Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author
The message is inspirational. Inspirational material can be very powerful. Each person I coach, uses the accelerated accountability worksheet I have developed for planning weekly optimal performance. This plan is linked to a longer term financial goal that we reverse engineer to what is required today in order to meet and possibly exceed the goal. The first line of the accelerated accountability worksheet is “self development..mindset”. I started with that line for everyone based on my own experience observing my own life when I did this work first and when I didn’t. huge difference.
This video is a call to action and a reminder of being focused. Each of us has different interpretations of what the second half means and what we need to do to win the second half. The teams come out with a plan and adjust the plan based on a continual evaluation of new information. Each one of us can view videos like this one and other resource material and do one of two things:
1. smile and say “that’s nice”
2. develop an action plan on how we can become better in the second half then implement that plan.
I have already picked #2…. and you?
The Fastest and Most Efficient Way For Most People and Companies To Achieve and Exceed Their Goals Is By Working With A Coach
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Wayne Allyn Rootis one of the most dynamic, charismatic, colorful, passionate, fiery, and outspoken Libertarian-conservative political personalities in America today. He is a best-selling author of 7 books, a FOX News Channel regular guest, and a national media star.
I met Wayne in 2010 and now connect with him at least monthly for an in-depth discussion on restoring the vibrancy of the US, business success and his positive addictions that are the core of his vitality and success.
Wayne’s most recent editorial published in Forbes online (Click Here) is a clearly factual representation on two very important points:
1. The capital gains rate of 15% paid by Mitt Romney is available to everyone
2. The lower the capital gains rate, the greater the incentive to invest.
3. The greater the investment in companies and innovation, the higher the rate of growth in jobs.
In very recent discussions with business owners and entrepreneurs, it has become very clear to me that most do not really understand the fundamentals of capitalism…not communism, not socialism, but capitalism. Join me in help America stand up for capitalism..the right of all to create value through innovation, creativity and hard but fun work. The right to follow the entrepreneurial dream without a huge tax and regulation penalty imposed by a socialistic mission by the government.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO and president of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert international business and real estate investment consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance meaning growing business revenue and profits fast. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days. All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
The ads are prolific for the biggest retail sales day (not profit) of the year…Black Friday. However, most businesses including physical retail store never go the extra step of developing a relationship with their customer.
Black Friday Sales are Brisk and Largely Unprofitable – Should Be Viewed As Lead Generation
Shopping Savvy customers are more often than ever making their list of deals, buying the deals and leaving. Cross over selling is declining. This means that most of the sales on Black Friday are unprofitable or just slightly profitable. Attention: take advantage of Black Friday’s increased traffic and look at it as a great lead generation opportunity.
Why Do Retailers Continue Black Friday Promotion If They Are Not Profitable?
If retailers do not compete on Black Friday someone else will grab that customer and there will be a loss of customer loyalty. Several years ago WalMart moderated their Black Friday and holiday promotion strategy and it was costly. Following that season they vowed never to be out of that game again. Since you are in the game capitalize on the the traffic at a minimum with a name and email capture campaign include text messaging lead capture if it is appropriate for your business.
Most Retailers Continue To Ignore A Great Opportunity When A Customer or Prospect Walks In The Door.
Customer Relationship Marketing is a huge opportunity. People want information and want to know “their store cares”. It is insane to focus on recruiting the store staffing with the right image and customer service attitude then not go the extra step to capture name and email address for a follow-up thank you.
For an increasing number of businesses adding text messaging marketing makes sense. However, it will not replace email marketing anytime soon. Email marketing and text message marketing will not replace the positive feeling someone gets when they receive a physical card. There are many businesses that should Send Out Cards.
I advise every one of my clients to implement a relationship marketing campaign. There are numerous success stories. A recent very notable one is a company just beginning to implement a relationship marketing strategy and the results are very positive in less than 60 days. The winter season is the slowest time for their business. There have been cash flow problems in the past. This season is shaping up to be very different in a positive way.
Action Steps:
Develop a customer relationship marketing strategy. Part of the relationship is educating your customer on products, services. Focus on the value you deliver rather than the latest deal.
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
These are the 5 best principles for economic prosperity ever ( I do not know the source…if you do let me know and I will give credit)
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Can you think of a reason for not sharing this? Neither could I and that is why I am …with you
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business and real estate coaching and consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
The Number One Question I Ask All The People I Coach To Answer Is:
Have you decided how much money you are intending to make in the next year?
