Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author
One of the major lessons for me this year has been the realization of how many words I assume I and others know and clearly do not. One important example is the word success. What does it mean?
The word success is defined many ways. Some say it is a large bank account. Others say success is freedom to do what they want when they want. I have received no less than twenty different definitions when I have asked this question of audiences when I speak.
Before I continue I would like to reach an agreement with you which is: nothing I write is true unless it is true for you. I learned this agreement from my friend Meir Ezra and I love this agreement and use it now more frequently when I write and coach.
If you are in agreement with me on truth, then I offer you this definition of success:
Success is the experiencing of your ever expanding potential and helping others do the same.
Think about that and I will expand upon that in a future article. In the meantime please click here and register now even if you cannot attend as there are many benefits for you.
For Your Success,
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Watch one in the morning, watch one when you are feeling less than confident, watch one before a big presentation, meeting or just when you would love to feel good.
The power of a partner to help you achieve your goal. In this video, the partner is a former opponent.
This very compelling video demonstrating the commitment to do the work required to achieve a goal. The related messages include: you don’t need the latest technology. Bonus love offers a powerful.
This is the fight that Rocky was training for.
Comment on what is your favorite inspirational video and I may include it here. If I do you will get the credit and the world will thank you.
My good friend Roger and Meir Ezra’s business partner emailed me today with the message there are three seats left for Meir’s event in Tampa April 9th and 10th.
The Top 3 Benefits For You by Attending
1. Meir Ezra has built 24 companies in 26 countries and one of them he grew within three years to generate $100,000,000 in revenue. He will teach proven strategies to build your company into a Perfect Business Model
2. Roger, Meir’s partner, is a very well-connected and influential leader. As an example he has over 23 million people in his personal LinkedIn network. He personally knows many super achievers from billionaires to Olympic gold medalists to personal and business thought-leading transformational experts. You will be networking with an amazing group of progressive people at this event.
3. This is listed third and that does not diminish the importance of the additional principles you will learn. In fact, this may be the most valuable part of the entire event. During this event you will Learn how to overcome your limitations and experience more joy, happiness and freedom. I do not have the words that express to you how much I have advanced since learning form Meir.
Register now for this is the two-day seminar. Click here now. But Wait! don’t go empty handed – take this special Promo code with you “MEIRAPR14” so that you can attend as my special guest.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Just because a person who is worth more than $8 billion dollars speaks doesn’t mean we should listen. However in this case we should pay very close attention because Donald built his wealth by adding incredible value to properties and businesses. He applies the same logic to the US and he makes perfect sense.
This video is about 15 minutes and worth every minute of your time
Thank you so much Donald for stepping up and speaking up.
Wayne’s latest book, Click Here “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon” is available at for pre-sale.
Look at What Steve Forbes Says About Wayne
“At a time of suffocating political correctness and damaging crackpot economic theories, particularly at the Federal Reserve, Wayne Allyn Root comes out with both guns blazing! He “gets it” on preserving freedom and enhancing the opportunity to better oneself and to get ahead.”
–Steve Forbes, Chairman
Forbes Inc.
See CPAC front page (below). Wayne Allyn Root has officially accepted his invitation to speak at CPAC in Washington DC on March 15th- with over 10,000 conservatives attending. Wayne will be joining 2012 Presidential nominee Mitt Romney, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and 2016 Presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov Bobby Jindal as speakers. Quite a honor!
How Jimmy Carter Ruined America Twice Click Here for this shocking article
Watch This
Wayne’s latest book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom” is available at for pre-sale. Click Here
Authentic Disclosure
Wayne Allyn Root is my friend. That happened because when I first heard him speak I was in total alignment with what he was saying and I still am. I have hosted more than 18 hours of interviews with Wayne and when he told me about his book I said I would promote it and I am. I am doing this for a friend who I believe in. There is no commission or any other financial incentive for me to do this. I have not yet learned the art of negotiations as taught by my friend George Ross – just kidding. Promoting Wayne’s book is congruent with the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. I am proud and honored to know my friend Wayne Allyn Root
Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.
I am a very experienced international real estate investment and business turnaround coach. My success rate is 100% with those people who follow my coaching instructions. This means they take action, they do the homework. In addition to coaching I have my own real estate investment firm and an on line continuity business.
2012 was a very good year for me. My business results were greater than any year since 2007. What was different? I began working with people who coach me. One of my coaches has 9 coaches and I personally know four of them and work with two of the four. Two of the four are coaching me. I pay very close attention to those achieving great success and do what they do.
In addition to working with coaches, I have a very targeted personal and professional self-development program consisting of books, mp3’s, daily inspirational literature and more. You may recall one of more recent articles titled “Success Is An Inside Job”
Energy is required to do all this. My energy is not drained by my profession. I really enjoy most everything I do. In addition, I have exercise regularly, eat mostly organic foods and use the most valuable nutritional supplements that I know of.
My purpose in sharing this with you is for you to know that in our challenging economic and political climate there are a lot of people achieving and exceeding their goals. Most of the people I know are being coached. Do you see the common denominator here?
My highest recommendation is that you begin now to work with a coach. Am I the best coach for you? I don’t know that until I know more about you. Once I do I can determine if we are a good match. If not, I will recommend one or more other great coaches for you to consider.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Those I coach know the three foundation tools I use to help students achieve their ever expanding goals. These are
1 Vision Board
2.Accelerated Accountability Worksheet
3.Financial Plan
2 and 3 are in my classic, time proven Gold Formula format.
