The Solution For The High Rate of Small Business Failure

In Less Than 4 Years 50% of All Small Businesses Fail

Small businesses account for 7 out of 10 jobs in the US and it is likely similar in the rest of the world. Michele Tucker in her book “Sell Your Business For More Than It Is Worth” write the failure rate is actually 50% in eighteen months or less.  Michele is counting the businesses that never get to the point of applying for a small business admin loan or other services. Her statistic may be kind.

The Primary Reasons For Business Failure 

  • Not properly organizing the business for success
  • Spending money on everything but those actions that build business revenue and profits
  • Failure to find and follow a proven blueprint for business success
  • Ignoring the resources of an expert coach with a proven track record


The Solution For The High Rate of Small Business Failure

The Two Step Formula For Success

1. My book “Building Business Profits Fast” is an easy to follow guide to achieving business success. This business building profits blueprint is for start-ups to mature companies.  Click Here To Order

2. Every successful business owner that I know works with a coach. Why is a coach important? A coach is independent of your day to day operation and with the right data in support of a clear plan for success is able to keep you on the business success track.  Call me (Steve Pohlit) at 727-587-7871  for a complementary session to see if we are a good match. If not I will help you find someone who is.

“If you follow the processes, you cannot fail!” Meir Ezra  Does this mean this is the only formula for achieving success and preventing Small Business Failure?  Actually, YES!

For Your Success,

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit, Managing Partner
Steve Pohlit International
Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

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Success Mastery – Core Values Are The Foundation of Long Term Business Viability and Success

Success MasteryLong term successful companies have a powerful core value system at their core. There are additional processes in place. However all the processes and procedures in the universe will not survive in the absence of core values. For the record they are ethical, moral, positive core values in harmony and supportive of the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

The following is one set of core values – get started with these.

1. We are always moral, ethical and legal.
2. We treat everyone with respect.
3. We seek quality in everything we do.
4. We uphold high customer service standards.
5. We have competitive determination to do our best.
6. We maintain individual discipline
7. We allow freedom and responsibility within individual discipline.

Implementing the system of core values is the start of an integrated success system. Call me for a complimentary discussion about your success goals. I will offer you ideas that you can use immediately. Call Steve Pohlit 727-587-7871


Success is the experiencing of your ever expanding potential and helping others do the same.

Think about it and I will expand upon that in a future article.

How Would You Like A Complementary Coaching Session?  Great – Click Here and Get Prepared

For Your Success,

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

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July 4th 2013 – We Are No Longer Independent

Memorial DayI honor all the women and men who have fought for our country and are still fighting for the idea of our country. I am deeply saddened to see how we have ignored the infringement or our rights:

Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, libery and the the pursuit of happiness.”

We Have Failed Our Servicemen and Women Miserably

And we are failing our children miserably.

We Are Not Independent and Free

We have allowed government to outlaw God and prayer in our schools when we should be shipping those who disagree to a country where they can practice what they believe.

We allow government to continue without question when there are serious questions surrounding events including Benghazi, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombings, the IRS scandal and more. We just are complacent on these and many other issues.

I wake up in a place that shelters me, has running water and where I have access to good food for nourishment. I am truly blessed in comparison to 50% of the world’s population that struggles for acceptable drinking water and if found has minimal chance for sufficient daily nourishment. I am allowing my government to ignore this absolutely solvable condition.

We have allowed our government to establish such restrictions that the medical community goes offshore where there are amazing advancements in solving cancer, heart failure, body part failure, dementia and more.

We have allowed government to spend huge money so that people who do not understand English can receive benefits. None of my grandparents understood English and guess what –I do and so does all in my family and we achieved that without any government assistance or having to press 2 if you want to hear the message in another language.

We allowed the government to implement policies which have driven the national debt to nearly 17 trillion dollars and in reality it is over 100 trillion when you count unfunded obligations.

We have allowed government to implement policies which has resulted in unemployment being the highest ever in an period we call recovery. The unemployment rate is so high because we have allowed government to implement laws that tax growth and implement programs that make it easy for people to not move to a place where jobs are needed.

We allow the food stamp program to more than double in four years all the while there are towns crying for help because they cannot find people who will work. Many of the 47 million people on food stamps and the countless million on the government dole have the ability to work but why would they?

Bottom Line

We have allowed our government to evolve to where we do not trust those in government unless you are receiving benefits that are the primary reason unfunded programs account for over 100 million in debt. If you are in that group I feel you are delusional as to the sustainability of such programs. If you think I am against helping those in need I take you back to my childhood where none of these programs existed and we helped each other. Our country was founded on the principle of the Republic which means the rights rest primarily local and not national.

We have allowed our government to extend the responsibility for defending our country to coercing citizens by threat of confiscation of weapons and surviellence of our every move in the interest of homeland security. This extends to the outrageous search seizure and delay at our airports.

Yes we continue to enjoy many freedoms and I am always so appreciative to return to the US when traveling internationally. However I am embarrassed at the lack of vocal opposition to the truth of what our government stands for which essentially is a socialist society vs. the republic on which this country was founded

God Bless the USA and The World

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit

Success Mastery: Meir Ezra and Robots – Can You Handle The Truth

Without Google or a dictionary define:




I am confident that your definition is not accurate and if you are then you have training that is serving you very well. As a very experienced person in business, when faced with challenge of defining these and many other commonly used words in business I could only kinda of explain them and not really define them.

awe-inspiringFinalWelcome to the world of learning how to grow a business, how to achieve your ideal scene. Be prepared for an amazing experience. The only way to describe one of his events is – well I cannot. I will tell you this – you will leave in better mental and physical shape then when you arrived.

Why Did I Use Robots In the Title?

We have become a society of robots. What does that mean? It means “do do do ” and not “think do expand” I have been traveling with Meir and expanding. Meir is in over 20 cities in the next 3 months or so. I will be there with him and his growing team. We will be sharing amazing success stories, lessons and more. You will experience the energy of Meir Ezra – he will teach, entertain and surprise you. He will also challenge your thinking.

Here is the link.(Click Here Now). Don’t share it!!!

Of course you could and that would be wonderful. Here is why I suggest not sharing it:

When you visit the site and register for any event (it doesn’t matter which city and it doesn’t matter if you know you cannot attend) you will receive your link. When you receive your link you are a partner. So let’s say you live in Minneapolis and have friends in Houston. Encourage the to go to the Houston event and when you do with your link you begin to receive amazing Partner benefits.

Meir teaches the principle of FSM as part of Division 6 for rapid growth. With that I will let you discover this and many other tools at an event with Meir or maybe I will share with you in a future report. For now, follow the steps in this report and let’s expand together.

Steve Pohlit, International Business  Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

For Your Success

Meir Ezra, Success Mastery – Grab One of The Three Remaining Tickets

Steve Pohlit with Meir Ezra
Steve Pohlit with Meir Ezra

My good friend Roger and Meir Ezra’s business partner emailed me today with the message there are three seats left for Meir’s event in Tampa April 9th and 10th.

The Top 3 Benefits For You by Attending

1. Meir Ezra has built 24 companies in 26 countries and one of them he grew within three years to generate $100,000,000 in revenue. He will teach proven strategies to build your company into a Perfect Business Model

2. Roger, Meir’s partner, is a very well-connected and influential leader. As an example he has over 23 million people in his personal LinkedIn network. He personally knows many super achievers from billionaires to Olympic gold medalists to personal and business thought-leading transformational experts. You will be networking with an amazing group of progressive people at this event.

3. This is listed third and that does not diminish the importance of the additional principles you will learn. In fact, this may be the most valuable part of the entire event. During this event you will Learn how to overcome your limitations and experience more joy, happiness and freedom. I do not have the words that express to you how much I have advanced since learning form Meir.

Register now for this is the two-day seminar. Click here now. But Wait! don’t go empty handed – take this special Promo code with you “MEIRAPR14” so that you can attend as my special guest.

To your success and transformation,

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Success Mastery: 2012- My Best Year Since 2007 and Why

Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.

Success Mastery

I am a very experienced international real estate investment and business turnaround coach. My success rate is 100% with those people who follow my coaching instructions. This means they take action, they do the homework. In addition to coaching I have my own real estate investment firm and an on line continuity business.

2012 was a very good year for me. My business results were greater than any year since 2007. What was different? I began working with people who coach me. One of my coaches has 9 coaches and I personally know four of them and work with two of the four. Two of the four are coaching me. I pay very close attention to those achieving great success and do what they do.

In addition to working with coaches, I have a very targeted personal and professional self-development program consisting of books, mp3’s, daily inspirational literature and more. You may recall one of more recent articles titled “Success Is An Inside Job”

Energy is required to do all this. My energy is not drained by my profession. I really enjoy most everything I do. In addition, I have exercise regularly, eat mostly organic foods and use the most valuable nutritional supplements that I know of.

My purpose in sharing this with you is for you to know that in our challenging economic and political climate there are a lot of people achieving and exceeding their goals. Most of the people I know are being coached. Do you see the common denominator here?

My highest recommendation is that you begin now to work with a coach. Am I the best coach for you? I don’t know that until I know more about you. Once I do I can determine if we are a good match. If not, I will recommend one or more other great coaches for you to consider.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Success Mastery – Daily Top 5


Those I coach know the three foundation tools I use to help students achieve their ever expanding goals. These are

1 Vision Board
2.Accelerated Accountability Worksheet
3.Financial Plan

2 and 3 are in my classic, time proven Gold Formula format.

Recently I remembered that in 2010 I was emphasizing the use of the Daily Top 5. While this seemed to fade away when I began using the Accelerated Accountability Worksheet which is a weekly time management system I realized the Daily Top 5 should be elevated as part of my own work and I am again coaching students on using this as well.

Now I have a small journal that I can easily carry with me and each day – usually first thing in the morning I am writing my Top 5 – the 5 most important things I want to accomplish that day. Of course these tie to my Vision Board and other tools. However there is one key difference. My Top 5 includes health, self development and relationship goals and often my three foundation tools are mostly business development focused. Having said that I am adjusting the vision board and accelerated accountability worksheet to reflect my health and relationship priorities. Increasingly I am linking all of this to a bigger picture life mission statement which I am still in the process of clarifying.