A definitive financial goal measurable in amount and time is essential. For most businesses we use an annual horizon. Many advise a longer term strategic view. Devoting time and energy to a strategic picture is part of it. However, I consistently find that a shorter time period that is easier to to clearly see developing is the most productive for most business owners and managers.
There is a lot more to achieving the financial goal which includes the business process, systems, leverage, marketing and working on the A items that make the most difference in business performance. At this point…most people who read this article do not have a defined financial goal in place and related action plans designed to achieve that plan. If you do this, you will begin to see a transformation in your business performance.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Every business owner and entrepreneur I coach finalizes a financial performance plan for their business during Phase 1 of the coaching program. This plan is for at least a year and may extend 18 months or so. While that has been a foundation of the success experienced by the many people I have worked with, I have arrived at an enhanced formula for even greater success.
While the entire picture is reserved for my clients, this will give you insight as to the expanded formula for success. Here are some questions that will give you an idea:
1. Knowing what you know now, would you be in this business if you were to start fresh today?
2. What is the visualization of your life three years from now with this business and what behavior and action steps do we need to implement now for that picture to become reality. With this questions I am focusing on lifestyle goals including the material things that the client is dreaming about. So this is a stretch the imagination exercise.
From these questions and more we develop action steps that are implemented to achieve the desired outcome and measure actual performance against plan. Plan Actual Variance is the Gold Formula which will be the topic of a future article.
In summary, defining your goals really means defining how you want to experience your life. I look forward to your comments.
There is no better way to move from where you are economically today than where you want to be than being in your own business. There is no better way to succeed in your own business fast than to be led step by step by an experienced coach who has experienced success and struggles.
If you have limited funds – take a look at the free videos:
Build Your Business Even If You Are On A Low Budget. These Free Videos Will Show You How!Click Here
Note: there is only one surefire way of achieving the success you crave…take responsibility for your success. Become a better you. Become valuable for others.
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
The Top 5 System For Solving Personal Economic Stress:
1. You must focus on being healthy as you will need energy to achieve whatever goals you set out to accomplish and then to enjoy them as you accomplish them
2. Define the business or opportunity you are most excited about for generating income that you desire. Be sure you are excited about becoming a leader for the business and not focused on doing the work for the money. You must be passionate about what you do.
Build Your Business Even If You Are On A Low Budget. These Free Videos Will Show You How!Click Here
3. Set out a specific measurable target of income you intend to make on a monthly basis that you can increase over time and the date when that income will flow
4. Develop a timed sequence action plan for achieving your business financial plan.
5. Implement your action plan each day, week and month making adjustments as you see what is working better than others.
There is no better way to move from where you are economically today than where you want to be than being in your own business. There is no better way to succeed in your own business fast than to be led step by step by an experienced coach who has experienced success and struggles.
If you have limited funds – take a look at the free videos:
Build Your Business Even If You Are On A Low Budget. These Free Videos Will Show You How!Click Here
Note: there is only one surefire way of achieving the success you crave…take responsibility for your success. Become a better you. Become valuable for others.
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
If you have read it, it is worth reading again and making notes. If you have not read it, you will be well served by reading it. The book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is readily available on line. It is priceless.
I am writing formula “Six Ways To Turn Desires Into Gold” as a reminder for myself. I hope you benefit from this formula.
“Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure will bring riches.
The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six definitive, practical steps:
First: fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definitive as to the amount.
Second: determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. There is no such thing as something for nothing.
Third: establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Fourth: create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth: write out a clear concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for it’s acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan though which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth: read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read – see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach who will help accelerate your realization of goals! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
I have been coaching Jason Doucette on building business profits using his technical programming skills. Lead Capture Toolkitwas an idea that emerged and Jason has now launched this program. Essentially it is an application that helps you build your Facebook Likes by offering an incentive that people receive when they register their name and email address. This registration information is integrated with popular autoresponder systems. I have set on up on my Facebook Page and I use the autoresponder service by Aweber
Most everyone appreciates the value of building your list. Most marketers have autoresponder accounts and build relationships using email marketing communications as a primary tool. Facebook is one social media site that has become hugely popular with companies and entrepreneurs since restructuring their Page feature. You probably have seen requests to Like My Page.
Lead Capture Toolkitadds to your Facebook page the option to offer an incentive for a Facebook Fan to join your email list. Once set up, (the set up is very straight forward) the process is very smooth for a subscriber. Subscribers receive the opt-in confirmation in their email which in compliance with no spam practices. Once confirmed they receive the incentive you offer which is a well known and proven to work technique for building your list.
The benefit for you in using Lead Capture Toolkit is you are building your list as you build your Facebook fans.
I have been testing the functionality of Lead Capture Toolkit for about a month. It is easy to set up and integrates very easily with Facebook. Part of the coaching has been to enhance the training through videos and text on the steps to install this valuable application. Click Here and Check It Out. You are welcome to leave your questions and comments here or connect with Jason.
Action Steps
Click Here Now for Lead Capture Toolkit. Jason did not follow my advice on pricing. It is very low. Get it now before he changes his mind and raises the price. Yours can be free by simply becoming and affiliate and having just two people buy it from your link. It has been approved by Click Bank and is now listed there.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Working with business owners domestically and internationally in many different industries offers confirmation on key success factors for optimizing business performance and areas where entrepreneurs and business executives have the most trouble. In this article I address what I have found to be the number one challenge for most businesses.
Steve Pohlit Build Business Profits Coach and Consultant
The Shocking Build Business Profits Fundamental That Most Entrepreneurs and Business Executives Miss
There are a handful of key fundamentals that every business needs to consistent have in place in order to optimize business performance as measured by building business revenue, profits and liquidity. I regularly address one or more of these at my blog Build Business Profits which is the new domain that I moved from Steve Reports. Strategically I am positioning Build Business Profits to be the “go to” blog for business advice. I have always written material based on what I find working with my clients. Readers should benefit greatly from this material as it reflects the actual experiences of companies I am working with. I am sharing that with my readers so you can have an insight as to how I am addressing the current branding for the business coaching and consulting business.
The one fundamental that most business owners and business executives have difficulty with is The Executive Summary that defines their business. I work with every client on this document and advise them the goal is not primarily to have a document that will be sent out to the public, although there are no restrictions on doing that. Rather the goal is to prepare the business leader for effectively defining their business in a networking situation. A related business benefit is that the Executive Summary generally forms the foundation of the home page of the company’s website. The key elements I coach businesses on are the development of the written document and then how to effectively network for relationships that will help their business.
The coaching on networking has evolved to include more guidance on building the relationships. This is important because as people begin to develop a clear definition of their business they need to know how to effectively communicate with people so to engage them and not turn them off. Imagine you are at a networking event or following up with someone you met at an event. How would you feel if that person begins telling you all about their business or business opportunity without expressing any interest in you and what you do. How likely are you to become engaged yet alone stay interested? The likelihood is 0!
So I focus my business coaching and consulting experience beyond the guidance of developing a clear executive summary and help people develop relationship building skills. Everyone finds that valuable!
Where Did I Learn What I Coach?
Clearly I learned and perfected a lot of these principles during the portion of my professional career with Arthur Andersen & Co. where networking was the primary way we marketed our services. However, as an entrepreneur, I seemed to lose some focus on networking skills. Now I am working with leaders who have as many as five coaches. I have two coaches and the primary focus includes the development of skills for building revenue and profits. Right at the top of that skill set is relationship building.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
The Foundation Principle of The Strategy of Preeminence
The foundation principle of the Strategy of Preeminence by Jay Abraham is to love your client. This means a complete focus on bringing maximum value to a client where you provide a service or sell a product.
How To Fall In Love With Your Client
Steve Pohlit on Implementing Jay Abraham's The Strategy of Preeminence
As a business coach and business consultant at the outset with every new client, my focus is completely on how to help them achieve their intended goals as fast as possible. I have a single minded vision. I am in love with the idea of leaving the client in a better position as a result of my work with them.
For the most part my clients are engaged in the process. The ones who are not, do not receive the full benefit of my experience. This is because an increasing amount of time is spent trying to determine what will work the best in getting them to take directed action. I fall out of love with the idea of being able to help them because they are not helping themselves.
In summary become completely focused on the success of your client or the outcome they are intending when buying your product. As your market knows your passion for client success stories, you become the the “go to business” for service/products. When that happens you are experiencing the benefit of implementing the Strategy of Preeminence. There’s More!!!
