Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author
I have been blessed by all those who have taught me through example, personal guidance, in books, lectures and more. In celebration of me being here I want to raise the bar on what I am offering that will help you. Here is my offer 1. For today only all who register at will receive a free copy of my book Building Business Profits in PDF form The hard copy is selling on Amazon for $14.97 Tomorrow morning all who have registered will receive the PDF version at no charge. The bonuses alone are worth more than $1,000. You must register today or at least before tomorrow when I send out the book. After that the deal is off the table.
2. I am repeating my complimentary coaching offer only now I am increasing the time – I am doubling it to almost an hour. If you are interested you still must prepare and schedule. Here is the link to begin: Click Here This double my time offer comes off the table on November 12th. This one session is likely to make a huge difference in your results in 2014.
Please comment if you like this.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Yes my dear Facebook friend’s name is Play Buffet and this is her picture. I know gorgeous! From her postings on FB I can tell she is also a very bright woman. Here is an example:
She asks the question on my Facebook wall Are there any habits my millionaire buddies might recommend adding to this list?
My Commitment To Play Buffet: I will answer and I will do so with an article – this one and why? Because this requires thought in support of a one sentence headline which I think is what she is looking for. I really like this lady so I am giving my answer a lot of thought.
My Answer
I considered:
Follow the processes and you cannot fail! True however there is a lot to that one and outside the scope of what Play is looking for.
Success is an inside job! True but again a larger topic.
Drum Roll…..
My Answer :Apply the formula to what the data is telling you and you will succeed beyond your most amazing dreams and desires.
You may find this example unusual. I have a client who a month ago was making no money – $0. This week he made $439.00. Now the reason I am using this client as an example is because he potential is millions per week. He will get there I already see the outcome and know how to get him there. However it cannot happen until he takes the first steps and makes the first dollar which he has.
In this example it is simple – the data is there is no revenue so we apply the non-existence formula because his business is not existent. So what is that formula. Easy first establish communication with your prospective customer. There is a lot more to this but you can see without any communication line there is no business.
In the article The 9 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs all of the stories have great advice. None of them really demonstrate they get it it although it is possible they do. So when there are huge successes with a new idea people point to all sorts of reasons. The reality is the market wants their idea. Look at an idea like Blackberry or Sony or Woolworth or I can go on. All once high fliers. They ignored the data. They did.
Thank you Play Buffet for offering me the opportunity to share with you and your followers my views. I am always available to discuss these in greater detail with you.
What people post on line is a reflection of what they think. The volume of posts on Syria is huge. The following are what I see without looking actually. What that means is I am not searching for Syria stories and points of view. What is amazing is that I see no posts from Americans in favor of aggressive action toward Syria except from the Obama team. It is time our elected officials listen to those who elected them. If they know something that we don’t the time is now to disclose it.
The precise way to expand your business and life – you will be amazed to discover if you follow the processes you cannot fail.
Exchange In Abundance and many other principles that likely you do not know and are essential for your prosperity in your work and in your life.
What Is Exchange In Abundance?
You will learn at The Genius Tour there are four kinds of exchange. Exchange in Abundance is one of them and is the most important. Exchange In Abundance is behind all success. It simply means doing more than what is expected. For example, in business when someone buys your offer you give them more than what they paid for.
Where Are The Events and How Do We Deliver Exchange In Abundance?
First – How The Genius Tour Delivers Exchange In Abundance
1. Valuable content for two days – no pitch fest.
2. You are paid the entry fee of $99 for every person you bring. Bring one registered person and the payment to you for this person covers your cost of registration. Use this as a money maker by bringing more people.
3. You become an instant partner in the business model of Guaranteed Prosperity which is the parent for The Genius Tour. This is significant and I will explain in more detail when we meet at an upcoming event.
The Genius Tour with Meir Ezra is unlike any other event or seminar you have ever attended because it will expand your knowledge in way that you have likely never experienced.
Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
Meir Ezra Div4 Exec Including:
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach
Of The Ones You Read, List Three Lessons That You Remember and Are Using From Each
It is not about how much you have read, it is about the quality of your reading and how you remember and use what you have read.
Here Is The List from Success Magazine – A great list by the way. My answers to the questions below.
1. As A Man Thinketh, James Allen
2. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
3. Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, Napoleon Hill
4. How To win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnege
5. The Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
6. Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
7. Learned Optimism: How To Change Your Mind and Your Life, Martin Seligman
My Answers
I own the first 5 in print and now Kindle
I have read or scanned the first 3 in the last 6 months
I can tell you a great deal about the first 4 and how I use key lessons in my life and business. I speak regularly at The Genius Tour events and incorporate these lesson in my presentations and work with coaching and consulting clients. Please call me and let’s discuss the coaching program that is right for your business. 727-587-7871.
I just purchased 6 and 7. In 2-4 weeks I will be fluently talking about and acting on the major lessons of all 7. Now your turn. I look forward to your comments.
