus has failed. Read the full report in this article The Obama Economy: How trillions in fiscal and monetary stimulus produced a 1.6% recovery. In part it says

” In return for adding nearly $3 trillion in federal debt in two years, we still have 14.9 million unemployed”…”As for blaming the Republicans, with only 40 and then 41 Senators they couldn’t stop so much as a swinging door.”

In Another Article: Stephen Moore Writes: Obama’s Economy Hits His Voters Hardest Young people, single women and minorities have fared the worst during the past four years.

In that article Mr. Moore writes: …” real median household income “has fallen by 4.4 percent since the ‘economic recovery’ began in June 2009.”  He concludes saying ” The left seems to have forgotten that when fewer American businesses and workers are creating wealth in the first place, something else is spread instead: misery.”

The Actual Picture is Worse

Read this commentary by Wayne Allyn Root published on Fox News – Why we can kiss the US economy goodbye The statistics on the true composition of job growth and food stamps alone are nothing short of frightening.


In a recent interview: Donald Trump discusses the importance of running our country from a position of strength and restoring the production of goods and services that have been shifted to China and other countries. For that to happen, the US must change economic policy and that is not going to happen unless the current administration is voted out or there is an economic collapse. Money News published this just two days ago “Billionaire Tells Americans to Prepare For ‘Financial Ruin’

For two years I interviewed George Ross once a month for an hour. George is Donald Trump’s Executive Vice President and Senior Adviser. He is an asture businessman and at 84 has more direct experience with the economy than most. George is an advocate of the strength of the United States. He is opposite gloom and doom thinking. What that means is he consistently focuses on solutions that are right in front of us. What we talked about the most on these calls was how entrepreneurs and small businesses can become more successful. Those conversations plus my own experience working with hundreds of business owners were instrumental in forming the road map for business success in my recently published book Building Business Profits Fast  Building Business Profits Fast


Exchange In Abundance- Complimentary Coaching Session.

Between now and the end of the Month I am opening up my lines for 10 complementary coaching sessions. I highly recommend you contact me now to book a time. When the 10 slots are gone, they are gone.  How to Proceed?  Simply Click Here for the instructions.

Strong Growth Will Overcome All The Economic Problems

Planning, organizing and promotion are at the core of strong business growth. That can be like saying go to the doctor if you have a serious medical condition. What is really needed is the right resource for what you are wanting to accomplish. Just yesterday I said to one of my clients that while I will give him ideas that will work in growing his business, the number one benefit he will experience is the continual expansion of his business resulting from following an proven path for profitable growth. Working together he cannot fail as long as he does his part. This is the principle of ‘Exchange In Abundance” What that means is that every person I work with gets far more than the investment in the coaching or consulting program. Unless the targeted income is far greater than the investment, I will not accept the client. Have I declined or stopped a coaching program because the value was not there? Actually twice – once because the business model was flawed in my opinion and anther time because the owner was viewing their business as a source of income and they really were not passionate about it.

Privately Held Companies Are The Solution To The US Economy’s Unemployment, Debt and No -Growth Problems!

The security for you and your family is your responsibility. If you are linking your financial stability to the government or employer you are placing yourself at great risk. Recently I attended a business building meeting where there were over 500 people in attendance.  I met many people who were already very successful and many others on their way to financial independence.  The most common attributes of the people in this group include: having been broke, the passion to do the work necessary to succeed and the selection of a company whose products everyone already wants.  Notice the word work in the formula.  There is one more thing in nearly every success story and that is leadership on following a simple system for delivering (outflow) valuable results.

“If It Is To Be – It Is Up To Me”  is a great quote just know you do not have to – “go it alone”.

The Two Step Formula For Success

1. My book “Building Business Profits Fast” is an easy to follow guide to achieving business success. This business building profits blueprint is for start-ups to mature companies.  Click Here To Order

2. Every successful business owner that I know works with a coach. Why is a coach important? A coach is independent of your day to day operation and with the right data in support of a clear plan for success is able to keep you on the business success track.  Call me (Steve Pohlit) at 727-587-7871  for a complementary session to see if we are a good match. If not I will help you find someone who is.

“If you follow the processes, you cannot fail!” Meir Ezra  Does this mean this is the only formula for achieving success and preventing Small Business Failure?  Actually, YES!