How To Develop The Confidence To Implement The Strategy of Preeminence
I consistently coach clients to develop their own self-development program so that they are in a state of happiness and confidence. This is important for success in their personal and business lives. The number one barrier that blocks people from moving forward and achieving what is possible for them is lack of confidence..lack of self esteem. Once that is addressed then I find most often a gap in defining success. Without a clear definition it is impossible to implement an action plan that can lead you to the goal. The majority of the time we don’t just get in a car and drive. We have a destination and we research the route if we don’t already know it.
The Best Way I Have Found To Strengthen Self Esteem
Og Mandino is the author of quite a few wonderful self development books. One of them is The Greatest Miracle In The World. In that book, Og writes about the probability of any human being born. The math works out to be 1 in 300 billion or something like that. He uses that information to emphasize just how special each is. I love to reflect on that information as it applies to me and everyone else.
Developing confidence starts with strengthening your self esteem and then putting yourself in positions where that are outside of your comfort zone. The more you do that, what was outside of your comfort zone becomes inside your comfort zone. For example, public speaking is frightening for many people and it has been for me in the past. Now I love it and that experience helps me when networking for my businesses. Many networking situations involve standing up in front of a group and presenting who you are, what you are looking for and what you bring to the table. I coach all my clients on how to become better at this since business success results from build successful relationships.
How To Achieve Success Beyond Measure
1. Define success in measurable terms
2. Develop step by step action plans designed to achieve the intended results.
3. Make adjustments as you get feedback on how you are doing vs. you plan. This is the Plan vs Actual = Variance formula I share at all my live event presentations. I have named this The Gold Formula.
4. Be relentless every day on implementing the action plan you you developed to achieve your success goals
5. End you day on a positive note with completing an important task or successfully marketing to one more client or an existing one.
6. Never ever lose site of the goal of being part of a better outcome as a result of you coming to the table.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
I Will Coach 5 People And Help Them Build A Profitable Business From Scratch Fast. …FREE!
People who I work with and those who follow my articles know I am an expert business coach and consultant. Now I am offering this experience and expertise to a handful of people for FREE. If you recognize the value of this opportunity then act fast since I only have room on my schedule for 5 people.
Steve Pohlit to Coach 5 People Free
Note: This message is going out to my mailing list and my social media marketing network. This is a very large group and I can only work with a limited number of people so act fast and please pay attention to the steps you must follow….very simple actually.
The Two Most Important Criteria For Acceptance
1. A burning desire to be successful with your own business
2. A commitment to follow my coaching program meaning implement the action steps I provide.
What You Will Learn
I will teach you the key principles I use when coaching entrepreneurs and consulting with very large international companies. These include:
Organizational Development
Effective Networking
Social Media Marketing
Internet Marketing
Time Management
Much, much more
Nothing will be held back.
What Is The Catch?
You will be learning how to build your business based on a product that you promote. There are varying levels of investment to acquire the product. However, I will only coach those who position themselves for maximum earnings. This means you will have an investment in product totaling approximately $1,300.00 Please note a coaching program would cost you quite a bit more than $1,300 and you will receive product worth more that the $1,300 investment.
Quite honestly, if you follow my coaching you should be able to recover you investment and be in the money in a very short period of time….60 days or less.
What Is The Profit Potential?
My personal goal is to make 6 figures….per month! You can too. Of course this won’t happen overnight but that is an achievable goal. I know that because I am personally working with one person who is doing that and several more who are on track to do the same.
Click here for the main site. You will receive one just like it when you register.
For you to remain in the compensation program there is product autoship program requiring $100 per month. Again this is product that you can use for personal consumption and for building your business.
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
In a recent article I addressed The Strategy of Preeminence taught by Jay Abraham. Studying and coaching on this material has heightened my awareness of examples of people and companies who exemplify a preeminent mindset. Unfortunately there seems to be a dominance of examples opposite of a client success focused culture. Every example is an opportunity for business to improve. Every improvement will be met with a corresponding increase in business profits.
Recent Examples:
United Airlines automated systems called me to alert me a flight I had scheduled was cancelled. Being notified was good. Working on practical alternatives with United was a nightmare. It is true United Airlines booked me on a later flight. However, when you have plans beginning at noon, arriving at 6:30PM is not a viable option. In researching alternatives, I learned there was a flight that would have arrived only two hours late. That flight was on American which is a Star Alliance Partner of United. United didn’t book me on that flight, however United tried to call them and after a 45 minute wait there was not enough time to book it, confirm it and make the flight.