BTW there are many great resources and this is just one source. It is a great start and if you only studied these books and followed the guidance in my book Building Business Profits Fast, I am sure you will being doing just fine.
May Your Success Exceed All Your Most Amazing Expectations
Success is the experiencing of your ever expanding potential and helping others do the same.
Think about that and I will expand upon that in a future article. In the meantime, please click here and register now Even if you cannot join us at one of the cities, there are many benefits for you.
For Your Success,
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Author of: Building Business Profits Fast
International Business Turnaround and Development Consulting
Real Estate Investment Consulting
Executive Coach
My good friend Roger and Meir Ezra’s business partner emailed me today with the message there are three seats left for Meir’s event in Tampa April 9th and 10th.
The Top 3 Benefits For You by Attending
1. Meir Ezra has built 24 companies in 26 countries and one of them he grew within three years to generate $100,000,000 in revenue. He will teach proven strategies to build your company into a Perfect Business Model
2. Roger, Meir’s partner, is a very well-connected and influential leader. As an example he has over 23 million people in his personal LinkedIn network. He personally knows many super achievers from billionaires to Olympic gold medalists to personal and business thought-leading transformational experts. You will be networking with an amazing group of progressive people at this event.
3. This is listed third and that does not diminish the importance of the additional principles you will learn. In fact, this may be the most valuable part of the entire event. During this event you will Learn how to overcome your limitations and experience more joy, happiness and freedom. I do not have the words that express to you how much I have advanced since learning form Meir.
Register now for this is the two-day seminar. Click here now. But Wait! don’t go empty handed – take this special Promo code with you “MEIRAPR14” so that you can attend as my special guest.
Wayne’s latest book, Click Here “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon” is available at for pre-sale.
Look at What Steve Forbes Says About Wayne
“At a time of suffocating political correctness and damaging crackpot economic theories, particularly at the Federal Reserve, Wayne Allyn Root comes out with both guns blazing! He “gets it” on preserving freedom and enhancing the opportunity to better oneself and to get ahead.”
–Steve Forbes, Chairman
Forbes Inc.
See CPAC front page (below). Wayne Allyn Root has officially accepted his invitation to speak at CPAC in Washington DC on March 15th- with over 10,000 conservatives attending. Wayne will be joining 2012 Presidential nominee Mitt Romney, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, and 2016 Presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Louisiana Gov Bobby Jindal as speakers. Quite a honor!
How Jimmy Carter Ruined America Twice Click Here for this shocking article
Watch This
Wayne’s latest book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom” is available at for pre-sale. Click Here
Authentic Disclosure
Wayne Allyn Root is my friend. That happened because when I first heard him speak I was in total alignment with what he was saying and I still am. I have hosted more than 18 hours of interviews with Wayne and when he told me about his book I said I would promote it and I am. I am doing this for a friend who I believe in. There is no commission or any other financial incentive for me to do this. I have not yet learned the art of negotiations as taught by my friend George Ross – just kidding. Promoting Wayne’s book is congruent with the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. I am proud and honored to know my friend Wayne Allyn Root
Sharing the best ideas for achieving success in all areas of your life.
I am a very experienced international real estate investment and business turnaround coach. My success rate is 100% with those people who follow my coaching instructions. This means they take action, they do the homework. In addition to coaching I have my own real estate investment firm and an on line continuity business.
2012 was a very good year for me. My business results were greater than any year since 2007. What was different? I began working with people who coach me. One of my coaches has 9 coaches and I personally know four of them and work with two of the four. Two of the four are coaching me. I pay very close attention to those achieving great success and do what they do.
In addition to working with coaches, I have a very targeted personal and professional self-development program consisting of books, mp3’s, daily inspirational literature and more. You may recall one of more recent articles titled “Success Is An Inside Job”
Energy is required to do all this. My energy is not drained by my profession. I really enjoy most everything I do. In addition, I have exercise regularly, eat mostly organic foods and use the most valuable nutritional supplements that I know of.
My purpose in sharing this with you is for you to know that in our challenging economic and political climate there are a lot of people achieving and exceeding their goals. Most of the people I know are being coached. Do you see the common denominator here?
My highest recommendation is that you begin now to work with a coach. Am I the best coach for you? I don’t know that until I know more about you. Once I do I can determine if we are a good match. If not, I will recommend one or more other great coaches for you to consider.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Beginning now I am sharing guidance that I find to be most valuable. Enjoy, share, comment:
Success Mastery January 9, 2013: Working On Yourself – Build a strong character full of discipline, energy, power and optimism. You can have anything your want. You can do anything you want. Develop a deep sense of faith in your abilities and an indomitable spirit -nothing can stop you. (From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma)
Success Mastery: January 2, 2013 Self Mastery Is The DNA of Life Mastery (From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma)
Register Now so you receive an email alert whenever a new Success Mastery idea is published.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
1) Warren bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2) He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3) He still lives in the same small 3 bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
4) He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.