I am taking the guidance of Les Brown that I heard in a recent interview with him where he talked alot about being able to do more to serve and leave a stronger legacy when he is gone. Now here is a guy who already has made a huge difference in the lives of many. If he is thinking about doing more, I think that is sage advice. I am following it and hope you do as well.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.

Michael Port On Thinking Big

michael port books
My thoughts on THINKING BIG:

1. When you’re fully self-expressed, fully demonstrating your values and your views, you’ll naturally attract and draw to yourself those you’re best suited to work with, and you’ll push away those you’re not meant to work with.

2. Know this — nothing great, nothing transformative, nothing that ever shaped the common good and inspired others has ever happened except by thinking big.

3. Stand for something (or others will stand on you).

4. Thinking big means transcending our small thoughts. I’m m not smart enough; I can ’ t risk my secure job on some flimflam dream; my parents [spouse, children, friends] won ’ t approve; people will think I’m crazy; nobody will like me anymore; I don’t have the time; I don’t have the energy; I can’t make a difference, I’m only one person; I don’t . .. ; I can’t . . .

5. Inspiring others to think big is perhaps the single most impor tant act of any one individual thinking big.

6. You are more than you know and can do more with less than you think.

7. Thinking big is not about one person thinking big alone on the secluded island of their dreams. It is about one person thinking big and showing family and friends and colleagues and others how to think big, and on it goes.

8. Any revolution, global, local, or personal, is about being fully self – expressed in the face of all the forces that conspire to pacify your drive, your hunger to be the most you can be.

9. A revolution is about one person at a time experiencing their own personal empowerment against an existing, deficient (small thinking) system. The deficient system may be something as big as a whole political system, or more local, like the system of a family, job, or relationship structure. It may just be the way you think about yourself and your capabilities.

10. We pledge to fight consciously every day against the small thoughts that threaten to derail our plans, our aspirations, and our dreams.

11. Think: “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?”

12. It is never too late to abandon our prejudices, to rethink, to think deeply again, again, and again about the world and what is right.

13. The truth is that big thinking is always, always [always, always, always] worth the expenditure of energy.

14. The only reward of small thinking will be paid in the common currency of all small thinking — unaccomplished dreams.

15. Small thoughts fear the future. Big thoughts are the future.

16. The condition for intellectual capital is big thoughts. The condition for spiritual capital is love. The future of big thinking rests exclusively on the combination of both.

17. We cannot (must not) wait for other people to tell us that we’re worthwhile.

18. Our core is that part of us that can never be destroyed no matter what is done to us. We can be beaten and tortured, tormented by others. We can lose everything we own. We can lose the love of our life. But there is a part inside of each of us that cannot be taken away. It is our core and it is rich and abundant.

19. To think big is to know there is no absolute knowing, except the knowledge that big things are possible.

20. Get comfortable with discomfort (if the shoe pinches, it fits).

21. There’s no right first step and no last step. To begin to think big is organic. Once you start it will grow like the seashell, your thoughts expanding ever upward and outward.

* You can find more of these in my book, The Think Big Manifesto.

Thank you Michael – Think Big is the foundation theme of all my coaching. Michael’s work add more power for me and my students.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.



1) Warren bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2) He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3) He still lives in the same small 3 bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

4) He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.

5) He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world’s largest private jet company.

6) His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.

7) Warren Buffet has given his CEO’s only two rules.

Rule number 1: Do not lose any of your share holder’s money.

Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

8) He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.

9) Bill Gates, the world’s richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

10) Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

11) His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.

12) He has donated $31 billion (85% of his fortune) to charity.


Presented by:

Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Contact Steve and discover how his energetic and proven systems will help you exceed your goals.

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Success Lessons From Harold Hamm – Founder of Continental Resources

Harold Hamm

Harold’s story appeared in the December 12, 2012 issue of Forbes Life. For those who may not be familiar with Continental Resources, they have the largest position in Bakken field and he says they will double their oil output again over the next five years. (It is worth your time to look up Bakken field in your favorite search engine.)

There are several very important points in Harold’s story:

1. He learned as a teenager that if we follow our passion in life we will do well.

2. Harold wrote a thesis in high school about petroleum and discovered he wanted to become an explorationist. This became a dream he strove to come true.

3. In pursuing his dream he sought out mentors to teach him.”I became obsessed learning from them day and night.” He names his mentors in the article because he says “they were willing to show a hungry young man about the industry and teach him what they spent years learning.

4.” No matter what, you’ve got to follow your passion in life and always keep on learning”

This is a very good article and I recommend reading the complete version in Forbes Life.  I have a Forbes app and can get this on line in addition to the print version that I subscribe to.

This reinforces the main theme of the blueprint I am preparing to publish as we enter the new year of 2013. This article is intended to be timeless just as the main points coming from Harold Hamm are timeless.

Thank you Harold and Forbes Life.

Are you thinking you would be well served having a mentor? a coach? My contact information follows.


Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Wayne Allyn Root Speaks On How To Be Successful In Today’s Economic and Business Climate

Wayne Allyn Root
I started working with Wayne about 18 months ago as the host of a monthly call for those who have subscribed to this program.

During this time I am honored to say we have developed a friendship that has continued to grow. I am grateful for what I have learned. As an example I have revamped my own “positive addictions” program based on his inspiration. I have expanded my awareness of US and global economic conditions and the impact of outrageously stupid governmental policies on people domestically and internationally. I have advanced my own expertise in the area of business success and especially marketing. And there are times when I share an experience that helps Wayne…demonstrating even the best minds and leaders are always open to learning.

For more on Wayne visit and

Wayne Speaks On Success In Today’s Economy

1. We need tremendous energy and focus to flourish in a difficult economy and we are in one. How do you develop this energy? Positive Addictions! While I am not able to detail here his positive addictions program I have published a very important article Getting Unstuck In addition I have started a website dedicated to the energy that Wayne is talking about and more. That site is Health Rewards Now

2. Once we know how to fuel the mindset and physical energy required to be relentless in our mission we need to have the daily discipline to fuel our momentum

3. We all need a mentor and coach and since I am a coach if you feel this is self serving so be it. I have a several key mentors and coaches. Wayne is a key mentor of mine.

4. Wayne said each one of his businesses is down significantly from several years ago. What does he do about it? He is passionate about not losing a customer or client and he is equally as passionate about doing more to grow. He was recently appointed as CEO of a a public nutritional company and added that responsibility to his already full agenda. One thing about Wayne …he is passionate about everything he does and always says yes to an opportunity that is synergistic.

5. That is what I can share for now. Well there is one more thing—Romney will win and Wayne has all the reasons why. Like his Facebook page and you will understand. I am very happy that Wayne is so certain and as he says…”if I am wrong God help America”.

Steve Pohlit, International Business
Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Click Here and Discover If Coaching or Consulting  Is The Right Answer For You 

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

I Don’t Want A Second Term For Obama.. Here Are Just Some of The Reasons:

It must stop. The insanity, the LIES, the extreme domination OBUMA is bent on. When you see the plans that have just been uncovered for his second term in office, you’ll be blown away.It is the likes of NOTHING we have ever seen here in America.

America’s Fraud President has risen to the level of extreme—extreme socialist, extreme cunning and control and ultimate domination. What is all of this leading to? The EXTREME DESTRUCTION of America.

The land of the free and the home of the brave—the country we so love—now being brought to her knees.

We must FIRE HIM NOW Patriots. There’s no time to spare.

The elections are coming soon and if he is reelected, the darkest days will be yet to come.

Behind the scenes Liberal Progressive groups have been working overtime, crafting Obama’s second-term all-out annihilation plan. Do NOT kid yourself: these organizations are powerful—and their plans will obliterate America as we know it.

Here’s what we learned this week…

In a new book just released, “Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed,” New York Times best-selling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliot spill the raw details of Obama’s evil master plan.

Mind you, this book is based on exhaustive research into Obama’s upcoming presidential plans and policies, as well as second-term recommendations of major progressive groups behind Obama and the Democratic leadership.

These are the very organizations given free rein to craft legislation and set the political and rhetorical agenda for the president and his allies— and they have more power than you can imagine.

If you thought the first four years were bad, wait until you read what Klein and Elliot have uncovered: extensive plans created by Obama’s own top advisors and progressive strategists that build government power at the expense of American citizens.

This is not for the fainthearted—
it’ll disgust and enrage you!
Even as it brings you to the boiling point, take those powerful, raw emotions and use them wisely. After you read this and puke, send it to one friend or 100 friends. We must band together toTAKE OBAMA OUT in the coming election . Only then can we stop this madness.

We must get the word out not only about the unending frauds—from the forged birth certificate to his tightly sealed records—but also about America’s Fraud President’s disgusting second term plan.

We need your help because we cannot do it alone. Spread the word far and wide with as much urgency as you can. People must know about all of this.

Then donate now to help us continue making massive numbers of calls around the nation, alerting your friends, neighbors, coworkers and others about the Obamatrocities that have taken place—and those about to incur.

With your help we can boost our efforts to the highest levels.

Oust Obama - Donate now

Get ready for government-controlled businesses, banks and yes, MORE failed BAILOUTS!
If you thought the auto industry bailout was bad here’s the next failure on tap.

It’s not pretty and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Despite Obama taking credit for the bailout and “rise” of the auto industry, we all know he lies. All the unions were paid off and all the shareholders got…screwed. Yet the King touts it as if he were the savior.

Here’s the thing:

Now Obama is saying he wants to repeat that “success” in every manufacturing industry.

Do you know what will happen if the government continues to stick its grubby hands in the private sector? That’s right: the destruction of America. No more capitalism and free enterprise. It will be DESTROYED, obliterated, wiped out.

Can you believe he actually wants to give even MORE money to the green industry—despite wasting billions in taxpayer dollars to fund now BANKRUPT solar companies?

Can you say Solyndra? Remember, Obama donors had ties to those companies.

Corruption and cronyism running rampant at whose expense? OURS!

Fool Me Twice details recommendations for more government funds to be doled out to manufacturing industries and specifically, the “green industry.”

