Managing Partner Time To Be Great, LLC Global Independent Distributor Healy, Vollara, Xelliss, BEMER Business and Real Estate Coach, Consultant Professional Speaker, Author
Steve Pohlit, International Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach I love the messages Clint delivers. It is amazing how powerful actually few words peppered with really funny humor can be so effective. I hope the nation pays attention and I encourage all to vote this November…Mr. Obama it is time “You’re Fired”!!
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Business Turnaround and Real Estate Investment Coach
Several people I coach are working business models that have more than a normal risk of not being successful. That is not typical of all the people I work with. My responsibility is to guide all on the successful performance of the business selected as measured by an increasing rate of revenue and profits. When I am skeptical, I advise people to have a back-up plan.
This week I was asked directly “Steve what do you do?” I described my core businesses with the main one being my business turnaround and real estate investment coaching business. I also discussed what I have gained from being part of the network marketing industry and especially the marketing and networking lessons I have learned.
There are many great people in the network marketing industry. One who particularly stands out is Eric Worre. He is always giving back with his persistent release of videos and more that teach people the principles of successful professional network marketing. It doesn’t matter if you have an interest in network marketing or not. You will be well served to register at Eric’s site Network Marketing Pro. Click Here after you watch these vidoes
“Debt Free – The New Status Symbol and Eric Worre’s Advice On How To Get There….Great Stuff!!
Eric’s primary business is Send Out Cards. The best way I know to help you see why this is a marvelous opportunity is to share the following”
Sending gratitude is one of the pillars of prosperity. The Law of Attraction teaches us what we send out we attract. What happens when I send gratitude is I fell really good. That feel good energy is going out to the Universe …yes to you too! I signed the commitment to the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and I have already started…I recently read one person is on day 473. I know why.
In this report you will read Wayne Allyn Root’s own personal story on how the enthusiasm factor made all the difference in his career and still does today in one of the worst economies our country and many others in the world have ever experienced. And there is more…..Wayne shares the success stories of sports legends, a country hero and more. Wayne does not hold back. He shares the key to The Enthusiasm Factor….Don’t Delay Click and Get Yours Now.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
Sending gratitude is one of the pillars of prosperity. The Law of Attraction teaches us what we send out we attract. What happens when I send gratitude is I fell really good. That feel good energy is going out to the Universe …yes to you too! I signed the commitment to the 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and I have already started…I recently read one person is on day 473. I know why.
In this report you will read Wayne Allyn Root’s own personal story on how the enthusiasm factor made all the difference in his career and still does today in one of the worst economies our country and many others in the world have ever experienced. And there is more…..Wayne shares the success stories of sports legends, a country hero and more. Wayne does not hold back. He shares the key to The Enthusiasm Factor….Don’t Delay Click and Get Yours Now.
Steve Pohlit is a CPA,MBA and has been the CFO of several major domestic and international companies. Today Steve is an expert business consultant focused on helping companies improve their business performance including growing profits, revenues and customers. For a FREE 6 week mini course where you will receive 10 easy to implement action steps guaranteed to increase business revenue and profits by at least 30% in the next 90 days, please visit All articles published by Steve unless specifically restricted may be freely published with this resource information.
If you have a website, blog or both you are
going to love these videos showing you basic
html and cpanel instructions.
Personally I have a fair amount of experience
with web sites, blogs, hosting and even have
done a number of training videos on Cpanel.
But this package which is only $4.95 is one I
couldn’t resist and I have already picked up a
number of valuable tips.
HTML Simplified for Beginners and Cpanel
You’ll get a total of 36 videos that will SHOW
you step-by-step what to do and how to do it!
Major events offer an opportunity to capture traffic searching on the keywords for the event. Caution: there needs to be credible link to the event or you could develop negative goodwill with the campaign.
In this example the business is Manifest Mastermind which teaches the principles of focused intent, imaging results, using a mastermind group and in general all the principles of The Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction’s popularity increased significantly with the release of the movie The Secret and the book by the same name.
In this example, we were testing the idea of drawing the parallels to President Obama’s successful campaign and inauguration. We knew the inauguration would be a very popular search term. We choose YouTube video as the network for a short video clip. Our goal was to measure our opt ins during the two day test. The two days included the day of the inauguration and the day before.
Our results exceeded our expectations with opt in rates more than double our projections for the test period.
Manifest Mastermind is using video throughout the sales cycle and I highly recommend your business adopt this business building technique.
You are invited to experience Manifest Mastermind’s free course 7 Steps To Manifesting Your Dreams. Click Here
Sharing with all my readers the energy of peace, happiness and abundance
This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit
PS. My doors are open for new clients and referrals are well compensated.
Please comment below if you find this information valuable.
Business marketing to customers, to prospective customers and to other businesses. The online marketing venues are excellent. However, f you are targeting companies, remember those company owners and managers are not online reading your marketing articles and marketing messages by email. Unless, of course, they know and respect you.
Understanding this I stepped up my idea to test a “door opening” offer. I high value added offer that most companies can afford. In developing a “door opening” offer for my consulting practice I discovered an excellent source of business contact information for my campaign. My campaign objectives are:
1. To mail a letter that will motivate a business owner to call me for an appointment. The letter is just being mailed and I will report on my actual results vs target in a later post.
2. The “door opener” I am promoting is described in reasonable detail at This link will not be in the initial control letter.
3. Since my goal is a physical appointment, I am targeting companies within a three mile area of my office. I thought there was maybe 200 or so in the revenue range I was specifying.
4. I heard the contact information was in the public records. After searching for quite some time, I lost patience and went to a suggested lead source.
5. I was amazed to find the contact information, sorted as I specified, was readily available and surprisingly affordable.
Watch this video for how I found and proceeded to create the database of contacts for my initial campaign.
There are several reasons why I am providing this detail for interested viewers:
1. I welcome referrals for all my consulting services including this program which is described at This is part of the marketing of my consulting practice.
2. I do what I teach. This is a blog, there is a video in this blog post and I am syndicating this article on the social networking sites as well as several article syndication sites. This article which is also a blog post will be sent to my subscriber list. All of these techniques I teach business clients. I am now moving to a “do it for you” offer since many of the recommended tactics with Internet tools are not being implemented by traditional businesses.
3. It is important to note that while I am marketing business consulting services, under that umbrella is a huge list of services including: email marketing, direct mail campaigns, website design, SEO, blog development and management, video marketing, Internet marketing campaigns, social media marketing, business modeling, cost management, systems evaluation, refinancing, mergers and acquisitions, organizational development and more. Yes there is more but they all come under one business goal…Optimize Profit. I am an expert at optimizing business profit and the more people trust those words the better business will be – their business and mine.
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, peace and abundance
This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit
PS. My doors are open for new clients and referrals are well compensated.
Please see the content below this video for each of the links mentioned.
The report mentioned in this video was published on Steve Reports on 9-15-08 here is the link: The article shows how video took my site to number one on Google. This video now shows how the report published on my blog is in the top ranking on Google. The key to that ranking are the keywords in the title and in how I have permalink set in the WordPress settings.
This is an example of what you learn when you join my Facebook Groups teaching video, blogging and building business profits. Those groups are:
Remember I have a do it for you package that is awesome. It will save you a ton of time. As an example, I am experienced in setting up each of the features and it will take me nearly 10 hours to set this up for you. So this is a great value.
Do It For You Package ..Read Carefully…The Fine Print Contains A Gold Mine!!!
My highest recommendation is a four pronged attack designed to generate immediate results for you business. These are:
Contact Information Capture and Email Marketing
Video Marketing
Blog Marketing
Integration of Video and Blog With Your Web Site Foundation…SEO on steroids.
The following is how we will work together for immediate results for your business:
Hosting One Year
Full Cpanel Access Your Log-In and Password
Your Domain Hosted on My Server
Setup a Website Template on Your Domain
Wordpress Blog Set-Up In A Subdomain
10-15 Plugins Loaded
Up To Three Graphical Blog Templates Loaded That You Pick
Your Own Email Autoresponder Account With Three Getting Started Messages
Three 4-8 Minute Videos Optimized for Video Syndication and Integrated With Your Website and Blog. This feature alone is worth more than the price of this package.
Up To 10 hours of consultation focused on guiding you to making more money with your business starting now. The value of this feature exceeds the price of this package. If you don’t agree after we work together, I will refund all your money and the products we developed plus the hosting is still yours.
Is this a great deal? Well it could be worth many millions. You tell me. What is your business and what is your idea?
Pricing: 2000.00 If you prefer a payment plan, $1,200 to start and $1,200 upon completion.
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, peace and abundance
This report may be freely distributed without restrictions with the original content including this resource box remaining unchanged. Author: Steve Pohlit, Business Consulting Services, Executive Coaching, please visit
Several months ago a gentleman living in Naples, Fl. called me and asked me to look at Dubli Auction Network, a business about to enter the US. I was not real interested in this pitch. However, there was something that suggested I take a closer look.
In retrospect I know what caught my attention. The credibility of the caller and his partner Denise was the reason. More on that later. Here is what happened and the results to date:
1. I looked at the business that started in Europe and quickly realized it applealed to the auction market, which is huge, and to the casino market, also huge.
2. I felt the reverse auction offered by Dubli Auctions presented a unique marketing proposition.
3. Based on the evaluation of the first two points I concluded Dubli Auction Network was worth some of my time.
The Lessson In This Story Is The Surprising Development of the Search Engine Position for Dubli Auction Network on Google.
My first test was to do a very simple web site to make sure I understood the opportunity for the consumer and the business opportunity associated with Dubli. None of the typical SEO techniques were used. Minimal thought to keywords and descriptions. The site is still very much like the original design and can be seen at I was successful in having the primary keyword Dubli in the domain. My idea for the domain was Dubli Auction Network or DubliAN and so it was.
At this point nothing unusual. I was simply using my Dubli Auction Network site as a reference point in my discussions with my friends Alfred and Denise in Naples. Then while developing I thought it would be a great idea to add a video to my Dubli Auction Network site and I did that.
Denise called two days later and asked me if I was aware of my site being on the first page of Google. I had not. When I looked and called her and said I was in the number one position … a first with other than my own name on Google search. The video had captured the attention of the keyword Dubli Auction
As I write this, my site has two out of the top 4 positions for Dubli Auction. I view this experience as a powerful demonstration of the value of video for SEO. I have more examples but this one should get your engines started. Go to and enter Dubli Aucton in your search . Look at the postioning of
This Is Not About Video!
This Is Not About The Consumer Market for Dubli Auction Network!
This is Not About The Business Opportunity With Dubli Auction Network
This Is About How To Use The Lastest Tools For Helping Your Business. These tools include SEO, YouTube Mastery, Blogging For Profits.. and more all linked to an integrated marketing strategy. Can You Do This Yourself? Absolutely? If you want to accelerate your results with my help call 727-587-7871.
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, peace and abundance
Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long TermI am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871 Remember many of my business building articles can be found at Steve Reportsand my prosperity building tool (best tool ever for helping you manifest your goals and dreams) is The Prosperity Tool Chestand guiding articles posted very often at Prosperity Tip
Recently I planned to co-host a teleconference call where over 2,000 interested people were invited. When events of this type are planned, I usually anticipate a 5-10% reservation rate and then 20-25% of the people reserving their space will actually participate on the call.
Those numbers are not the lesson of this article. Although if you read the numbers carefully they wil help network marketers, direct response marketers and people managing special interest groups off line and on line. This article is about the doors that opened when I failed to understand all of the featurs of the new conferencing call system I was testing and I couldn’t connect the callers. I rescheduled the call.
In a prior life I would have blamed a lot of people but now I look and say what could I have done to prevent this problem? The number one action (and yes I knew this but didn’t do it) was to test the system before announing and promoting the call. I had assumed I understood how it worked from the training that was available and I didn’t. So I accept responsibility for needing to reschedule the call.
First lesson: always test …always.
The conference call system is fairly new and once discovered I really wanted to use it. The features and benefits for a free system were “off the charts.” I was further impressed by an email from the company’s CEO who had learned of my canceled call and wanted to know about the difficulty and what they could do better.
Second Lesson: when a customer even a free customer has an issue, find out what you can do to solve the problem and possibly prevent it from recurring.
In order for me to answer the question for myself and the CEO as to what can be better I needed to make sure I understood how this system worked. Often times when I have a question I will become the teacher since if I can successfully explain it to someone else then I understand it myself. So I developed three videos of enhanced training for this system which is called Callifower. These videos are below.
Third Lesson: You understand an important topic well enough if you can teach it.
Now this is where my business analytical and consulting skills really kick in. I stepped back from this situation and asked, other than my group who else would benefit from this conference calling system and training? Here is a short list:
1. There are groups using conference calling extensively now. They include network marketers, internet marketers launching products to name a few.
2. Companies with employees in remote locations. These can include outside sales people on the road, managers of stores in multiple locations, trucking companies with drivers on the road, employees in mulitiple offices or plant locations. Are you beginning to see the opportunities.
Fourth Lesson: Be open to how technology developed for one group can be applied to non-targeted groups.
This is the advantage of working with a business consultant exposed to a wider range of company practices. However, like companies not all consultants have expertise in marketing tools like blogs, video, social networking, conference calls, syndication, direct response and more.
International Resources and specifically this consultant is very connected to not only the latest tools that are developed but more importantly often has personal experience with what is working. This logic can be applied to company managers who identify a practice that works well and can share that using video, white papers, blogs, press releases, emails, newsletters and seminars with customers and even competitors. Very few discoveries are extremely proprietary and often “speed to market” with information establishes credibility.
What really caught my attention about Calliflower were the features of being able to see who is on line and multiple ways for participants to ask questions and participate. Check out these videos:
Video 1: Calliflower Conference Call Training for Participants:
Video 2 Part A Calliflower Conference Call Training for Conference Hosts:
Video 2 Part A Calliflower Conference Call Training for Conference Hosts:
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, peace and abundance.
Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long TermI am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871 Remember many of my business building articles can be found at Steve Reportsand my prosperity building tool (best tool ever for helping you manifest your goals and dreams) is The Prosperity Tool Chestand guiding articles posted very often at Prosperity Tip
Credentials, Experience, Cultural Fit are the three keys to selecting the right professional for your Temporary CFO or Interim Controller staffing requirements. The purpose of this video is this introduce me, Steve Pohlit and my firm International Resources, to you and your business.
There are really only two primary reasons you may be considering temporary, part time or interim professional assistance. The first you already understand and that is to fill a void in your business. You have an immediate need for assistance and you are evaluating your options for filling that need. The second one you may not have thought about and that is where your company is not of the size or financial strength to support a full time professional with the right experience and skill set.
Credentials, Experience and Fit:
I am a currently licensed CPA and my MBA is from Xavier University. My experience as a CFO and CEO is extensive in numerous industries. My experience also includes ten years with the largest public accounting and consulting firm in the world.
Our goal is to have the right match for your business. This is why it is very important we have a clear understanding of your business and business requirements. We will then match our best professional for the assignment.
We guarantee your satisfaction with the professional assigned to your company. While rare, occasionally there is a mismatch. We will replace anyone who is not meeting your expectations. Of course there are no long term contracts and the service you engage us to perform can be terminated with one week’s notice.