5) He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world’s largest private jet company.
6) His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.
7) Warren Buffet has given his CEO’s only two rules.
Rule number 1: Do not lose any of your share holder’s money.
Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
8) He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.
9) Bill Gates, the world’s richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffet.
10) Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.
11) His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.
12) He has donated $31 billion (85% of his fortune) to charity.
Presented by:
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
How Do You Love Your Life So That All Negative Is Filtered Out?
Should We Expect To Be Able To Filter Out All Negative Information and Situations?
Can We Live A Life of Blissful Happiness and Peace?
How are you doing with answering these questions?
These are the questions I have been asking myself for quite some time especially during those periods of time when I have experienced major life events that most would classify (including me) as very challenging.
This is the short version of the answers to the above questions. The long version is an entire Guidance Process that will be published in the next week or month for those who become members of Manifest Mastermind. The trial membership is only a buck and yes all those who subscribe will get the deep version of this article. Yes that is a promotion and I encourage you to promote yourself and your business. I love what I do. I am passionate about what I do. I will retire when my heart stops beating.
The Blueprint
1.Your purpose: actually I never gave this much thought until the past year. Then I became aware of the question: “what is your purpose?” I know what that is. Do you? It is important to know the answer to that question. Why is it important? Because the only way I know to achieve sustainable happiness is to be doing what you love.
2. Clarify your value system which means how you see yourself in your chosen line of work, with your personal and professional relationships, your physical, emotional and spiritual state. These visions must be defined in writing.
3. A clearly defined vision of your legacy – what will be most satisfying to you between now and the time you take your final breath. We do not wish for anyone to have regrets on what they did not do during our time here. For example maybe you are in a line of work that is stable but deep inside you want to be a teacher or be part of a charitable organization. If you don’t do this you will have regrets. This point on vision ties into the first point and the next one.
4. Develop daily habits that serve to fuel achieving the mastery of your purpose, value system and legacy. Tony Robbins calls it the Power Hour. Robin Sharma calls it the Holy Hour. Both look at this differently but the outcome desired is the same. This hour is when you read, make your daily goals – I like the idea of using a pocket journal for recording your Daily Top 5. That idea is from Robin Sharma. I wrote an article title : Getting Unstuck” which will give you some ideas on how to get started with this most important hour of your day.
5. Schedule your week in advance focusing on the Top 20% of the actions that are going to make the most difference in your life’s legacy.
Are you intrigued as to how to implement this blueprint? I am coaching all my clients on the expanded version of this “happiness blueprint”. Do you want to talk about coaching and consulting with this blueprint as the foundation of your success story? See the contact information that follows:
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
“Success Is An Inside Job” – I coach on this point and it is the core of every presentation I give to audiences in the US and Canada. There are three tools that are the foundation for my business ventures and for everyone I coach regardless of their industry specialization. These industries include: real estate investment, retail, mlm, wholesale, construction, professional services and more.
2 and 3 are in my classic Gold Formula format which is Plan-Actual = Variance.
There are additional tools that are used as I work forward with clients and help them stay on the path of achieving success in the three pillars of their life: health, relationships and money. However, we always start with the Three Foundation Tools.
Deliberately Create Your Success
Branding is one of the sections of the Vision Board. In this section we develop a very clear definition of the business model. Using the AAW we focus on those actions that will result in the transactions that will achieve the Financial Plan Targets. All of this is linked to the picture of what the student is intending to experience. In the following video Abraham through Ester Hicks explains the Universal Law of creating the outcome in your vision which then drives you to the actions that will get you the results you are intending. Notice the emphasis on the sequence – thought then action. This is very important.
Do What You Love
If you are passionate about what you do, you are very likely to achieve the success you desire. The primary reason is The Law of Opposites. All of us have varying degrees of opposite experiences. An easy to understand example is our knowing the difference between hot and cold. If we didn’t know cold there could be no hot. The same is true for those life and business experiences we categorize as exciting and positive. We know what that feels like because we know the opposite. When life delivers the hits we will get back up if we love what we do.
Here is one great example of a person completely focused …. “by day I tell all my friends my dream is to spend my life doing what I feel I was born to do…”
Continue To Develop Your Skills and Confidence Without Any Comparisons or Attention To What Others Think
Of course I am not suggesting ignoring the guidance and wisdom of others. As a coach I have a major responsibility to guide people and no the difference between what I see as absolutely working and that which may be opinion based. To conclude this blueprint, I share with you what may be the most inspirational video ever. No one thought this person ever could get up and do what she did. Think about her presence and how seemingly opposite it is from her unshakable confidence. What did she say when asked why she was not yet a star? “I have not been given the chance before!” …and the rest is history.
Concluding Advice
Pay close attention to the blueprint here and apply the principles to the three pillars of your life: health, relationships and money—-now go out and create your wildest dreams.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is managing partner of a successful real estate investment firm, the founder of Manifest Mastermind and an expert international business and real estate investment coach focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.