For Your Success,

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International
Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


The Solution For The High Rate of Small Business Failure

In Less Than 4 Years 50% of All Small Businesses Fail

Small businesses account for 7 out of 10 jobs in the US and it is likely similar in the rest of the world. Michele Tucker in her book “Sell Your Business For More Than It Is Worth” write the failure rate is actually 50% in eighteen months or less.  Michele is counting the businesses that never get to the point of applying for a small business admin loan or other services. Her statistic may be kind.

The Primary Reasons For Business Failure 

  • Not properly organizing the business for success
  • Spending money on everything but those actions that build business revenue and profits
  • Failure to find and follow a proven blueprint for business success
  • Ignoring the resources of an expert coach with a proven track record


The Solution For The High Rate of Small Business Failure

The Two Step Formula For Success

1. My book “Building Business Profits Fast” is an easy to follow guide to achieving business success. This business building profits blueprint is for start-ups to mature companies.  Click Here To Order

2. Every successful business owner that I know works with a coach. Why is a coach important? A coach is independent of your day to day operation and with the right data in support of a clear plan for success is able to keep you on the business success track.  Call me (Steve Pohlit) at 727-587-7871  for a complementary session to see if we are a good match. If not I will help you find someone who is.

“If you follow the processes, you cannot fail!” Meir Ezra  Does this mean this is the only formula for achieving success and preventing Small Business Failure?  Actually, YES!

For Your Success,

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International
Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


Bill O’Reilly Is Very Political In His Challenge To Obama on The Race Issue

Bill O’Reilly there is no race issue. There is an issue with everyone thinking they have the answer and that answer is to control someone else.

Bill why did you avoid the real issues including:

1. The impact of welfare on divorce and out of marriage pregnancy. Come on Bill you want Obama to run ads telling black women not to get pregnant- really?

2. Legalize the drugs – yes that is correct. Study prohibition. You want to throw the book at people selling drugs. How has that been working? Take the economics out of it. Nobody has the balls to address this idea. Too political too much risk for my job. Well I am not owned by Fox or anyone and I tell you let’s go toe to toe on this one. We have had decades of the same approach and none of it has worked.

Bill O’Reilly you went after Obama and his leadership. Have you gone after his leadership on the other scandals that are so public right now. Did you go after anyone for creating new diversion from the other big issues/scandals that remain outstanding?

Bill O’Reilly we need leadership in the media. Glenn Beck,Rush, Wayne Allyn Root, Hannity are asking the tough questions. You can too and you need to be. We are counting on you.

Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International LLC
Building Business Profits Fast –

Success Mastery: The Definition of Success

Success Mastery: The Definition of Success

Success Mastery One of the major lessons for me this year has been the realization of how many words I assume I and others know and clearly do not. One important example is the word success. What does it mean?

The word success is defined many ways. Some say it is a large bank account. Others say success is freedom to do what they want when they want. I have received no less than twenty different definitions when I have asked this question of audiences when I speak.

Before I continue I would like to reach an agreement with you which is: nothing I write is true unless it is true for you. I learned this agreement from my friend Meir Ezra and I love this agreement and use it now more frequently when I write and coach.

If you are in agreement with me on truth, then I offer you this definition of success:


Success is the experiencing of your ever expanding potential and helping others do the same.

Think about that and I will expand upon that in a future article. In the meantime please click here and register now even if you cannot attend as there are many benefits for you.

For Your Success,

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Success Mastery: 2012- My Best Year Since 2007 and Why

Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.

Success Mastery

I am a very experienced international real estate investment and business turnaround coach. My success rate is 100% with those people who follow my coaching instructions. This means they take action, they do the homework. In addition to coaching I have my own real estate investment firm and an on line continuity business.

2012 was a very good year for me. My business results were greater than any year since 2007. What was different? I began working with people who coach me. One of my coaches has 9 coaches and I personally know four of them and work with two of the four. Two of the four are coaching me. I pay very close attention to those achieving great success and do what they do.

In addition to working with coaches, I have a very targeted personal and professional self-development program consisting of books, mp3’s, daily inspirational literature and more. You may recall one of more recent articles titled “Success Is An Inside Job”

Energy is required to do all this. My energy is not drained by my profession. I really enjoy most everything I do. In addition, I have exercise regularly, eat mostly organic foods and use the most valuable nutritional supplements that I know of.

My purpose in sharing this with you is for you to know that in our challenging economic and political climate there are a lot of people achieving and exceeding their goals. Most of the people I know are being coached. Do you see the common denominator here?