Yep, you heard right. Adding fuel to the already out-of-control fire, a report by the de facto policy nerve center for the White House—the Center of American Progress—recommends a federal “green bank” that would loan funds or grant them to co-called clean energy companies.

Okay so we have a government that is spending OUT OF CONTROL and they want to create a “green bank.”

Oh, it gets worse. Here’s the plan:

“…the proposed Energy Independence Trust would hold sufficient reserves to protect the Treasury for loan losses, and would be able to offer a variety of debt-and equity-based financial instruments, loan guarantees and tax incentives to draw a wave of private capital into the clean energy sector.”— Excerpt from “Fool Me Twice”

OH REALLY? The government who can’t run ANYTHING successfully wants to create a “green bank.” Remember what has happened to all the other government run or funded programs: BIG, FAT FAILURE!

To top it all off, the report calls for the Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Transportation to join forces—of all things to fund a slush fund!!!!

Calling it the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, its main job would be to “improve access to affordable housing, increase transportation options and lower transportation costs while protecting the environment.”

Sure, guess who will be the first to BANKRUPT the slush fund? Obama and his political minions.

Every single government-run program in history has been a DISASTER. Name ONE that is successful or hasn’t been run or isn’t currently being run into the ground by government mismanagement.

Government track record: 100% FAILURE RATE


    • Welfare: FAIL
    • Social Security: BROKE = FAIL
    • Medicare and Medicaid: BROKE = FAIL
    • US Postal Service: BROKE = FAIL
    • Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac: BROKE = CATASTROPHIC FAIL
      (Contributed to the worst economic collapse in 80 years!!!)
    • Stimulus Plan: EPIC FAIL
    • Cash for Clunkers: EPIC FAIL
    • ObamaCare: CATASTROPHIC FAIL; BROKE before it even starts
    • Redistribution of wealth: MONUMENTAL EPIC FAIL
      Need I say more?

Are you ready for this? Obama to give sweeping powers to incompetent government agencies that will decide how much money you can make.

“Economic Fairness” is rearing its ugly head again. As Klein and Elliot put it in “Fool Me Twice,” this is just more of raunchy rhetoric from Obama that comes straight from the Marxist concept of “economic justice.”

Bottomline: you can kiss your salary based on performance, skill and worth goodbye.

Under Obama’s second term plan, the government would gain sweeping powers that would require employers to pay you according to some pie-in-the-sky fake calculation of a job’s “value”—oh no, not what the private marketing is willing to pay for your skills but what the GOVERNMENT values your job at.

Talk about sending shivers down your spine.

Get this. Other government agencies would allow bum bureaucrats to decide which jobs are underpaid and would require that employers raise wages. What’s wrong with this? EVERYTHING.

So you’re out there working hard to earn a good living and some lazy blowhard who only wants handouts is going to get a raise because the government has decided he or she is underpaid—and should be getting paid what you’re being paid. NEVERMIND the lazy asses who don’t want to work.

YEP, there goes another government “gimme” at our expense. Another equal distribution of everything you make and work for.

Then there’s the LIVING WAGE. Barack ‘bad economy’ Obama would raise the minimum wage for all employees across the country. The “Living Wage” is a pet project of ACORN. Enough said?

Just to ensure you see the big picture, it has been tried in more than 80 U.S. cities and has had DISASTEROUS EFFECTS many times over.

We must FIRE HIM NOW before he inflicts such monumental damage that can never recover.

He is bent on abandoning and betraying the working class AND small business to institute his welfare class—a society that is more dependent on government and government handouts. What does that accomplish? A government that holds the power over the people.

Oh there’s plenty more where all this came from that’s part of Obama’s second term ASSAULT ON AMERICA.
Let me enlighten you.

According to Fool Me Twice, among the ASSAULT ON AMERICA Obama plans to carry out in his second term:


    • Stealth plans that grant amnesty to even MORE illegals—all done through executive orders and agency directives. What else? When Obama can’t get what he wants through Congress he just goes around them—no regard for the laws of our land.
    • New restrictions on apprehending illegals who will be part of what they will call the “vulnerable population.” Vulnerable defined as anyone who provides support to minor children, parents or other dependants and those who have medical or mental health needs. Yep, pretty much ALL illegals.
    • It would no longer be legal to apprehend undocumented persons on the premises or in the vicinity of more than 20 public places – and don’t dare try to apprehend the pregnant or disabled illegals. Insanity!!!
    • Caps would be removed on highly restricted visas—someone thinks the US isn’t giving out enough green cards. Talk about balls!
    • Registration of illegals would be snatched from Congress and placed with an agency in the executive branch. Can you say communist state?
    • Register the new illegals as voters. Of course, and next thing you know O’Fraud would be changing terms limits for the president of the United States—with all the “new Americans” behind him.
    • Government-funded, neighborhood-based programs to integrate the newly amnestied immigrants into society, including education centers and health care centers. Mmmm hmmm, and who’se going to pay for THAT? We are.
    • A 21st century version of FDR’s Works Progress Administration program within the Department of Labor that would oversee a massive new bureaucracy and millions of new federal jobs.Great, MORE government, just what we need—NOT.
    • Swiping control of the military budget from Congress by placing an ”independent panel” in charge of military spending—while slashing our defense budget to jaw dropping levels. Talk about feeling stripped naked with no protection!
  • Enacting single-payer health care legislation controlled by…the federal government. The same federal government who has never run a successful program in its history. God help us all.