An objective review of this video by almost anyone would say – don’t release it. I can come up with over a hundred reasons why this video should not be released. However, I look at Frank Kern. Have you ever watched any of his videos? Google him and take a look. Inspirational! If this guy can deservedly make 10 ‘s of millions annually with his style, I know I can provide 10 times that value. Love your style and valuable content Frank.
My message to you is this: if you wait until you like your own video, article, website, blog material before you make it public, it will never be public.
I founded YouTube Mastery on Facebook and I did that because video is huge and there is so much compelling evidence of how video is driving traffic to websites and driving up ranking in search engines, you would have to be nuts not to use it. OK and so there are a lot of people who are nuts. Video remains my number one marketing recommendation.
My primary business is coaching executives and restucturing companies for long term improvements in profit performance and asset management. The following video is the first in a series that describes my business consulting practice and as the series develops offers specific guidance as to what you can expect during a consulting engagement as well as valuable tips that will help your business make more money right now.
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, peace and abundance.
Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term I am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871 Remember many of my business building articles can be found at Steve Reports and my prosperity building tool (best tool ever for helping you manifest your goals and dreams) is The Prosperity Tool Chest and guiding articles posted very often at Prosperity Tip
Does 200 million page views a month catch your attention? How about knowing 41% of the members between the ages of 34 and 55 and all groups are divided nearly evenly between male and female? If that isn’t enough to get your attention consider these:
1. Members look for content by areas of interest.
2. All content is video and each video can be described using text that is rich with targeted keywords for your product or service.
Just a Couple More Things
1. The information above is about YouTube.. the 6th highest volume site on the Internet. The demographic data is for the US only and yet YouTube is International. The real number are larger but not quantified.
2. There are more than 150 social media sites on line and growing. Each one is attempting to carve out a niche of the huge general market. Of the 150, approximately one third are video sites. Once a person masters YouTube alll the skills are generally transferable to other niche market video sites.
The Action Plan Tracker
I have a business consulting firm. I teach companies how to build revenues and profits using proven principles and processes. Part of the business consulting work plan is to help the client implement an improved and more effective marketing strategy. Social media is now a required component of my updated business marketing strategy model. The numbers of people joining social media sites and becoming very active are very significant and should not be ignored.
There are a huge number of businesses that do not have websites, use blogs, test on line promotion campaigns, execute effective email campaign which are all very proven and effective marketing tools. Social media sites generally completely ignored by most companies. The exceptions are wisely building brand and loyalty.
Very recently I developed the groups YouTube Mastery on Facebook and MySpace as well as the the site These resources are just being developed and the website is very underdeveloped. However, I have a very clear plan and once I reach that point I take action and sacrifice some perfection. People need to know about these opportunities now and begin using all the Internet tools plus traditional marketing tools in their business now. I currently advise business owners that they need to be devoting nearly 80% of their time on marketing. Part of that 80% includes working with staff and others accountable for marketing. Marketing and developing people are the two most important areas where a business owner needs to spend their time. All other responsibilities should be delegated. What if your are an entrepreneur of one. The point is still the same.
Right Now Action Steps:
1. Join the group YouTube Mastery on Facebook
2. Visit and register at
These two actions will result in you getting up to speed on using social media and social media video to market your business.
Sending all my readers the energy of wellness, happiness and peace.
Steve is the President of International Business Consulting Resources. His firm specializes in guiding companies to rapid increases in revenue and profits with a sustainable growth rate. Don’t miss my FREE Report: How To Make More Money With Your Business Now and Long Term I am building my practice and welcome new client inquiries. Call me for a fee consultation at 727-587-7871 Remember many of my business building articles can be found at Steve Reports and my prosperity building tool (best tool ever for helping you manifest your goals and dreams) is The Prosperity Tool Chest and guiding articles posted very often at Prosperity Tip