The logistics were one item. A deeper issue was communication. United Airlines customer support is located in India. While well intended, communication with people in a country where English is not their first language just does not work. It was so difficult that I went to the airport in Chicago and tried to resolve the situation there. I learned that I could book a flight back to my home town in Tampa for a price of nearly $500. On line earlier, the price of that flight was $181.00 The representative at the airport gave me some explanation about rates that didn’t make sense. Additionally I could tell he really was not trying to help me.
I finally found a flight back to Tampa on another airline at a reasonable price. It was clear I was not going to get to my original destination so I decided to fly home. When I got to the gate for that flight I found it was delayed and hour which would mean I would miss my connecting flight. However the gate agent said “wait a minute I can get you on a United Flight direct leaving in an hour” She demonstrated a sincere client focused mindset. Ultimately I made that flight and returned home not feeling very good about spending most of the day on these logistics.
The airline industry has people that do their job well with a “serve the client” attitude. However, many parts of this system are broken including pricing and phone support. There are airlines that get it more right than wrong. My favorite is Southwest which is why they have been consistently profitable. Yes there is a direct correlation between serving the client and profitability.
Recommended Action Steps
If you have an automated attended phone system, trash it and have a live person answer the phones.
If you use staff from a third world country for customer service, develop US based call centers for US and English speaking customer calls.
Be sure your business model on line is consistent with your physical business model.
Strategically evaluate how well you are doing implementing a Strategy of Preeminence.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Jay Abraham is a legendary coach and consultant guiding companies and entrepreneurs to making more money….alot more money. If you are not familiar with him, click here and I also recommend you Google Jay Abraham.
Jay developed a core value named The Strategy of Preeminence. I am a long time student of Jay’s and I am a coach with Top One Coaching We include the strategies of Jay Abraham with The Strategy of Preeminence being at the foundation.
The Strategy of Preeminence Summarized
The Strategy of Preeminence is:
1. A mindset
2. A Value System
where the focus is on your
1. Client
2. Employee
3. Vendors
4. Any business relationship that helps your business move forward.
Two clients own body shops…a business that fix wrecked vehicles. There are two major stress points: first there is the emotion associated with damage and next there is the emotion of wanting this damage restored back to original or better than original condition. Both clients are totally passionate about how their client is treated and how the process of restoration is handled. My role is to help them develop additional marketing strategies so their markets know they are the trusted advisor and service provider in their niche. I also help them improve operations and systems for the strengthening of gross margin and net profit.
Real Estate Investors add tremendous value in the marketplace by helping their clients including sellers, buyers, contractors, realtors and the community. Those focused transactions where all win are the most successful investors long term. The have become the trusted investor in the marketplace. Top One Coaching goes way beyond coaching people on real estate transactions.
I measure my success as a business coach and consultant by the success of those I work with. I know when the direction we are working on is working and when it doesn’t. I take both outcomes very personally. My mindset is always on the success of the business owner I am coaching.
Notice the purposeful use of the word client. In one of Jay’s presentations focused on the Strategy of Preeminence he reminds of the following definitions:
Client: A person under the care of another
Customer: A person who purchases a product or service.
Companies who view themselves as sellers of products or services are essentially viewing themselves as a commodity merchant. Those who have established themselves as the “go to” expert/trusted advisor operate from a position of strategic preeminence.
The Top 5 Steps for Achieving Strategic Preeminence.
A reminder and a comment:
Remember..the Strategy of Preeminence applies to all constituents that are involved with your business – not just your clients.
Comment…Jay Abraham is legendary and brilliant. His creative thought process would likely offer 50 or 150 steps to implement the Strategy of Preeminence. I offer I feel will make the most immediate impact on building business profits. Undoubtedly this list can be expanded. Let’s jog before we go for the sub 4 minute mile.
Step 1 To The Strategy of Preeminence: Internal Congruence
This means you must be passionate about what you do. If you are not passionate about your business, do something else. If you are passionate about making money but you are not passionate about how you are making money, do something else.
It is virtually impossible to be in a sustainable position of preeminence without a passion for what you do because you will not be authentic.