We must get America’s Liar-in-Chief out NOW. He is a threat, a danger and a menace to America. 

He is committing nothing less than heresy to the Constitution and the people of the United States!!!

Do you agree?


Does he make your skin crawl?

Do you feel like you’re going to explode every time you hear another lie spewing from his mouth?

Do you just want to stand up and slap him across the face for the disgrace he brings to our country?

Can you even stomach the thought of ANOTHER FOUR YEARS that will be nothing less that sinister socialism, evil dictatorship and extreme control over American citizens lives?

Okay, then you must ACT NOW. Time is running out and you must step up and do your part. Get ready to do battle with the enemy. None of this “yeah I’ll do it later” do it NOW! Elections are less than 12 weeks away.

A personal message for you from Dr. Jerome Corsi  MoBILIZE!  Do it now because… </p>

Washington D.C. –The Tea Party no longer has the luxury of simply trying to win, it is now “do or die” for America. The struggle is between a socialist agenda and the survival of the Free-Enterprise Republic. Decide now to join us in our fight…or be doomed to live in a country that is shackled and socialized. There is no middle ground.

To be perfectly clear, if the Tea Party falters now…if we lay back or slack off then America will be gone forever.

Dr. Corsi video
Watch the shocking video as Dr. Corsi broadcasts from Washington, D.C.

American citizens have witnessed firsthand the destructive power of Obama’s socialist agenda and seen, with their own eyes, the destruction that Sal Alinsky tactics have brought.

Dr. Corsi has travelled to Washington, D.C. to meet with powerful people on behalf of the Tea Party and 1776 Nation. In a moment of time he puts pours his heart out to the Tea Party, imploring them to put Romney/Ryan in the White House and FIRE OBAMA and his minions.

Dr. Corsi created this video just for you!


Dr. Jerome Corsi, PhD. Tells The Tea Party: “MOBILIZE!”


Dr. Corsi 

Dr. Jerome Corsi is a Harvard PhD and author of over 37 books, including 5 New York Times bestsellers. Dr. Corsi authored “Unfit for Command”—the #1 NY Times bestseller—that exposed John Kerry as a fake war hero in 2004, denying John Kerry his bid for the White House. Dr. Corsi wrote the outstanding “ObamaNation,” the book which defines Obama’s background and raises serious questions about the president’s citizenship. 

Furthermore, because of new revelations, Dr. Corsi is adding to his bestselling book “ObamaNation” new and previously undisclosed information which no doubt, will send shockwaves of fear through the liberal regime and shake America to the bone! 

“Tea Party, it is time to mobilize in great numbers and restore our beloved nation to its glory”

We cannot afford another four years of America’s Fraud President, OBUMA.

Get off the couch and get going. We need you now more than ever. Donate now to help fund our efforts to fire his sorry ass before he can deal us the most catastrophic blow of all: turning America the free into America the shackled, led by an evil dictator.

We already have complete lawlessness running rampant through the O’Socialist administration. Now we learn (not like we are surprised mind you) that…

America’s Commander-in-Thief’s secret reelection strategy is to ABUSE his power and commit widespread voter FRAUD
Yep, you read that right. Besides bribing his core constituencies he is hell-bent on encouraging, enabling and spurring on with every means possible to rampantly abuse America’s election system.

You are already seeing some of this take place in his attacks against Mitt Romney—commercials FILLED with nothing but FLAT OUT LIES. It’s outrageous!

How can this be—that he would pull off something so huge?

According to the Whistleblower, which has done an in-depth report on this issue, Obama and his corrupt administration are already at it. They…

– Consistently suppress, disqualify and mishandle votes cast by our own military men and women—those deployed overseas protecting our country.

Do you know: in the November 2010 mid-term election, less than 5 percent of military voters were able to cast an absentee vote that counted, according to data released by the federal Election Assistance Commission? Well sure, because they tend to vote Republican and NOT in Obama’s favor.

Our own military men and women ROBBED of their vote.

What’s more as part of the ROB THE VOTE plan:


    • 2 million DEAD people are included in U.S. voter rolls
    • Washington is viciously fighting Florida’s attempt to clean up and purge voter records of illegals, deceased, non-citizens and those not eligible to vote
    • Lax controls at voter polls
    • A national campaign soliciting foreigners to register to vote
    • New schemes to stuff ballot boxes nationwide being secretly planned
    • Communist and Muslim nations being asked to assess US American voter-ID laws: There’s only one response to this: WTF?
    • Strong opposition to the use of photo ID at voter polls by the Washington Gestapo.
      Ok, yeah, you have to show ID to cash a check, buy beer, get on an airplane, get into a Michelle Obama book signing and even to get a welfare check…but not to vote. What’s wrong with this picture?
      Are you feeling shock and disbelief, shaking your head thinking “No way, Obama wouldn’t do that…would he?” You damn well better believe it.
      Remember, this is America’s most notorious criminal who has gone to great lengths to conceal his true identity and birth place. He had his birth certificate altered and presented a FORGERY to the American public.
      Now, here is the thing and you need to hear this loud and clear:
      We’re making inroads but we need to keep the momentum of the ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ campaign going strong—getting the word out about Obama’s fraud persona, his lies, deceptions and absolutely despicable plans for his second term.
      Don’t count on the media. They are useless for reporting anything that paints Obama in a bad light—they simply won’t tell the truth.