My highest recommendation is that you begin now to work with a coach. Am I the best coach for you? I don’t know that until I know more about you. Once I do I can determine if we are a good match. If not, I will recommend one or more other great coaches for you to consider.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Success Mastery – Daily Top 5


Those I coach know the three foundation tools I use to help students achieve their ever expanding goals. These are

1 Vision Board
2.Accelerated Accountability Worksheet
3.Financial Plan

2 and 3 are in my classic, time proven Gold Formula format.

Recently I remembered that in 2010 I was emphasizing the use of the Daily Top 5. While this seemed to fade away when I began using the Accelerated Accountability Worksheet which is a weekly time management system I realized the Daily Top 5 should be elevated as part of my own work and I am again coaching students on using this as well.

Now I have a small journal that I can easily carry with me and each day – usually first thing in the morning I am writing my Top 5 – the 5 most important things I want to accomplish that day. Of course these tie to my Vision Board and other tools. However there is one key difference. My Top 5 includes health, self development and relationship goals and often my three foundation tools are mostly business development focused. Having said that I am adjusting the vision board and accelerated accountability worksheet to reflect my health and relationship priorities. Increasingly I am linking all of this to a bigger picture life mission statement which I am still in the process of clarifying.

I am taking the guidance of Les Brown that I heard in a recent interview with him where he talked alot about being able to do more to serve and leave a stronger legacy when he is gone. Now here is a guy who already has made a huge difference in the lives of many. If he is thinking about doing more, I think that is sage advice. I am following it and hope you do as well.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Success Mastery: Kaizen

Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.

Success Mastery




Success Mastery Fear

Kaizen is the Japanese term meaning continuous incremental improvements. As applies to the goal of Success Mastery, Kaizen means improving every aspect of ourselves continuously. Author Robin Sharma writes in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrrari that those who experience deep happiness daily are prepared to defer short-term pleasure for the sake of long term fulfillment. They attack their weaknesses and fears head -on even if that means dipping into the zone of the unknown brings with it a measure of discomfort. By resolving to improve every aspect of themselves continuously, with time things that were once difficult become easy. Fears that once prevented them from all the happiness, health and prosperity they deserved, fall to the wayside.

Are you holding back from making the calls, having the meetings, attending the events, getting the coaching that will make a huge difference in your life. Are you spending the time doing the work that I and others offer for free in blogs like this one and my Manifest Mastermind program? Are you spending time with successful people who are moving forward with prosperity and demonstrating happiness with who they are and what they do.?

If not why not? If not when?



Register Now so you receive an email alert whenever a new Success Mastery idea is published.



Success Mastery 
FREE Course: “Plus How To Grow Profits by 30% or More In 90 Days or Less!”


Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Response To: Close Your Facebook Account —No

Check out this video

Is it credible? You decide!

For me – see below

I have been on line since December 1995

My contact email address has been on line since then and yes the original one forwards to my gmail account now. However the original one is still alive and gets traffic

I am easy to find

My phone number has been published on line for 12 years. Yes it is true that if I do not recognize the number I will not answer.

So why would I hide? I don’t why would I disguise where I am going or what I am doing? I don’t.

I think if you are confident in you skin you are not afraid of being out there. No let’s look at another area – points of view opposite of mainstream popular politics. If you follow me on Facebook and other social media sites you will see I am what some would label a Patriot – I prefer the Libertarian label -doesn’t matter. What I stand for are the tenants of our constitution. I stand for at a deeper level Life Rights – the right of all to live their intentions in freedom and peace.

Steve Pohlit

Success Lessons From Harold Hamm – Founder of Continental Resources

Harold Hamm

Harold’s story appeared in the December 12, 2012 issue of Forbes Life. For those who may not be familiar with Continental Resources, they have the largest position in Bakken field and he says they will double their oil output again over the next five years. (It is worth your time to look up Bakken field in your favorite search engine.)

There are several very important points in Harold’s story:

1. He learned as a teenager that if we follow our passion in life we will do well.

2. Harold wrote a thesis in high school about petroleum and discovered he wanted to become an explorationist. This became a dream he strove to come true.

3. In pursuing his dream he sought out mentors to teach him.”I became obsessed learning from them day and night.” He names his mentors in the article because he says “they were willing to show a hungry young man about the industry and teach him what they spent years learning.

4.” No matter what, you’ve got to follow your passion in life and always keep on learning”

This is a very good article and I recommend reading the complete version in Forbes Life.  I have a Forbes app and can get this on line in addition to the print version that I subscribe to.

This reinforces the main theme of the blueprint I am preparing to publish as we enter the new year of 2013. This article is intended to be timeless just as the main points coming from Harold Hamm are timeless.

Thank you Harold and Forbes Life.

Are you thinking you would be well served having a mentor? a coach? My contact information follows.


Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Wayne Allyn Root Speaks On How To Be Successful In Today’s Economic and Business Climate

Wayne Allyn Root
I started working with Wayne about 18 months ago as the host of a monthly call for those who have subscribed to this program.

During this time I am honored to say we have developed a friendship that has continued to grow. I am grateful for what I have learned. As an example I have revamped my own “positive addictions” program based on his inspiration. I have expanded my awareness of US and global economic conditions and the impact of outrageously stupid governmental policies on people domestically and internationally. I have advanced my own expertise in the area of business success and especially marketing. And there are times when I share an experience that helps Wayne…demonstrating even the best minds and leaders are always open to learning.

For more on Wayne visit and

Wayne Speaks On Success In Today’s Economy

1. We need tremendous energy and focus to flourish in a difficult economy and we are in one. How do you develop this energy? Positive Addictions! While I am not able to detail here his positive addictions program I have published a very important article Getting Unstuck In addition I have started a website dedicated to the energy that Wayne is talking about and more. That site is Health Rewards Now

2. Once we know how to fuel the mindset and physical energy required to be relentless in our mission we need to have the daily discipline to fuel our momentum

3. We all need a mentor and coach and since I am a coach if you feel this is self serving so be it. I have a several key mentors and coaches. Wayne is a key mentor of mine.

4. Wayne said each one of his businesses is down significantly from several years ago. What does he do about it? He is passionate about not losing a customer or client and he is equally as passionate about doing more to grow. He was recently appointed as CEO of a a public nutritional company and added that responsibility to his already full agenda. One thing about Wayne …he is passionate about everything he does and always says yes to an opportunity that is synergistic.

5. That is what I can share for now. Well there is one more thing—Romney will win and Wayne has all the reasons why. Like his Facebook page and you will understand. I am very happy that Wayne is so certain and as he says…”if I am wrong God help America”.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Discover If Coaching Is The Right Answer For You

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround, Real Estate Investment, Personal Development Coach

Is Coaching For Everyone?

If you know the direction of your professional and personal life can be better than it is today then coaching will absolutely help you. However, anyone who considers coaching you should have a very clear view that their coaching approach will help you. I have extensive business and life coaching experience with people from all levels of experience in many industries. Today approximately 40% of the people I coach are real estate investors. The remainder are in a variety of industries including distribution, retail, technology and professional services. Companies range in size from a start-up to a seasoned business with many employees and revenues in the 10’s of millions.

Coaching for Success











Success Stories

The number one attribute of the people I coach who are increasingly successful is mindset. In the past year I have shifted my coaching focus to guide people on their attitudes and values system. I came to the realization of how important this from my evaluation of those people being coached who were not achieving their potential. Of course there is my Accelerated Success System which is the foundation of how I guide people to move forward in their business and their lives. The success stories of my approach are numerous. There are several case studies and testimonials on my home page.

My No Risk Coaching Offer

There is only one way for you know if coaching makes sense for you and that is for you to have a complementary introductory coaching session. I am offering you the opportunity for a complimentary call with me. It is up to you to do the advance work and submit the information I need in order to consider you for the no obligation call.

What I will need to consider agreeing to a free coaching call:

1. Brief description of your business
2. What are you greatest challenges …or what is holding you back
3. What would you like to be 6-18 months from now.
4. What idea about coaching caught your attention
5. Your complete contact information, name, city, state, cell phone, best time to call to set an appointment.

Please Email Me with this information and in the Subject Line Write Important: Request for Complimentary Coaching Session

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Speaking Topic At The Trump Winery: Accelerated Success System

Steve Pohlit Speakes at The Trump Winery

The key to accelerated success is for the major pillars of your life to be in hapmony. First you must be doing what you love, your relationships and networks need to be positive, all of us must have a synergistic health plan…see Health Rewards Now … then we are in a position to strategically execute an action plan for building extraordinary incomve and wealth…as defined by you.

That is the substance of my 5 hour presentation which is condensed from an entire weekend seminar. The entire content and more is in my new book Building Business Profits Fast. Check out the video.



More Photos:

Tump Helicopter at Trump Winery
Trump Winery

An Incredible Experience:

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.