Step 2: Clear Definition
Clearly define your business including strategic direction, what you want and what you bring to the table (what is in it for your clients) In the book Onward by Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks he writes about the rise, fall and near failure of the business. The number one item he identified as the reason in declining performance was the focus on growing the numbers to please Wall Street and the gradual disconnect with Starbuck’s customers.
The transformation agenda that Howard developed in connection with his return as CEO opens with “The Starbucks mission: To inspire and nurture the human spirit on person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” That agenda went on to address the product, the partners and shareholders. The transformation agenda was the first step to turning around the business. This book is a “page turner” I love it and recommend it highly.
Once the definition of what your business represents becomes part of you, it will make a huge difference in your business. If it is not part of your belief system then people will know you are not authentic and the status of preeminence will not be experienced.
Step 3: Develop A Strategy of Preeminence Communication Strategy
The goal of your communication strategy is to expand the awareness of clients, employees and all constituents as to how your business achieves the core values of your business. Everything you do as a business must reflect the passion of your business purpose. Every email, blog article, social media tweet, status update….all the content on your company media, website and more needs to be congruent with the passion of your business purpose.
The type of communication you use will be dependent on your target audience and distance from you. The more personal the communication the more effective you are likely to be. This is actually a subject of many books and seminars. For now just remember that all communication should be in alignment with your core values and business purpose.
Step 4: Develop Systems That Confirm Your Strategic Purpose Is On Track
It wasn’t that Starbucks didn’t have measurements, it was the fact the evolving direction was on same store revenue growth and continually higher quarterly performance. This was not the core value that would result in a preeminent market position.
Top One Coaching has a report card system for evaluating clients and for clients to evaluate coaches.
Clients who refer business to you is a great measurement.
Employees will tell you.
Pay attention to how well you are developing permanent relationships.
Here is the key…you must take the time to pay attention and develop specific feedback benchmarks that tell you you are on track. One action step I recommend is a brief weekly meeting for 30 minutes or so with employees and others to evaluate progress. Personally I always ask clients what else will help them the most even when based on my experience I am confident in the direction.
Givers Gain: That is the mantra of Business Network Institute and it is true. Remember to spread the word of those you work with who do a great job. Maybe it is a contractor, attorney, accountant, real estate agent or someone who cleans your office…..share.
Step 5: Strategic Performance
This is the financial performance model incorporating my Gold Formula. I have named this the Gold Formula because I have found the gold is in variance from plan. The gold formula is plan…actual…variance. With every business we develop a financial plan for near term business performance. Near term is generally a year. We detail that plan by month then begin tracking variances from plan. This process supports your evaluation of how well you are doing to implement the Strategy of Preeminence. If your variances are consistently negative to a valid plan something is not right.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of very successful companies and entrepreneurs?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his build business profits expertise to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
“The Greatest Salesman In The World” by Og Mandino – delivers a powerful 10 step success formula. One is titled “Act Now”. Beyond the obvious, Act Now reminds us there is no guarantee we will be here tomorrow so get it done.
Raymond Aaron who is the author of many books including “Double Your Income Doing What You Love” counsels us to outsource what we don’t love to do. Tasks we don’t love to do are the single biggest reason behind procrastination according to Raymond.
Both authors offer great guidance in these and other books they have written. The people who I coach and companies who are clients receive very clear action steps and timetables for completion. Not acting is the single biggest reason for lack of progress or even failure.
However success is beyond “Act Now”. It is “Act Now” on the right things. What are the right things? The right things are the action steps that result in you achieving your clearly defined measurable goals. The Advanced Accountability System which is what I use with all clients begins with the establishment of near term measurable plans.
Not all plans are financial. There are plans for increasing personal energy, plans for self-development, plans for improving key relationships. All components are key. So “Act Now” on those things that are going to make the most difference in your business and your life.
Action Steps
Get A Business Coach! If you already have a business with more than 10 employees, Hire A Consultant who is able to work with you part of the time on-site.
Would you like to be in the next group of millionaires?
About: Steve Pohlit CPA,MBA has been the CFO and COO of major domestic and international companies. Steve has extensive business ownership experience having purchased and started off line and on line businesses.
Steve offers his business building experience to companies and entrepreneurs with business coaching and business consulting. His focus is on building business profits and net asset value at above average rates. Steve incorporates health and wellness plus relationship guidance in his work as they are at the foundation of achieving all goals.
All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.