The Lame Stream Media protects their love child

In recent days, the Obama Regime has attacked the:


    • Tea Party
    • Mitt Romney
    • Paul Ryan
    • U.S. Constitution
    • Conservative form of government
    • America’s system of checks and balances (no more Congressional approval needed for presidential appointees)
  • Freedom, guns and the American way.

But the truth of the matter is clear, open and concise.

While Obama strains to accuse Romney of horrible and despicable acts, the people of the Tea Party know better!

We also know that O’Liar and his sheep will stop at nothing to smear conservatives and those with good Christian values—just to win the election. They have no souls, no conscience.

We are less than 12 weeks from Election Day and there is absolutely no time to waste. Nor do we have time for panty wastes so get going. We can’t do this alone, we have to do it together at the grassroots level.

We are doing it—as evidenced in the Tea Party victories across the nation—Ted Cruz of Texas being the latest victory.

But…we need you to donate now to keep our efforts on turbo-charge.

We’ve had to really ratchet up our efforts the closer we get so anything you can do—a donation large or small will help!

Donate $23 and you help us reach 100 households. $230 reaches 1,000!!!! Whatever you can give will fuel our efforts to get the word out to FIRE OBAMA! Fire him before he takes down America.

It takes an army to get this stuff out…coordinate the campaign efforts, create the messages, distribute the messages and reach the people. People who deserve to know that Obama is evil incarnate.

We will NOT put up and shut up nor will we let those who tend to be apathetic.

Look how far your dollars can go when you donate to our campaign to SEND HIM TO THE UNEMPLOYEMENT LINE!:

How many households will you help at .23 cents each?

100 Households – 23.00

250 Households – 57.50

500 Households – 115.00

1,000 Households – 230.00

2,000 Households – 460.00

4,000 Households – 920.00

10,000 Households – 2,300.00

Many Households – DONATE

Oust Obama - Donate now

Don’t say you weren’t warned:
The REIGN OF TERROR is upon us
Lucifer Incarnate—the fraud, the cheat, the deceiver, the liar and murderer of innocent babies who sits in the Oval Office—will create a Reign of Terror so horrific we will never recover … unless you act NOW.

Under his Reign of Terror there has been nothing less than oppression, suppression and depression and now he plans even MORE government control by deciding how much money you can make, for starters.

Under his pathetic “leadership” if you can even call it that, the country has disintegrated. Think about it:


    • 26 million are underemployed
    • 47 million Americans are living in poverty—that’s 1 in 7
    • Federal debt and deficit are the highest since World War II
    • Long-term unemployment is the highest since the 1930s
    • Home ownership is the lowest since 1965
    • Government dependency is at the highest level EVER in American history
      What’s the best way to control the people of a nation? Force them into submission. Force them into EXTREME dependence on the government.
      We can’t trust a word O’Liar says nor what he does. Think of the scam he’s been pulling off:


yet he said he was going to create jobs.
yet he promised unemployment would drop to 5.6% by the end of his term.

yet he said he was an American-born citizen.

yet he promised he wouldn’t raise taxes.

yet he proudly proclaimed “the private sector is doing just fine.”

yet he had the balls to say if you have your own business, you didn’t build it. (And he’s continuing to lie right to your face in his new commercials saying “I didn’t say that.” OH YES YOU DID O’SCUMO!!!)


Together we CAN stop him!
NO MORE… say “HELL NO” to 4 more!
If you feel this way then
Oust Obama - Donate now
Who is this evil force…satan in a suit?

He is one who conceals more than he reveals.

The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something </p>
<p>to hide. --President Barack Obama
Where was he born? Who’s his daddy? What is his real name? Did he actually graduate from any school? What’s he hiding that he spent $3 MILLION to conceal? It has to be HUGE when the veil of secrecy is torn away—and it WILL be.

It’s time to get super nasty—nastier and more vengeful than we have ever been. 

The gloves are off. We won’t stop until we’ve ripped him to shreds and he cowers off to wherever he really came from. We won’t stop until more conservative, Constitution-loving Christians take back control of Washington.

The momentum has already started and we are now in the middle of a ferocious campaign to FIRE AMERICA’S FRAUD PRESIDENT—TAKE HIM OUT. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

If we don’t rid ourselves of this monster now, he’ll take from the mouths of your family and give it to illegals who don’t want a job, only a handout.

Most recently Obama declared welfare recipients don’t even have to prove they are looking for a job.


As Obama disembowels our Free-Enterprise Republic, his liberal lunatics cheer him on. They drank the Kool-Aid and apparently did the drugs. Clearly they’re STILL doing them.

But YOU have the POWER to make things happen. Donate now to keep the campaign to blow America’s Fraud President out of office going strong.

We depend on you and need you. Our country needs you. If you’re going to sit back and say “my vote doesn’t count, I can’t do anything by myself” then kiss off. That kind of slacker crap attitude is a vote for Obama.

If you’re going to sit there and say “Well, I don’t like the other candidate so I’m not going to vote” then you’re casting a vote for Obama and the total destruction of America.

Remember what he has done thus far:


    • Shoving ObamaCare—the plan NO ONE wanted, down our throats
    • Slapping Americans with the biggest tax in the history of our country
    • Applauding the advances of the Muslim Brotherhood
    • Demanding government-paid abortions and blowing away religious freedom
    • Forbidding domestic oil production
    • Approving drones to fly over America
    • Defunding NASA
    • Waging war on Libya without a cause
    • Demanding the U.N. take out guns
    • Taking on the second amendment, threatening again, our right to bear arms
    • Running up the largest deficit in the history of America
    • Giving BILLIONS to solar companies that have since gone bankrupt
    • Refusing to visit Israel, throwing the Jews under the bus
    • Giving illegals a free ride on the backs of hardworking Americans
    • Appointing 45 “czars” into office (hello, this is America B.O., not a communist country!!!)
    • Putting the enforcement of ObamaCare in the hands of…the IRS
    • Sucking at the trough, taking 19 vacations in 3 years on our tax dollars
    • Spending tens of billions in taxpayer dollars and breaking legally binding contracts to give his union buddies a big, fat payoff
    • Stimulating NOTHING with his stimulus plans except the wallets of big wigs on Wall Street—and his own narcissistic ego
    • 8% unemployment for 40 straight months
    • $4 billion in new debt EVERY DAY
    • Spending, spending, spending while lying and telling Americans we need to cut spending. Need I say more?
      Are you with us? Can we count you in to stand with us and FIGHT for this election to take America back?!
      Patriots, it’s time to get ready and FIRE America’s Fraud President. Let’s roll.

Oust Obama - Donate now

PS: You need to help us spread the message far and wide, like never before. The American people need to know before they go to the polls, what the true face of evil has done and plans to do:


    • ObamaCare kills people with end of life benefit denial
    • ObamaCare reduces medication for patients deemed terminal
    • Obama has used multiple Social Security numbers and not paid taxes on them
    • Obama’s liberal progressive agenda shuts down coal plants, refuses to allow domestic oil drilling
    • Obama fights the Bush tax cuts and ObamaTax raises taxes
    • Obama has endorsed Eric Holder’s “Gun Walking – Fast and Furious” which killed Border Patrol Agents, loving mothers and fathers, innocent grandparents and children in Mexico and the U.S.
    • Orders the police to allow hooligan Occupy mobs to break laws
    • Now he claims double-digit lead over Romney
      Of all the insulting, vile and contemptuous things is to create is a lynch-mob of voters to hang an innocent man! DISGUSTING! And this, my fellow Patriots, is what is leading America right now. You must stand up to Obama’s lies and anti-Constitutional leadership. Say to Obama and his regime:

Oust Obama - Donate now


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Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Speaking Topic At The Trump Winery: Accelerated Success System

Steve Pohlit Speakes at The Trump Winery

The key to accelerated success is for the major pillars of your life to be in hapmony. First you must be doing what you love, your relationships and networks need to be positive, all of us must have a synergistic health plan…see Health Rewards Now … then we are in a position to strategically execute an action plan for building extraordinary incomve and wealth…as defined by you.

That is the substance of my 5 hour presentation which is condensed from an entire weekend seminar. The entire content and more is in my new book Building Business Profits Fast. Check out the video.



More Photos:

Tump Helicopter at Trump Winery
Trump Winery

An Incredible Experience:

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


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PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.

Strategic Execution

Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach

Today the Wall Street Journal reported and interview with Nokia’s former chief designer Frank Nuovo. Frank discusses how Nokia’s research and development team had prototypes of the smartphone and tablet with many of the popular features developed and marketed by Apple years later. The difference is that Nokia never brought the products to market and Apple did. Frank goes on to say that Nokia’s corporate culture was great in supporting research and development but lacked the culture of execution. Nokia just didn’t execute. Now the earnings for Nokia have plummeted and the company is playing catch up to survive.

Strong Profit performance results from Strategic Execution














Strategic Executionmeans being relentless taking action on the Top 20%. My friend George Ross (Donald Trump’s Executive Vice President) is passionate about 20% of all we do delivers 80% of our results. The Top 20% make up the A List. I have found this to be absolutely true in my own ventures and with the business owners I coach regardless of the business niche. Identifying the Top 20% is not difficult. However, the key to success is execution or taking action to implement the Top 20%.  A related action is the continual review of the A List to confirm all items are still an A.  Accountability for executing the A List is the primary value of having a coach. In the book Execution by Larry Bossidy, several  most successful CEO’s in the world unanimously state their success is due in part to having a coach.  What is holding you back?

Steve Pohlit

International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach

Connect With Steve On:


Linked in


PS :  I am very happy to share with you the link where you can get your copy of   “The Remarkable  Results of The Enthusiasm Factor In Business and Entrepreneurship”     instantly for FREE.  Click Here and get yours now.


Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit  All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.