Recently I remembered that in 2010 I was emphasizing the use of the Daily Top 5. While this seemed to fade away when I began using the Accelerated Accountability Worksheet which is a weekly time management system I realized the Daily Top 5 should be elevated as part of my own work and I am again coaching students on using this as well.
Now I have a small journal that I can easily carry with me and each day – usually first thing in the morning I am writing my Top 5 – the 5 most important things I want to accomplish that day. Of course these tie to my Vision Board and other tools. However there is one key difference. My Top 5 includes health, self development and relationship goals and often my three foundation tools are mostly business development focused. Having said that I am adjusting the vision board and accelerated accountability worksheet to reflect my health and relationship priorities. Increasingly I am linking all of this to a bigger picture life mission statement which I am still in the process of clarifying.
I am taking the guidance of Les Brown that I heard in a recent interview with him where he talked alot about being able to do more to serve and leave a stronger legacy when he is gone. Now here is a guy who already has made a huge difference in the lives of many. If he is thinking about doing more, I think that is sage advice. I am following it and hope you do as well.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
1. When you’re fully self-expressed, fully demonstrating your values and your views, you’ll naturally attract and draw to yourself those you’re best suited to work with, and you’ll push away those you’re not meant to work with.
2. Know this — nothing great, nothing transformative, nothing that ever shaped the common good and inspired others has ever happened except by thinking big.
3. Stand for something (or others will stand on you).
4. Thinking big means transcending our small thoughts. I’m m not smart enough; I can ’ t risk my secure job on some flimflam dream; my parents [spouse, children, friends] won ’ t approve; people will think I’m crazy; nobody will like me anymore; I don’t have the time; I don’t have the energy; I can’t make a difference, I’m only one person; I don’t . .. ; I can’t . . .
5. Inspiring others to think big is perhaps the single most impor tant act of any one individual thinking big.
6. You are more than you know and can do more with less than you think.
7. Thinking big is not about one person thinking big alone on the secluded island of their dreams. It is about one person thinking big and showing family and friends and colleagues and others how to think big, and on it goes.
8. Any revolution, global, local, or personal, is about being fully self – expressed in the face of all the forces that conspire to pacify your drive, your hunger to be the most you can be.
9. A revolution is about one person at a time experiencing their own personal empowerment against an existing, deficient (small thinking) system. The deficient system may be something as big as a whole political system, or more local, like the system of a family, job, or relationship structure. It may just be the way you think about yourself and your capabilities.
10. We pledge to fight consciously every day against the small thoughts that threaten to derail our plans, our aspirations, and our dreams.
11. Think: “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?”
12. It is never too late to abandon our prejudices, to rethink, to think deeply again, again, and again about the world and what is right.
13. The truth is that big thinking is always, always [always, always, always] worth the expenditure of energy.
14. The only reward of small thinking will be paid in the common currency of all small thinking — unaccomplished dreams.
15. Small thoughts fear the future. Big thoughts are the future.
16. The condition for intellectual capital is big thoughts. The condition for spiritual capital is love. The future of big thinking rests exclusively on the combination of both.
17. We cannot (must not) wait for other people to tell us that we’re worthwhile.
18. Our core is that part of us that can never be destroyed no matter what is done to us. We can be beaten and tortured, tormented by others. We can lose everything we own. We can lose the love of our life. But there is a part inside of each of us that cannot be taken away. It is our core and it is rich and abundant.
19. To think big is to know there is no absolute knowing, except the knowledge that big things are possible.
20. Get comfortable with discomfort (if the shoe pinches, it fits).
21. There’s no right first step and no last step. To begin to think big is organic. Once you start it will grow like the seashell, your thoughts expanding ever upward and outward.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.
Success Mastery Fear
Kaizen is the Japanese term meaning continuous incremental improvements. As applies to the goal of Success Mastery, Kaizen means improving every aspect of ourselves continuously. Author Robin Sharma writes in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrrari that those who experience deep happiness daily are prepared to defer short-term pleasure for the sake of long term fulfillment. They attack their weaknesses and fears head -on even if that means dipping into the zone of the unknown brings with it a measure of discomfort. By resolving to improve every aspect of themselves continuously, with time things that were once difficult become easy. Fears that once prevented them from all the happiness, health and prosperity they deserved, fall to the wayside.
Are you holding back from making the calls, having the meetings, attending the events, getting the coaching that will make a huge difference in your life. Are you spending the time doing the work that I and others offer for free in blogs like this one and my Manifest Mastermind program? Are you spending time with successful people who are moving forward with prosperity and demonstrating happiness with who they are and what they do.?
If not why not? If not when?
Register Now so you receive an email alert whenever a new Success Mastery idea is published.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.
Success Mastery Fear
Make a list of everything that is holding you back including what you are afraid of. Take action to address each one head on and dismiss them one at a time. Procrastination is a result of being in fear. For example you may want to start a business, expand your company or seek a promotion. Deep fears about how to proceed, what other people think or fear of not having the money for the resources you feel you need are all very real fears people face each day. Beat those fears down and find you energy and happiness levels sky rocket. I spend more time myself and with coaching students on this topic than anything else.
Register Now so you receive an email alert whenever a new Success Mastery idea is published.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach